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This Week on Twitter: Ghana Qualifies to Qatar 2022, President celebrates His birthday, and Many More



Ghana qualifies for FIFA World Cup 2022

The Ghana Black Stars have made the country proud after eliminating the Nigerian Super Eagles in a one-one draw at the Abiola Stadium on Tuesday. The whole nation was jubilating and in a celebratory mood. The match received a lot of reactions on Twitter featuring the hashtag #NIGGHA  on Tuesday.

The win sealed Ghana’s qualification to the 2022 FIFA World Cup, and has been reported on by both local media and international press like DW Sports who put out a Tweet declaring that “Ghana is back!”. The team has also received congratulatory messages including one in a Tweet from the President Akuffo Addo.

The Black Stars returned home on Wednesday and were received by a cheerful crowd, champagne popping and much fanfare at the Kotoka Airport,  as reported by Pulse Ghana in this Tweet.


President Celebrates His Birthday

Tuesday, March 29, marked the birthday of President Akufo-Addo. In the early hours of the day,  Rebecca Akuffo Addo, First lady of the republic, Tweeted a birthday message to honour the President. Some politicians and media personalities including Sammy Awuku,  Kafui Dey Serwaa Amihere & Nana Aba Anamoah also Tweeted happy birthday wishes to the President.

Black Sherif drops ‘Kwaku The Traveller’ 

3Music Award Winner Black Sherif dropped his latest single titled #KwakuTheTraveller on Thursday. Before the big day, he announced the single’s release date and thanked his fans and followers in a Tweet.


Most fans  on Twitter have had nothing but positive comments in response to the release. One  user said that Black Sherif deserved a Grammy and another hailed him for making waves despite having no features.

In another Tweet from KalyJay, the Social Media Influencer reports that Black Sherif has just made his Billboard charts debut with a song he’s featured on by Darko Vibes.

Kwesi Arthur ‘Son of Jacob’ Album to release in April

#SonofJacob was trending on Friday as Tema based Rapper,  Kwesi Arthur prepares to drop his album titled “Son of Jacob ” in April. Twitter user and Kwesi Arthur fan, kwesi_zitojnr  Tweeted a video of the artist announcing the release of the album.


President delivers State of Nation Address

#SONA2022 was trending on Wednesday as the President was in Parliament to deliver the 2022 State of the Nation Address. The President’s speech highlighting the government’s economic policies sparked a lot of conversation on Twitter.

@Twitter remains your official source for what’s happening! Follow TwitterGhana for relatable and engaging content in Ghana.





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Association of Professional Development Communicators-Ghana to be launched July 5



The first-ever Association of Professional Development Communicators-Ghana (APDC-Ghana) will officially be launched to advocate for policies that will ensure meaningful development in the country.
The event scheduled for July 5, 2024 will be held at the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) Hall in Accra.

The association’s Acting Media Liaison & Communications Officer, Emmanuel Ajarfor Abugri announced via a statement dated June 27, said APDC-Ghana aims to enhance how development issues are communicated to communities and the public through various forms and strategies.
“APDC-Ghana aims to foster collaboration, advocate for development issues, and promote behaviour change through diverse yet effective communication techniques,” he stated.
Some of the association’s key objectives, he noted, include researching and promoting best practices in communication for development, building the capacity of communicators, and advocating for marginalized voices.

“It will also utilise diverse methods through partnerships to address development challenges in sectors like health, education, agriculture and the environment.
“Our mission is to enhance development communication in Ghana, focusing on various sectors and issues confronting our beloved country,” he stressed.
According to him, the new association will also focus on community engagement and cross-cultural communication to drive behavior change for development.
Read a copy of the statement below:
27TH JUNE 2024
The Association of Professional Development Communicators – Ghana (APDC-Ghana) is pleased to announce its official launch on July 5, 2024, 10:00 AM, at the GNAT Hall in Accra.
APDC-Ghana aims to enhance development communication in Ghana, focusing on various sectors and issues confronting our beloved country, including but not limited to health, education, agriculture, environmental conservation, and governance. Our mission is to foster collaboration, advocate for development issues, and promote behavior change through diverse yet effective communication techniques.
Our objectives include:
Researching and promoting effective communication for development.
Building the capacity of development communicators.
Advocating for marginalized voices in development projects.
Fostering community engagement and collaboration.

Promoting behavior change through cross-cultural communication.
Utilizing diverse communication methods for development challenges through partnerships..


We therefore call on our stakeholders to join us in this important initiative. Your support has always been invaluable, and we look forward to your participation.

