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Photos: Birthday girl, Yvonne Okoro builds playground for Dzorwulu Special School



IMG_3832A school playground for pupils of the Dzorwulu Special School, which was built through the initiative of actress Yvonne Okoro, has been commissioned by the Deputy Minister of Education, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa. The commissioning, which fell on the day of her birthday, also had in attendance some celebrity friends, and family friends. The actress says she was inspired to build the playground when she saw the deplorable state in which it was two years ago when she spent her birthday with the pupils. The headmistress of the school, Mrs.Veronica Quarshie, was full of gratitude to the actress for building the playground which she says “will be of great benefit to the pupils”. IMG_3835yvonne (1) yvonne (2) yvonne (3) yvonne (4) The Deputy Minister of Education, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, mentioned how “proud he was and congratulate her on her sense of patriotism” calling on other business persons and celebrities to contribute their quota to national development and not leave it solely at the doorstep of government.  ]]>

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