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5 Ways to Use Technology to Benefit Your Youth Ministry



Who said technology can’t be an integral part of Christian youth events? It’s no secret that young members of the church love technology. Whether it’s smartphones, laptops, tablets, social media apps, or anything else connected to the internet, digital tools and apps have truly transformed our world. While many churches and youth ministry programs may often resist change and jump on “trends,” there are actually quite a few benefits to be had from embracing technology for your ministry services. 

In this article, we’re taking a closer look at the intersection of technology and youth ministry and dispelling the myth that the two cannot benefit one another. We’re also offering some practical tips on how you can effectively incorporate different technologies into your youth ministry program to motivate and inspire your church members. Used thoughtfully and creatively, technology can truly empower your youth ministry. 

5 Ways to Use Technology to Benefit Your Youth Ministry

Are you intrigued by the idea of introducing technology into your ministry experience—but you simply don’t know where to begin? If this sounds like you, then you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for some helpful tips on ways to incorporate technology into your youth ministry. With so many applications and digital tools, you’ll be sure to find at least a few options that can work well for your ministry goals. 

  1. Bible study apps: for many ministries, Bible study is a core focus as it allows students to develop a personal and meaningful relationship with scripture. There are a variety of easy-to-use apps that you can download on your smartphone, laptop, or tablet to encourage Bible study skills and scripture memorization. Bible Memory is just one example that can promote visual and auditory memory of key Bible verses to make scripture study even more engaging and fun. Since you can download these apps on almost any digital device, Bible study apps are also a great way to take learning on the go for your students.
  1. Podcasting: podcasts have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years, and now, you can find an engaging and entertaining podcast on practically any subject imaginable. Now, this includes topics relevant to ministry services. Take a quick scroll through Spotify or any other podcast-hosting platform and you’ll be sure to find dozens of podcasts on relevant and meaningful subjects that can expand the horizon of your students. Additionally, for those tech-savvy youth ministry leaders, you can even make your own podcast with their team. All you need to get started is a good microphone, a computer, some basic recording software, and a few good ideas.
  2. Video testimonies: in recent years, more and more media has been driven by visual-based mediums, such as videos and images. After all, just look at the popularity of visual-based social media platforms, like TikTok and Instagram. To reflect this trend, try incorporating video production into some of your activities and events. Having students create video testimonies is a great way to bring testimonies into the modern day and also makes it easy to share with others. Additionally, having students film and record their testimonies can help those who may be shy about presenting their testimony in a large room surrounded by dozens of people.
  3. Note taking apps: whether engaged in Bible study, working on a group project, or developing a testimony, it’s easy to get a little disorganized. With so many different texts and online resources available to young church members these days, having a clear organization and note taking strategy becomes essential. Encourage your students to download one of the many easy-to-use note taking apps, such as Evernote or Scannable, that allow your students to save and organize important notes and even multimedia files, like videos and links.
  1. Social media apps: we all know how popular social media apps have become. But in the same breath, it’s also important to recognize the potential problems associated with using some of these apps, especially for younger church members. But despite these concerns, you can use social media to make your youth ministry relevant, accessible, and fun. Plan activities where students get the chance to use social media in a positive way that enables them to spread their faith and share valuable lessons and experiences with others. You can even create a joint Facebook or Instagram account with your entire youth ministry where you all can work together and collaborate on a faith-based project that uses these platforms for good. 

Conclusion – 5 Ways to Use Technology to Benefit Your Youth Ministry 

For some church leaders, technology may seem like more of a distraction than anything else. Worse, you can also see technology as a source of temptation where easy access to any type of information can prove problematic. Regardless of these beliefs, one must also face the reality that, while our modern technology and digital tools are far from perfect, they also aren’t going anywhere. Modern technology has intertwined with practically every aspect of our lives, including how we worship and interact with other church members, and as such, should be viewed as an opportunity to benefit the church and your youth ministry.

Digital tools can greatly benefit your church members and overall youth ministry. Technology can help you connect with church members from all over the world and make it easier to share ideas, stories, and inspiration. Additionally, as we recently saw in 2020, technology can enable you to resume church services and worship during times when meeting physically simply isn’t possible or safe.