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Yango and Guinness launch a nationwide ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive’’ Campaign with special focus on road safety in Ghana



Yango and Guinness launch a nationwide ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive’’ Campaign with special focus on road safety in Ghana

An international ride-hailing service Yango, a part of a global tech company Yango Group, has partnered with Guinness Ghana PLC to launch a new safety initiative aimed at preventing drunk driving accidents, promoting safe mobility and ensuring both drivers and passengers are safe at all times. A continuous ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign’’ will include promotional events and activities to encourage responsible drinking habits by passengers and discourage drunk driving by partner drivers. This includes in app notifications, regular training, out of home marketing campaigns and many advertisements. 

The safety forum, which is a first step in the campaign, took place on Wednesday, June 26th 2024 at the Alisa Hotel in Accra and covered topics such as recognizing signs of impairment, strategies for preventing drunk driving, and how to use alternative transportation options such as ride-hailing services like Yango. The training was provided by certified instructors and was available to all Yango partner drivers and passengers free of charge. This was attended by over 150 participants which cut across Yango’s partners, partner drivers, passengers and authorities from many safety organizations across the country.


As part of the ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign’’, Yango and Guinness organized a safety training to raise awareness about the dangers of driving under the influence as well as highlight the many safety features Yango has provided for both partner drivers and passengers.

The ‘’Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign’’ will also include promotional events and activities to encourage responsible drinking habits by passengers and discourage drunk driving by partner drivers. This includes in app notifications, regular training, out of home marketing campaigns and many advertisements. Yango and Guinness are working together to create a safe and welcoming environment for all members of the community


“We are committed to promoting responsible road practices and ensuring the safety of passengers and partner drivers. By partnering with Guinness Ghana PLC , we hope to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving and provide the community with the knowledge and tools they need to make safe and responsible choices. We are excited to contribute our quota in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone in the country. Safety is a fundamental need and plays a key role in our vision to create income generating opportunities for partner drivers while providing affordable and convenient transportation for passengers” said Mr. Ofonime Tom, Country Manager of Yango Ghana.

The Safety Forum also featured a panel discussion which had experts from the health and safety industry to speak on road ethics, crime, safety techniques and measures to ensure the safety and security of both the partner drivers and passengers. The panel consisted of Mr. Eric Komla Kwakuyi, Regional Safety & Security Officer at Yango, Lynessa Darko, Sustainability and Responsibility Manager at Guinness Ghana PLC and Mr. Damoah Emmanuel Nyarkoh, Director of Safety Campaign Ghana.


Lynessa Darko, Sustainability and Responsibility Manager at Guinness Ghana PLC expressed optimism about the campaign and safety training while encouraging more ride-hailing companies to follow the footsteps of Yango in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of their key stakeholders. 

She said ‘’Safeguarding our community is very important in national development. Ensuring that as brands and companies, we play our roles in providing adequate safety education and awareness to help drivers and passengers stay alert on the roads while knowing the dangers of drunk driving is the first step to achieving a safe and sound environment viable for economic growth’’.


The beneficiary partner drivers received certificates of participation to confirm that they have successfully gone through the safety training and are fully aware of the many safety features provided by Yango for partner drivers such as display of passenger ratings, identity photo checks in special cases, display of alert zones and non-penalty configuration for drivers to be able to skip orders to the alert zones, display of passenger profile picture, rating form to evaluate riders and in-app calls to support.


The passengers who attended the training also expressed their gratitude to Yango and Guinness for putting together this initiative and pledged to use the knowledge acquired to ensure their safety and the safety of other road users. Some of the safety features available to passengers include rating form to evaluate trips, display of driver rating, safety center (this houses the share route, ambulance and police, trusted contacts and emergency situation buttons), SOS button, support team which acts promptly, drivers document checks among others..

This move is in line with Yango’s launch of the ‘’Safety Talk Series’’ last month which saw the company visit and educate students, faculty members and the general public at the University of Ghana during their SRC week celebrations. Yango and Guinness are working together to create a safe and welcoming environment for all members of the community.

About Yango: 


Yango is an international tech company that transforms global sourced technologies into everyday services tailored for local communities. With an unwavering commitment to innovation, we reshape and enhance leading cutting-edge technologies from around the world into seamlessly integrated daily services for diverse regions. 

Our mission is to bridge the gap between leading world innovations and local communities, fostering connections and enhancing everyday living experiences.     

Yango operates across 20+ countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Yango’s multilingual super app is available for free on Android and iOS.              

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DJ Liam and ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ star Abigail perform on Joy Prime’s 4KidzParadise



DJ Liam, born Prince Liam Lartey Sackitey, joined forces with Abigail, the reigning second runner-up of the 2024 edition of ‘Britain’s Got Talent,’ for an extended version of Joy Prime’s 4KidzParadise on the Father’s Day edition. Their exciting performances thrilled viewers, leaving a lasting impression. (more…)

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12 Assumptions Slowing Down Your Performance (And How EI Can Come To Your Rescue) II



Dr. Abiola Salami

Today, we are live in Mombasa, Kenya for Dr. Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp 2.0 where leaders are gathered to gain insights for driving transformational leadership with The Magic of Emotional Intelligence. 

