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Photos: Uncle Ebo Whyte inspires Miss Ghana 2013 finalists



mgFor the second time in two editions, celebrated Playwright and motivational/leadership coach Uncle Ebo Whyte has met with contestants of the Miss Ghana pageant. Last Weekend, at the A-Plus Hotel in Accra, Mr Ebo Whyte engaged the 2013 finalists in a thought-provoking session on faith, love and service to mankind. The meeting comes barely a year after a similar exercise was held with last year’s finalists. Touching on three thematic subjects, he implored the finalists to at all times have faith in God, and also in themselves, adding that it is only through that way that they will be able to make the discoveries that will lead them on to greater things. Faith he said is crucial to the complete development of any person, tasking them to make a conscious effort to have faith in everything they do. He spoke extensively on the subject of love, and advised the finalists to show compassion, and tender care towards all manner of persons as that was the only thing they will be remembered for years after they are gone. “Be nice to everybody,” he said. “Years after you are gone, you will be remembered for how you made people feel; the happiness and joy they had when they met you. Love conquers all.” At the heart of his over an hour-long engagement, Ebo Whyte called on the finalists to above all things dedicate their lives to serving, adding that there is reward in diligently serving. “You are lucky to have the platform like this…so look beyond the pageant, whether you win or not and use it to advance a vision dear to your heart. Don’t be self-seeking… life is about caring for the next person.” Thrilled by the wealth of knowledge shared with them, the finalists couldn’t help but applaud Uncle Ebo for taking time off his schedule to meet them. They asked questions bordering on the three areas as well as some, which had to do with their personal challenges. To cap what was a successful session the finalists were invited to the July 7 screening of Uncle Ebo Whyte’s popular drama Unhappy Wives, Confused Husbands, at the Accra International Conference Centre.  ]]>

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