There are so many unique and creative ways to integrate technology into your youth ministry specifically. Consider creating your own ministry podcast to share your messages and get your students involved. You can also teach them how to use various digital platforms and applications by encouraging them to use video and other multimedia for ministry presentations and projects. Additionally, there are many apps (some of which are free) that make Bible study more accessible and engaging for young church members. 

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Comprehensive Guide to Construction Defect Repair



Construction defects can be a significant headache for property owners, developers, contractors, and anyone involved in the construction industry. These defects range from minor aesthetic issues to major structural problems, posing safety risks and financial burdens. Understanding the types of construction defects and the repair processes is crucial for addressing these issues effectively.

Navigating the Complexities of Construction Defects

  1. Types of Construction Defects
  • Structural Defects

Structural defects are among the most severe and costly issues in construction. These defects can include foundation problems, improper framing, or issues with load-bearing walls. Repairing structural defects often requires extensive assessment by structural engineers and may involve significant renovation work by Lifetime Exteriors in Portland.

  • Water Intrusion and Moisture-Related Defects

Water intrusion can lead to various problems, such as mold growth, rotting wood, and deterioration of building materials. Familiar sources of water intrusion include roof leaks, poorly sealed windows, and plumbing failures. Repairing these defects involves identifying the source of water entry, repairing damaged materials, and improving waterproofing measures.

  • Defective Materials and Workmanship

Defects from subpar materials or poor artistry can manifest in different ways, such as cracked tiles, uneven flooring, or malfunctioning mechanical systems. Repairing these defects often requires replacing defective materials, improving installation techniques, and ensuring compliance with industry standards.

  • Design Deficiencies

Design deficiencies occur when a building or structure’s original design is flawed, leading to functional or aesthetic issues. These defects may include awkward layouts, insufficient structural support, or inadequate ventilation. Repairing design deficiencies may involve redesigning structure elements and implementing corrective measures.

  1. Construction Defect Repair Process
  • Initial Assessment

The repair process typically begins with a thorough assessment of the construction defects. This assessment involves identifying the types and extent of defects, evaluating their impact on the building’s safety and functionality, and determining the best course of action for repairs.

  • Engaging Professionals

Repairing construction defects often requires the expertise of various professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors, and specialized technicians. These professionals play critical roles in diagnosing defects, developing repair plans, obtaining necessary permits, and executing repair work.

  • Developing Repair Plans

Based on the assessment findings, professionals develop detailed repair plans outlining the steps, materials, and timelines required for rectifying the defects. These plans consider structural integrity, building codes, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetic considerations.

  • Obtaining Approvals and Permits

Obtaining approvals and permits from relevant authorities is essential before commencing repair work. This ensures that the repair plans comply with building regulations and safety standards. Please get the necessary approvals to avoid legal complications and delays.

  • Executing Repairs

Once approvals are in place, the repair work can begin. Depending on the nature and complexity of the defects, repairs may involve structural modifications, material replacement, waterproofing measures, or interior renovations. It’s crucial to follow the repair plans meticulously to achieve lasting results.

  • Quality Assurance

Quality assurance measures are implemented throughout the repair process to ensure that repairs meet industry standards and client expectations. This may involve inspections, testing of materials and systems, and addressing any unforeseen challenges during the repair work.

  1. Legal and Financial Considerations
  • Insurance Coverage

Construction defects may be covered by insurance policies such as builder’s risk insurance, general liability insurance, or homeowner’s insurance. Understanding the extent of insurance coverage and filing claims appropriately can help mitigate financial burdens associated with defect repairs.

  • Contractual Obligations

Contracts between parties involved in the construction project, such as contractors, subcontractors, and property owners, often outline responsibilities and liabilities related to defects and repairs. Adhering to contractual obligations is crucial for resolving disputes and ensuring accountability for defect-related costs.

  • Legal Recourse

In cases where construction defects result in significant damages or disputes, legal recourse may be necessary. This may involve mediation, arbitration, or litigation to seek compensation for repair costs, property devaluation, loss of use, and other damages.