Last week, we commenced a conversation on 12 Assumptions slowing down your performance and how emotional intelligence can come to your rescue. We looked at 4 of the 12 assumptions namely – Assumption #1 – More Meetings Are A Sign Of Productivity. Assumption #2 – Aptitude Is More Important Than Attitude. Assumption #3 – Everyone Understands A Brief and Assumption #4 – Training Should Be for Only Top Executives.

This week, we shall be looking at another 4 Assumptions as follows:

Assumption #5 – Underperformance Is Entirely An Employee’s Fault


Without absolving an employee from taking personal responsibility, it must be said that productivity is a function of multiple causalities. Whilst an employee’s talent and work ethic is on one side of the equation, the kind of work environment leaders and team members create is on the other side of the equation. The question is, to what respective degrees are the employee and the organization responsible for a low level of productivity? An audit of key performance indicators, resources available to support those targets and the climate created by both parties determines performance. Organizational awareness is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence where leaders are really committed to (i) discovering the kind of culture persists in the organization and (ii) developing a peak performance culture which demands high level performance from team members while also delivering a high level of service to these team members. 

Assumption #6 – Criticism Is a Sign Of Disloyalty

As much as team members should be aligned in their collective thinking, there should be room for different perspectives. Groupthink is one of the threats to productivity because everyone could be blinded by a seemingly great idea but it takes a divergent view sometimes to unlock super levels of productivity. Thus criticism may come from a place of concern, not that whoever propounded such is a dissent. It’s dangerous when everyone always agree on everything; boardrooms shouldn’t be diverse only in talent, gender and generation but also in thought-process. All feedback cannot be pretty; some can be harsh but it is better a team member calls something out, than for the market to call it out which may come with dire consequences. Conflict management is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence where leaders commit to resolving differences without being vindictive towards those with different viewpoints.

Assumption #7 – Every Employee Has to Work the Same Way


This assumption is founded on the myopic thinking where a leader assumes that every employee should adopt their workstyle. This is not about work ethic; this is about workstyle. Whilst everyone should adhere to organizational guidelines, there should still be room for personal creativity – else monotony will stifle productivity. The most important thing to a leader should be having team members deliver results with adherence to the general codes of conduct and meeting of key performance indicators. Policing employees on their methodologies (which doesn’t compromise quality or regulation) shouldn’t be discouraged. Inspirational leadership is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence which empower leaders with the competence to guide their team to bring out their best – this includes in this case, allowing them certain freedoms when working. 

Assumption #8 – Working Longer Means Working Better

Some leaders assume that keeping their employees for longer than working hours somehow leads to higher productivity when they might just be keeping up appearances. Owing to the power-dynamics in an employer-employee relationship, employees play along without necessarily churning out more work. When we leaders try to squeeze more from a fatigued team member, the law of diminishing returns sets in with the team members delivering poor quality work with longer time investment. Influence is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence which equips the leader with the competence to engage team members to get work done not because they have to, but because they want to. When you gain buy-in even if on occasion there must be longer working hours, much can be achieved by consensus rather than coercion.

Growth Opportunities


To further position your leaders for peak performance, you can download a free copy of the latest edition of The Peak Performer Magazine You can also enrol your Mid-level  Leadership Team for the Made4More Accelerator Program and your Senior Leadership Team for the Dr. Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp 2024 We also have an upcoming training for leaders in public service 

About Dr. Abiola Salami

Dr. Abiola Salami is the Convener of Dr Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp and The Peak PerformerTM. He is the Principal Performance Strategist at CHAMP – a full scale professional services firm trusted by high performing business leaders for providing Executive Coaching, Workforce Development & Advisory Services to improve performance. You can reach his team on [email protected] and connect with him @abiolachamp on all social media platforms.

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Ghanaian-French Musician Tee Kae Set to Shine at Ghanafest Concert, Paris Olympics and Paralympics



Rising Ghanaian-French musician Tee Kae is set to captivate audiences at the Ghanafest Concert, a highly anticipated event taking place on Saturday, August 3, 2024, as part of the Ghanafest Paris Olympics and Paralympics. With her unique sound and undeniable talent, Tee Kae promises to leave a lasting impression on attendees.

Discovering her passion for music at a young age through singing and leading her church music group, Tee Kae’s journey as an artist has been influenced by iconic musicians such as Alicia Keys and H.E.R. With a desire to create her own distinct sound, Tee Kae seamlessly blends elements of Afro-R&B/Soul, Indie vocals, and a touch of Trap with Alté rhythms.

