In a recent heartfelt interview on MX24’s “The Plug” show with JKD, renowned Gospel artist KobbySalm opened up about the intense struggles he faces in his...
` Christmas With KobbySalm, an electrifying musical extravaganza held at the prestigious World Trade Center, Accra, unfolded as a resounding success, leaving attendees spellbound with a...
As the festive season approaches, get ready to celebrate and thank God with the enchanting AfroGospel tune, “Never Forget,” by KobbySalm featuring Kofi Karikari. This exceptional...
Ghana’s Urban Gospel sachem, KobbySalm has announced the upcoming release of a new Amapiano banger following a Twitter poll. The talented artist, who is known for...
Ghana’s untouchable Urban Gospel act KobbySalm releases his new track “Rejoice” before the festive season celebration, bringing the heat with a brand new Afro-Amapiano masterpiece. ‘Rejoice’...
The forever dazzling KobbySalm couldn’t have chosen the best time to release visual for “Suicidal” on the “This is US” project than in the Month of...
KobbySalm, Ghana’s favorite award-winning Urban Gospel Artist, releases his new single ‘Twale’ which features Oladotun of Lynxx Entertainment, the trailblazer of his impending EP, ‘This Is...
Fast Rising Gospel Artiste KobbySalm has dropped the official video to “YOUR PRESENCE IS HEAVEN” a single off his debut album “IN THE MIDST OF COMFORT”...
Urban Gospel Artiste KobbySalm has officially released a top notch video for his single “GYE YEN SO” off his debut album ‘In The Midst Of Comfort.’...
Urban Gospel artist KobbySalm has released his first single of the year titled “Aseda”.