  1. Preventive Measures and Best Practices
  • Quality Control During Construction

Implementing robust quality control measures during the construction phase can help prevent defects. These measures include proper work supervision, adherence to construction plans and specifications, regular inspections, and the use of high-quality materials.

  • Comprehensive Inspections and Maintenance

Regular inspections and proactive maintenance are essential for identifying and addressing potential defects before they escalate. Property owners should schedule routine inspections of structural components, mechanical systems, and exterior features to detect issues early and initiate timely repairs.

  • Documentation and Record-Keeping

Maintaining detailed documentation throughout the construction process, including design plans, inspection reports, warranties, and repair records, is crucial for tracking defects and demonstrating compliance with industry standards. This documentation serves as valuable evidence in case of disputes or legal proceedings.

Construction defect repair is a complex process that requires careful assessment, planning, and execution. By understanding the types of defects, following a structured repair process, considering legal and financial implications, and implementing preventive measures, stakeholders can effectively address and mitigate the impact of construction defects on buildings and properties. Timely and thorough defect repair enhances safety and functionality and preserves the value and integrity of construction projects.

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Social Trends: MrBeast Builds 100 Homes for Jamaican Families



MrBeast Builds 100 Homes for Jamaican Families

YouTuber MrBeast constructed and donated 100 homes in Jamaica to assist families in need.

This philanthropic act has been widely praised for its positive impact on the community and the lives of the recipients.


The initiative has garnered significant attention and appreciation from the public, highlighting MrBeast’s commitment to making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

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Zipline and KNUST Celebrate Research Innovation in Health Logistics



The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), in collaboration with Zipline, the leading autonomous drone delivery service, hosted an award ceremony to honor outstanding research projects that aim to improve healthcare delivery through aerial logistics. The event at the Amonoo-Neizer Conference Hall showcased innovative research and reinforced the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in enhancing public health.

In 2019, the Government of Ghana partnered with Zipline to deploy unmanned drones for the delivery of essential medical commodities aimed at enhancing the equitable distribution of health commodities. Today, Zipline operates six distribution centers across the country, serving over 2700 health facilities and approximately 17 million Ghanaians.

To further the evidence base on aerial logistics’ efficacy, Zipline and KNUST established the Zipline/KNUST Research Grant Award. This initiative encourages and funds research projects led by interdisciplinary teams at KNUST. From a pool of 51 student researchers, 12 proposals were graded by independent reviewers, with two projects selected for funding. These projects focus on the impact of aerial logistics in improving sexual and reproductive health in the Western North and Ashanti regions, and on reducing healthcare disparities in the Kwabre East District of the Ashanti region. Each winning team received mentorship, funding of approximately USD 7000, and support to draft and submit their findings to peer-reviewed journals.

“Today, we celebrate not just the brilliance of our students but the transformative power of research,” said Prof. Peter Agyei-Baffour, Head of Department of Health Policy Management and Economics of KNUST. “These projects highlight how interdisciplinary collaboration can address critical health challenges, ensuring equitable access to medical supplies across Ghana.”


Mrs. Yvonne Aglah, Zipline’s Ghana Operations Lead, emphasized Zipline’s commitment to supporting innovative solutions: “Zipline is dedicated to leveraging technology to bridge healthcare gaps. These research initiatives underscore the impact of aerial logistics in enhancing healthcare delivery and reaching underserved communities. We are proud to support the next generation of innovators at KNUST.”

Florence Haruna, of the research team at Zipline said, “the collaboration between Zipline and KNUST is a testament to what can be achieved when academia and industry unite. As we move forward, we aim to expand this partnership, fostering more research that can provide evidence-based solutions to global health supply chain challenges.”

The partnership between Zipline and KNUST aims to continue fostering research that addresses healthcare disparities and improves supply chain logistics, ultimately enhancing population health

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Tyla, Gunna and Skillibeng discuss their viral hit “Jump”



Tyla - Water (Official Music Video)

Today, Vevo released a new installment of Footnotes, featuring Tyla, Gunna, and Skillibeng taking viewers behind-the-scenes of the song and official music video for the viral summer hit “Jump” from her debut self-titled album.