Having initially gained attention for her exceptional vocal abilities showcased in acoustic covers of popular songs, Tee Kae embarked on a transformative year of introspection and growth.

Now, Tee Kae is ready to take the stage at the Ghanafest Concert in Paris, joining an impressive lineup of Ghanaian artists and cultural groups. She Will Share stage with Bessa Simon, Ras Kuuku, Kofi Kinaata, Sista Afia. Her performance promises to be a standout moment, as she showcases her unique sound and enthralling stage presence. From her sultry vocals to her captivating performances, Tee Kae is bound to leave the audience wanting more.


The Ghanafest Concert is organized by Showbiz Global Concepts in collaboration with the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), ensuring a high-quality event that celebrates Ghanaian culture and talent. Tee Kae’s participation in this prestigious concert solidifies her status as one of the most promising artists to emerge from the Ghanaian music scene.

As Tee Kae prepares to grace the stage at the Ghanafest Concert, fans, and music enthusiasts can look forward to experiencing her artistry and witnessing the evolution of her sound. With her unique blend of genres and heartfelt lyrics, Tee Kae is poised to make a lasting impact on the global music landscape.

Listen to her latest single “My Last” on all platforms here. Follow Tee Kae on Instagram | X

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints supports renovation of Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools



The Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools in Adabraka has been transformed following an extensive refurbishment project funded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in collaboration with the Ga Mantse Foundation. The renovated school was officially commissioned in a ceremony that marked the realization of a vision set forth by His Royal Majesty King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, the Ga Mantse and President of the Ga Traditional Council.

In his address at the commissioning ceremony, Elder S. Gifford Nielsen, Africa West Area President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, expressed his joy in seeing the project come to fruition. 

“We are honored to support this vital initiative that will impact the lives of many children in this community. Education is the cornerstone of a bright future, and we are committed to helping provide the resources needed for these children to succeed,” Elder Nielsen stated.

He added that successful completion of the Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools renovation is ample proof of the power of collaboration and the impact of community-driven initiatives.

Exteriors of the refurbished classroom blocks (1)

Exteriors of the refurbished classroom blocks

Elder Nielsen was confident that as the students and teachers of the school step into their new and improved environment, the foundation has been laid for a brighter educational future in Adabraka.

Greater Accra Regional Minister, Nii Kwartei Titus Glover representing President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, said it was a day of great delight seeing the advancement of education through enhanced infrastructure. “This is consistent with our agenda to make education accessible to all Ghanaians,” he noted. 

The project, which began on August 2, 2021, during the King’s 50th birthday, stemmed from his commitment to enhancing the educational infrastructure for the children in his community. Instead of a lavish birthday celebration, the King chose to spend the day with the students of the Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools. Shocked by the dilapidated state of the school, he pledged to renovate it to provide a conducive learning environment.

The journey to the renovation began with the formation of a committee led by Honorable Ekow Spio Garbrah – an alumnus of the school – who worked tirelessly alongside the Municipal Chief Executive of Korley Klottey, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Ga Mantse Foundation, and various other stakeholders. 

Their combined efforts led to the sod-cutting ceremony on May 10, 2023, and the commencement of construction shortly thereafter.


On her part, Member of Parliament for the Korle Klottey Constituency, Dr. Zanetor Rawlings, lauded the collaborative efforts that made the renovation possible. “This is the most dramatic transformation of any school I have personally witnessed. This project is a shining example of what can be achieved when communities and organisations come together with a shared vision. The refurbishment of this school will undoubtedly have a lasting positive impact on our children’s education and future prospects,” Dr. Rawlings remarked.

The newly refurbished school now boasts state-of-the-art facilities that will provide students with a better learning environment. Classrooms have been upgraded, new educational materials provided, and essential amenities installed to support the holistic development of the students.

Inside the newly built ICT centre for King Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of School at Adabraka (1)

Inside the newly built ICT centre for King Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of School at Adabraka

The Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools now features a newly built library with over 2,000 books and a state-of-the-art ICT center with 40 fully installed computers. The project included the renovation of the 12-unit Mantse Tackie Tawiah block, the 6-unit Liberty Avenue block, the Mantse Tackie Tawiah KG block, and the Liberty Avenue ICT Laboratory and office. 

Additionally, a new astro turf football pitch with a 60-seater spectator stand, an 8-seater toilet facility with urinals and girls’ changing rooms, and a 100-seater canteen have been constructed. A 20-seater toilet facility was also renovated. The school’s perimeter was upgraded with a new fence wall, improved drainage, new pavements, landscaping, a new security post, and an upgraded entrance.

King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, whose vision and dedication drove the project, shared his aspirations for the future. “This renovation is just the beginning. I have many more dreams for the Ga State, and with the continued support of our development partners, we will achieve them. Every child deserves the opportunity to receive quality education and realize their full potential,” the King affirmed.

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