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Packing Made Easy: Top 5 Lightweight Luggage Sets for Your Next Trip



Are you tired of struggling with heavy and bulky luggage every time you travel? Do you want to make packing a breeze on your next trip? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of the top 5 lightweight luggage sets that will change the way you travel. Say goodbye to backaches, excess baggage fees, and endless packing struggles. Keep reading to discover our picks for hassle-free traveling!


When it comes to packing for a trip, one of the most important things to consider is the weight of your luggage. After all, you don’t want to be lugging around a heavy suitcase when you could be enjoying your vacation. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best lightweight luggage sets that are perfect for your next getaway.



These luggage sets come in a variety of styles and colors, so you’re sure to find one that suits your needs. They’re also made from durable materials, so you can rest assured that your belongings will be safe while you’re on the go. And best of all, they won’t weigh you down when it’s time to head to the airport.


So whether you’re looking for a carry-on bag or a checked suitcase, we’ve got you covered with our top picks for lightweight luggage. So start packing and get ready for an enjoyable trip!



Benefits of Lightweight Luggage Sets


When it comes to packing for a trip, one of the biggest challenges is finding the right luggage. You want something that’s big enough to fit all your belongings, but not so heavy that it’s a struggle to carry. That’s where lightweight luggage sets come in.



These sets are designed to be as light as possible, so you can pack everything you need without having to worry about excess weight. And because they’re usually smaller in size than traditional luggage, they’re easier to maneuver and less likely to get lost in a crowded airport.


But the benefits of lightweight luggage don’t stop there. These sets are also typically more affordable than their heavyweight counterparts. So if you’re looking for a way to save money on your next trip, consider investing in a lightweight luggage set.



Top 5 Lightweight Luggage Sets on the Market


When it comes to packing for a trip, one of the most important things to consider is the weight of your luggage. If you’re lugging around a heavy suitcase, it can make your trip more difficult and stressful. That’s why it’s important to choose a lightweight luggage set that will make packing a breeze.



To help you find the best option for your next trip, we’ve put together a list of the top five lightweight luggage sets on the market. These sets are made from durable materials that are designed to withstand the rigors of travel, but they’re also light enough so you won’t have to struggle with them.


  1. Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Luggage Set


This Samsonite luggage set includes three pieces that are perfect for short or long trips. The hardside construction protects your belongings from damage, while the spinner wheels make it easy to maneuver through airports and crowded streets. Plus, it comes in a variety of colors so you can find the perfect match for your style.


  1. Delsey Helium Aero Luggage Set


This Delsey luggage set is made from durable polycarbonate material that’s designed to withstand the rigors of travel. The set includes two rolling suitcases, a carry-on bag, and an additional personal item bag, so you’ll have everything you need for your trip. And, the sleek design means it will look great no matter where you’re going.


  1. Travel


How to Pack Lightweight Luggage Effectively



When it comes to packing for a trip, one of the most important things to consider is how to pack your luggage in a way that is both effective and efficient. After all, you don’t want to be stuck lugging around a heavy suitcase full of clothes that you’ll never wear.


One of the best ways to pack lightweight luggage is to focus on packing only the essentials. Start by making a list of everything you think you’ll need for your trip and then edit it down to only the absolute necessities. Don’t forget to leave room in your suitcase for souvenirs!



Once you have your list of essentials, start packing them into your suitcase in a way that will maximize space. For example, rolled clothes take up less space than folded clothes and shoes can be packed into empty spaces to help fill them out.


Last but not least, don’t forget to weigh your luggage before you leave for your trip. This will ensure that you are not exceeding any weight limits set by airlines or other transportation providers.



Tips on Choosing the Right Bag for You


When it comes to choosing the right bag for your next trip, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. First, think about the type of travel you’ll be doing. If you’re planning on taking long flights or spending time on public transportation, you’ll want a bag that’s easy to carry and has plenty of storage space. If you’re headed to a more remote destination where you’ll be doing a lot of hiking or other outdoor activities, choose a bag that’s durable and can stand up to rough terrain.