In the episode, Tyla explains that “Jump” was originally recorded without any features, but she felt the song needed additional energy, which Skillibeng and Gunna brought perfectly. She describes her vision for the video, incorporating as many South African elements as possible, from styling and makeup to dancers and crew members. Tyla adds that there was no official treatment for the video, but she, along with her creative director Thato and video director Nabil, brought everything together organically. She mentions how cool it was to see the kids in Johannesburg, South Africa celebrating and showing love while they filmed, which they included in the video.

Additionally, Skillibeng shares how much fun and energetic it was to film outside in Kingston, Jamaica, despite the challenges of shooting in the hot weather. Gunna describes meeting Tyla for the first time while shooting in Johannesburg and feeling a deep connection to the motherland.



00:05 – “Jump” was written and recorded without any features. I went to Jamaica to finish my album and felt the need to have that energy on “Jump” and Skilli did just that. For Gunna, we spoke about working and after hearing him on Afrobeats, I knew I had to reach out. – Tyla

00:24 – The vibe on set was energetic and fun. We had a great team bringing the vision to life. We shot my scenes outdoors in Jamaica. The most challenging part was probably the heat. – Skillibeng

00:43 – It was very important for me to rep my city and bring as many South Africans with me as possible. We made it a priority to incorporate many creatives, dancers, crew members, makeup artists, stylists and wore South African designer clothes and jewelry. – Tyla


01:03 – When I flew out, we didn’t have an actualized treatment, but that made it all come together organically. Tyla and her creative director Thato had ideas and cultural references that would reveal the city’s beauty and have people spark more scenes.  – Nabil (director)

01:20 – I collected many references and ideas to send to Nabil because I knew exactly what I wanted. Nabil and Thato, my creative director, helped me bring that vision to life. – Tyla

01:43 – The first time we met was shooting in Johannesburg. It was like the motherland. Kids were running around playing soccer. There was a little corner store. The weather was good. Just a vibe. We knocked out the video in 24 hours. – Gunna

02:04 – My Stylist, Katie, pulled a bunch of stuff and I had so much fun playing around. I saw people loved the layered bikini and heels strapped over the jeans. I knew it was a killer the moment I finished putting together those looks. – Tyla


02:23 – It was cool seeing the community kids showing love and cheering for Tyla. And Gunna being out there in Joburg, too. Everyone on the set was excited. – Nabil (director)

02:43 – I needed the energy of our culture to scream through the screen. I sent Nabil videos of people stopping taxis or cars and causing a whole riot by dancing and we ended up including that in one of the scenes. – Tyla

03:01 – Tyla wanted to bring the flavor of her hometown. This is one of my favorite shoots to date. Checking the comments, the fans already found more details than I knew existed. – Nabil (director)

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Beyond the Scroll: Fun and Engaging Activities for Your Mobile



Our phones are constant companions, portals to information and entertainment. But let’s be honest, sometimes we fall into a mindless scrolling vortex. If you’re looking to break free and have some genuine fun with your mobile device, then this article is for you! We’re diving into a variety of engaging activities that will keep you entertained, informed, or even productive, all from the palm of your hand.

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Take a Spin on Free Slots (Responsibly!)

For a quick burst of excitement, why not try your luck with some free slots games? Many online casinos offer “free spins no deposit” bonuses, allowing you to play without risking your own money. It’s a great way to experience the thrill of spinning the reels and potentially win some virtual cash (remember, these are for entertainment purposes only, and gambling responsibly is key). Just be sure to choose reputable casinos and be mindful of time spent.


Brain Games and Puzzles:

Want to give your cognitive muscles a workout? There’s a vast library of brain games and puzzles available for mobile devices. From classics like Sudoku and crosswords to word association challenges and logic puzzles, there’s something for everyone. These games can help improve memory, focus, and problem-solving skills, all while keeping you entertained.

Become a Citizen Scientist:

Did you know your phone can be a powerful tool for scientific discovery? Citizen science projects often have mobile apps that allow you to contribute valuable data. Observe and record wildlife sightings, classify galaxies in faraway space, or even help transcribe historical documents. It’s a fantastic way to learn about the world around you while making a real contribution to scientific research.


