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Top 6 Surprising Ways To Stay Fit And Happy



Staying fit and happy in today’s world has become a difficult task. Constant mental and emotional pressure, be it from our schools and colleges or our workplaces, has hampered both our physical and mental health.

After the pandemic, everyone has started stressing upon how important it is to stay fit and happy. Austria has been reported to be a pretty healthy country overall, ranking at 13th position in the list of World’s Most Healthiest Countries in 2022.

If you’re looking for some ways to keep yourself healthy, both in terms of your body and mind, our tips here might help you!

  1. Incorporate workouts into your routine

No matter how much we promise to hit the gym, we give up after a week or two. In order to actually work out devotedly, it’s always a good idea to incorporate it into your daily tasks.

For example, make a mental note to do five pushups every time you go to the toilet. Sounds weird, right? But this kind of routine helps you maintain your workout schedules. Even if you visit the toilet just thrice a day, that’s fifteen pushups! Once you’re comfortable with this, gradually increase it to ten pushups.

  1. Make fresh air a priority

All of us need access to fresh air to keep ourselves healthy. If you live in an area where pollution is rampant, you’ll notice how unclean air can not only worsen your physical health but your mental health too.

Try to visit the countryside on weekends. Irrespective of the season, inhaling fresh air can make sure your body receives more than 30% of clean air in your daily routine.

Even if you can’t visit the countryside every weekend, you can keep a check on the air pollution levels around you using an app.

  1. Hydrate yourself

No matter how many times we say this, it’s never going to be enough. It’s extremely important to keep yourself hydrated (yes, even in winters!) to maintain proper physiological functions. While drinking tea, coffee, or soft drinks is fine, they can never replace water.

So make sure you keep caffeinated drinks within a specific limit. If you’re someone who is heavily dependent on aerated drinks, try adding a little bit of lemon or honey to your water to enhance the flavor. But make sure you drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

  1. No electronic devices before bed

Do you love to keep scrolling your Instagram feed every night in bed? We understand this might be tempting but is a very bad habit.

The blue light emitted from electronic devices can keep you up till the wee hours of the night, disturbing your sleep. This is why you should make a rule for yourself: no phone or laptop at least an hour before bed.


When you have finished using your phone an hour before you sleep, it’s good to keep it on mute or switch it off. This will ensure your body produces enough melatonin to keep you healthy.

  1. Appreciate yourself

This tip is more for your mental and emotional wellbeing. We often focus on our work so much that even the slightest of mistakes can spiral us downwards on a path of self-hate or embarrassment.

Instead of being too hard on yourself, appreciate what you’re doing every day. Every Friday night, give yourself a relaxing scented bath for working hard the entire week.

When you do a project well, buy a small box of pizza. Write down your strengths and weaknesses in a journal. Positive thoughts can not only help you work harder but also make you happier.

  1. Indulge in Intimacy

If you’re bored of living alone or have suffered from a painful breakup, it’s time to have some fun. Often companionship makes your mind happy and relaxed which in turn makes your body healthy.

You can easily find a companion in Salzburg to join you on a romantic date and make sure your evening goes well. There are various websites from which you can choose the perfect companion.


Even though most of these sites are safe, you should be on the lookout for fraud websites waiting to swindle money from unsuspecting victims.

Over to you…

Staying healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. There are so many ways to enjoy life to the fullest while making sure your activities have a positive impact on your body and mind.


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