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I received the gift of tongues at age 9- MOG details journey into gospel music



Ghanaian contemporary gospel singer, songwriter and Pastor, Nana Yaw Boakye better known by his stage name MOG Music has detailed his journey into the Gospel music fraternity.


Speaking on Joy News’ EVibes with Becky, the popular gospel musician detailed his beginnings as a gospel musician.


According to MOG, he received the direction his life was supposed to go in at a very young age, however, youthful exuberance and pleasures distracted him for what he was meant to do but after what he wanted to do kept failing it was like a wake-up call; it was then he realised he had to sit up and pay attention to God’s work.

“At the age of nine at a prayer meeting in one bush with my auntie, speaking in tongues and when I received it, I was, according to those who were around, I was writing Hebrew on the ground and unfortunately, there was nobody there to transcribe what I was writing. So, the pastor there spoke to my auntie and said this guy has God’s hand upon him, he’ll be very great and there’s nothing he can do apart from the work of God so try and keep him in church and he’ll be great,” he said.

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“So, growing up I didn’t  want to be a pastor or anything I just wanted to be you know be myself, have fun do all the things I need but I was walking home one day and this madman walked up to me and said “you’re going to do the work of God”, he mentioned my name, “Nana Yaw, you’re going to do the work of God so you better start now”. Around that time, I was contemplating should I focus on the things of God, or you know live the bad boy life? I started doing studio sessions before the single, I started recoding secular songs. There were two things, it’s either the song will come out without my voice, or the song won’t come out at all. So, every secular song that I did, every feature that I did, I started with features, every feature I did there were songs that I recorded with Sarkodie then on and they released the song. When I heard the song, I was waiting for my part and then somebody had my part, taken my voice out, somebody else had sang my part and the songs that had my voice on, never came on air,” he continued.


MOG states that the early influence of music in church; being in constant presence of the choir rehearsals, seeing instruments like the drum being played, influenced  decision to pursue music as a way of serving God.

“I grew up in the Methodist church you know. My mum was in the church literally every day. I grew up with rehearsals, listening to choir rehearsals and all that every time and that kind of had an effect on me. You know I’ll go, they’re playing the drums, I was like how does this thing work you know the legs, two legs and hands doing separate things at the same time. I was like I need to learn this thing. So, I’m at a young age I developed the heart for music, and I started learning and that’s how the journey begun,” he said.

His interest in music will become a reality after he received support from the likes of music producer, Kaawa and Pastor Nii Okai who he is tremendously grateful to for how far he has come in his career.

“I came into contact with Pastor Nii Okai who has had, you know he had an impact on my music like literally my whole musical foundation was built by Nii Okai. You know in terms of understanding music, scoring music, creating music you know and appreciating music. He’s the one that did all the work, so I’ll give the credit to him,” he said.


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After settling in the music journey, it was time for a sellable name, and according to him, he wanted a name that would stand out among his colleagues and finally settled on MOG.

“I wanted to be unique in my area and I realised that all my colleagues had their names as their brand: Ike Nanor, Joe Mettle, Nii Okai, Cwesi Oteng, Diana Hamilton so I was like I have to be unique you know. I initially wanted to use Nyame Nipa you know and Cwesi Oteng was like, “ah when you go to America and UK and they want to oh ‘help me welcome Nyame Nipa’ it won’t really sit down so go for Man of God, MOG” and I was like yeah that’s right”.

Watch full interview below;


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Faith Collective Announces “The Kingdom World Tour – featuring Maverick City and Kirk Franklin” in Ghana



The renowned Faith Collective is thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated “The Kingdom World Tour” will be coming to Ghana. In partnership with Culture Management Group Gospel, this monumental event is set to take place on August 18th, 2024.

The Kingdom World Tour – featuring Maverick City and Kirk Franklin, promises an unforgettable experience filled with worship, praise, and spiritual upliftment.
This event marks a significant occasion for gospel music fans in Ghana, as it brings together one of the most dynamic and influential groups in the genre.

Event Details:
• Date: August 18th, 2024
• Venue: To be announced
• Tickets: Available on

In collaboration with Culture Management Group Gospel, this event aims to foster a deeper connection within the gospel music community and inspire attendees through a night of worship and celebration.


Kingdom World Tour has already made waves in several countries, and the Ghana event is expected to draw a large crowd of dedicated fans and newcomers alike. The venue will be announced soon, with details on how to purchase tickets available on

Instagram : @Faith_collective

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Nigerian Eye at 15 : Nanahemaa Awindor, Victoria Michaels, Juliet Ibrahim,Dzifa Gray Honoured



The British Council Auditorium in Ghana played host to the 15th-anniversary celebration of Nigerian Eye Newspaper on June 13, 2024. The event, themed “Trade Conundrum: Expanding Understanding of the ECOWAS Module as Catalyst to Prosperity in Sub-Saharan Africa,” brought together key stakeholders from Nigeria and Ghana to discuss trade and economic relations between the two nations.

The event featured keynote speakers from both countries, including representatives from the Nigerian High Commission and the government of Ghana. The auditorium was filled with dignitaries, business leaders, and individuals from various sectors, all gathered to celebrate the milestone achievement of Nigerian Eye Newspaper.

The highlight of the event was the presentation of awards to deserving individuals who have made significant contributions to building bridges between Nigeria and Ghana. The Bridge Builders Award category recognized Nigerians and Ghanaians who have made efforts to bridge the gap between the two nations, particularly through the creative economy.

Notable individuals who received the Bridge Builders Award include Ghana-Nigeria’s top model, Victoria Michaels, who has been championing education projects and mentoring youths in Ghana and Nigeria. Other recipients include creative economy entrepreneurs Dzifa Gray and Juliet Ibrahim, who have contributed to the growth of the Nigerian creative economy sector.


The Changemaker Awards were presented to individuals making a difference in their communities. Recipients include Nanahemaa Obaapa Awindor, a development enthusiast whose healthcare work has impacted communities in Nigeria and Ghana, and Hon. Ifeanyi Abaekwume, founder of Earth Conscience Ltd and Hon.Archibold Cobbina the MCE of Ayawaso West Assembly.

Other awardees include Dr. Bayo Albert Asaolu, President of All Nigeria Community Ghana; Dr.Ijeomah Arodiogbu,Mr. Jouvence Babagbeto, founder of Eagle Vision Institute; Dr. Emma Okeson, CEO of Citylight Ghana Ltd; and Hon. Tochukwu Okere, Diaspora Affairs Committee Chairman at the Nigeria 10th National Assembly as well as Mr.Horthman the CEO of Asuogyaman Company Ltd Ghana. The Nigeria High Commission was also specially recognised with a Hero of Diplomacy Award for their support to Nigerian Community in Ghana

The event ended with a call to action for increased collaboration and trade between Nigeria and Ghana, with a focus on the ECOWAS module as a catalyst for prosperity in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Joe Mettle Urges Team Eternity and Kwame Mickey to Resolve ‘Defe Defe’ Conflict Amicably



I went to university without SHS education- Joe Mettle recounts struggles

Contemporary Ghanaian gospel artiste, Joe Mettle has called for Team Eternity Ghana and Kwame Mickey to come to a peaceful resolution regarding the copyright infringement dispute over the song ‘Defe Defe’. (more…)

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I’m no longer motivated by charts, sales – Beyoncé



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Joey B is one of the best producers in this country but he hasn’t been credited before – Hammer



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Hammer took me from the ghetto and gave me a life – Edem



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