Learn a New Skill (or Language!)

The beauty of mobile learning is that you can access educational resources anytime, anywhere. Whether you’ve always wanted to master a new language, learn to code, or pick up a musical instrument, there’s a mobile app for that. Many platforms offer free introductory lessons or bite-sized learning modules that fit perfectly into your busy schedule.

Explore the World Through Virtual Tours:

Can’t afford a trip to the Louvre right now? No problem! Numerous museums and historical landmarks offer virtual tours through their mobile apps. Immerse yourself in breathtaking art collections, explore ancient ruins, or even take a walk through the Great Barrier Reef, all from the comfort of your couch.


Get Creative with Photography and Editing:

Mobile phone cameras are becoming increasingly sophisticated, making it easier than ever to capture stunning photos and videos. Explore your artistic side with dedicated photography apps that offer a variety of filters, effects, and editing tools. You can even learn new photography techniques through tutorials and online courses.

Rekindle Your Love of Reading:

E-readers have revolutionized the way we consume books. With countless eBooks available at your fingertips, you can always have a good read waiting for you. Whether you’re on your daily commute, waiting in line, or simply relaxing before bed, there’s no excuse not to delve into a captivating story.


Become a Social Media Mastermind:

Social media platforms are more than just a way to connect with friends and family. They can be powerful tools for learning, self-expression, and even building a community. Dive into the world of social media marketing by learning effective content creation strategies, mastering the art of storytelling, and engaging with your audience in meaningful ways.

Embrace the Power of Podcasts:

Podcasts offer a wealth of audio entertainment and information. From true crime investigations to in-depth discussions on your favourite hobbies, there’s a podcast out there for everyone. Listen to podcasts while commuting, working out, or doing chores.


Get Active with Fitness Apps:

Looking to get in shape or maintain a healthy lifestyle? Fitness apps can be your perfect workout companion. They offer a variety of guided workouts, personalized fitness plans, and even track your progress over time. Many apps are free to use, so you can get started on your fitness journey without breaking the bank.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little creativity, you can transform your mobile phone from a mindless distraction into a tool for fun, learning, and self-improvement. So, put down the endless scroll, pick up your phone, and explore the world of possibilities that awaits!

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People & Lifestyle

Travel Tips from Ghanaian Emirates Cabin Crew Daniel Kumevor



Travel Tips from Ghanaian Emirates Cabin Crew Daniel Kumevor

Daniel Kumevor, a proud Ghanaian and Emirates cabin crew member with over a decade of experience, shares his top travel tips from packing smart to staying hydrated on long flights. Whether you are dreaming of a career in the skies or just looking for travel tips, these tips are sure to be helpful.

Packing Light and Smart

What are your top three hacks for packing light yet stylish clothing that can handle any weather?

  • Choose versatile clothing: Opt for items that can be worn in different ways, such as cardigans or stylish sarongs that can double as skirts or dresses.
  • Mix and match: Pack clothing that can easily be mixed and matched. Use accessories like stylish hats or belts to enhance your look.
  • Plan ahead: Base your wardrobe choices on the destination you’ll be visiting.

How do you create a travel wardrobe that’s both chic and practical for jet-setting around the world?

  • Keep the colours simple and create a wardrobe that can be mixed and matched for any weather situation.

Any unexpected items that you always pack that have turned out to be lifesavers?

  • A mini bag that wraps around the chest, which I purchased in Barcelona. It helps keep my belongings safe and organized.

Staying Hydrated and Energized

What are your go-to tips for staying hydrated on long flights?

  • Avoid salty foods and drink plenty of water and refreshing beverages during the flight to prevent dehydration.

How do you adjust your sleep schedule to beat jet lag and stay energized?

  • Go for walks in the sunlight to adjust your body clock and boost energy. Stay hydrated, eat nutritious food, and maintain a regular workout routine.

Any secret in-flight exercises or natural remedies to share?

  • Peppermint tea aids digestion and is caffeine-free.

