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I was Wrongfully Arrested for Murder – Street Boy Opens up in an Interview



Kudos to Benabi discovery for bringing to light, another masterpiece, having to do with Nketiah, a young talented teenager who happened to have been on the streets for a decade plus as a result of avoiding his father’s instruction to return a toy car in his custody.


Truth be told, street life is becoming more of a dungeon, and the earlier calculated steps are put in place to snatch these juveniles out of this “dungeon”, the better.



It’s quite unfortunate that a teenager with so much potentials to impact the world, has to go through the “hard” way of life and thus be exposed to the dangers on the streets.

Before I proceed, I will personally like to give a word of caution to upcoming youth.

“Please be patient and considerate with your parents, what they see ahead can beat your imagination; it’s therefore imperative that as teenagers, we obey our parents and abide by their principles.


Don’t choose the streets over home, for like the saying goes, “there is no place like home”.


Listening to Nketiah foretells that, most of these street boys may be having one talent or an intellect that needs to be harnessed; only, it cannot be harnessed on the streets.



Money to ensure convenient livelihood seem to be the motivating factor pushing these young adults into the streets.

Listening to Elijah Nketiah’s story proves this realization.

If on an average, a street boy is able to make Ghc30.00 a day, then of course they will see the streets as an economic gaining venture.

Trust me, these boys do not really lack on the streets but for the dangers coming with it.


So in order to find lasting solution to this social canker, the dangers should be well highlighted and explained thoroughly to these kids.

It is just like galamsey to say the least; money is not a problem but life is not guaranteed.

Death is lurking silently around these kids.



In the interview, we saw young Nketiah got convicted as a result of a crime he did not commit.

Our judiciary with the help of the police, must apply due diligence in discharging judgement.

Many Innocent souls are wallowing behind bars with no one to help them out.

Nketiah is indeed a strong boy with a positive spirit. It saddens ones heart, to see innocent souls go through such trauma.


Our society seem to be embracing wealth, so the youth are bent on amassing wealth by  “fowl” or crook means in order to stand tall among contemporaries.

These young adults should be advised by advocates in their efforts to curb this social canker.

One of such advice, should be the “honest truth”, that life is a process and of course education and training before labour, is equally part of the process.

To the “street boys” helpers, I think efforts should be made towards taking the boys out of the streets and not to be giving them money for services rendered.


If these drivers, stops issuing money and tokens in return to services rendered, the street will no more be seen as lucrative.

This will turn off their interest.Where are the dance hall artists? The likes of Shatta Wale, Stone Bwoy, Samini, Kelvin Boy and some others need to calm to aid of young master Nketiah, to help him develop this great talent he’s got.

Young Nketiah is fluent and eloquent in the Queen’s language.

Going back to the class room as well, wouldn’t be a bad idea.


Advocacy groups like child rights, social welfare, and other stockholders in this subject matter, needs to rise and join the aggressive fight against streetism.


Author: Elliot Borketey

Okay Ghana