What’s your favourite in-flight snack to stay energized?

  • A handful of roasted nuts keeps me energized for hours.

Ghanaian Hospitality in the Skies

How do you bring the famous Ghanaian warmth and hospitality to your passengers?

  • Offer a warm welcome with a genuine smile from boarding throughout the flight, along with genuine assistance.

Can you share an interesting time when you made someone’s flight extra special?

  • Taking care of an elderly lady on a flight from Dubai to Dar es Salaam who could not eat by herself due to health reasons. Her gratitude and blessings have stayed with me.

Mini Layover Adventures

How do you turn short layovers into exciting mini-adventures?

  • Plan and bond with colleagues to create memorable mini-adventures after landing.

What’s the coolest thing you have done during a layover?

  • I have visited iconic sites such as The Acropolis, The Colosseum, The Eiffel Tower, The Great Wall of China, and more.

What’s your funniest travel mishap during a layover?

  • Forgetting to pack winter clothes and sneakers for a layover in Zurich, I laughed at myself and just stayed at the hotel enjoyed their hospitality.

Budgeting Like a Pro

What are your top tips for managing money while living the fabulous cabin crew lifestyle?

  • A top tip is to budget a specific amount each month for savings and emergencies. Thankfully, Emirates provides accommodation, transportation, and layover expenses, allowing crew members to spend their money as preferred. 

Travel First Aid Must-Haves

What essential items are always in your travel first aid kit?

  • In my travel first aid kit, I always carry an inhaler for altitude changes and pain relief medications.

Have you ever had to use your first aid kit in an unexpected situation?

  • Yes, I had to use my first aid kit for medication during a case of food poisoning in Bali.

Long Flight Comforts

What are your must-have items to stay comfy on long flights?

  • My must-have items are noise-cancelling headphones and earplugs for a comfortable sleep/rest.

Any tips for staying fresh and rested during long-haul flights?

  • I recommend using a face spray with natural ingredients to hydrate the face and a hand lotion with relaxing oils.

Language Tools for World Travelers

Which language apps or tools are your favourites for connecting with locals in new countries?

  • My favourite language app is the “TRANSLATE” app on my company-provided iPad. I also like to research the destination’s language and attractions beforehand.

How do you handle communication barriers with passengers who speak different languages?

  • With over 140 nationalities in the cabin crew community, there is usually someone who speaks the language of the specific route and can assist with translation.

Travel-Friendly Beauty Secrets

Do you have any tips for hairstyles or skincare that survive even the longest journeys?

  • My tip is to hydrate your skin before the flight using Shea butter from Ghana.

Handling Travel Surprises

How do you stay calm and collected when travel plans change unexpectedly?

  • I stay calm and collected by remaining positive and open to new challenges, seeing every situation as an opportunity for growth.

Showcasing Diversity and Inclusivity

As a male cabin crew member, how do you bring your unique touch to the team?

  • I bring humour, elegance, gentleness, and assurance of safety and security both on the ground and in the skies.

How does Emirates support and encourage a diverse and inclusive team?

  • Emirates has over 22,000 cabin crew members who speak more than 70 languages, promoting diversity and inclusivity.

Can you share a moment when you felt proud to represent Ghana and showcase its culture on an international stage?

  • I felt proud to represent Ghana on the historic EK 787 flight on October 2, 2018, when Emirates’ A380 landed in Accra. I felt extremely proud of my heritage.

What advice would you give to other men considering a career as cabin crew?

  • Regardless of gender, being a cabin crew member in Emirates is an eye-opening career, and the iconic uniform will bring out elegance in you. 

What advice do you have for Ghanaians who are considering a career as cabin crew with Emirates? 

  • You have made a great decision by choosing this career path with one of the best airlines. “I can’t wait to meet you in the skies very soon,” says Daniel.

Are you ready to take flight? 

Explore the world, and showcase the Ghanaian spirit of hospitality like Daniel! Emirates Airlines is currently recruiting passionate and service-oriented individuals like YOU to join their cabin crew! Apply now at [Emirates Group Careers] (  and embark on an unforgettable career journey!

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