Once you’ve considered the type of trip you’re taking, it’s time to start narrowing down your choices. There are a few different styles of bags to choose from, including duffel bags, rolling suitcases, and backpack style bags. Consider what would work best for you based on the amount of stuff you need to bring with you and how easy it needs to be to carry your bag around.


Finally, don’t forget to factor in cost when choosing your luggage. You don’t want to spend too much money on a bag only to have it fall apart after a few uses. However, it’s also important not to skimp too much and end up with a cheap bag that doesn’t meet your needs. Find something that strikes a balance between quality and price and you’ll be sure to find the perfect luggage for your next trip.


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Introducing Bisayen! Ask Us! & Touch Us! Project: A Campaign Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Support and Education



Global Outreach Consortium, an NGO focused on providing complete health care to the underprivileged, announces a significant milestone in the fight against breast cancer with the launch of Bisayen! Ask Us! & Touch Us! Project. This is an innovative project dedicated to providing comprehensive support, education, and empowerment to breast cancer patients, their loved ones and women in general. At the thrust of this campaign, is the Toll-free Helpline 0800 332200 (MTN) and 030 8249430 (other networks).

Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent forms of cancer affecting women worldwide and it is the number one cause of cancer diagnosis and death from cancers amongst women in Ghana. It impacts negatively on the lives of individuals, families and communities during the period of diagnosis and quest for treatment every year. In the face of such a challenging journey, access to reliable information, compassionate support, and personalized guidance can make an immense difference in a patient’s experience and outcome.

Ask Us! & Touch Us! Project: A Campaign Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Support and Education

Ask Us! & Touch Us! Project: A Campaign Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Support and Education

Bisayen! Ask Us! & Touch Us! emerges as a beacon of hope and guidance, offering a lifeline for individuals navigating the complexities of breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship. The innovative helpline is staffed by a team of compassionate healthcare workers, all dedicated to providing unwavering support and reliable information to those in need.

What sets Bisayen! Ask Us! & Touch Us! apart is its holistic approach, designed to address the diverse needs and concerns of breast cancer patients at every stage of their journey. Whether seeking clarity on treatment options, grappling with emotional distress, or simply in need of a listening ear, callers to the helpline can expect empathetic guidance and practical insights tailored to their unique circumstances.

Ask Us! & Touch Us! Project: A Campaign Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Support and Education

Ask Us! & Touch Us! Project: A Campaign Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Support and Education

The project is already underway with the training of facilitators in patient-centered clinical interviewing methods as well as regular hospital and community activations. “We understand that every breast cancer journey is unique, and we are committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge, support and training they need to navigate this challenging path with resilience and hope,” said Dr. Priscilla Vandyck-Sey, Executive Director of Global Outreach Consortium. 

The two-year project offers a wide range of opportunities, including:

  • Educational Resources: Access to up-to-date information on breast cancer myths and misconceptions, diagnosis, treatment options and common side effects of treatments amongst others.
  • Emotional Support: Confidential counseling and emotional support for patients, their families and general population.
  • Survivor Connection: Opportunities for patients to connect with others who have faced similar challenges, fostering a sense of community and solidarity.

Bisayen! Ask Us! & Touch Us! identifies as a testament to the power of compassion, knowledge, and shared experience in transforming the breast cancer journey. By offering a supportive lifeline to those in need, we aim to not only improve outcomes in breast cancer treatment but also to uplift spirits and inspire hope in the face of adversity.

For more information or to reach out for support, please visit or call the toll-free helpline above. 

Together, let us stand united in the fight against breast cancer, one call, and one conversation at a time.

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Travel Bloggers and Portable Triple Monitors: A Perfect Match?



Today’s travel era is the era of digital nomads. Many travel bloggers love to spend their time visiting various exciting destinations. They capture great images and turn them into creative content that inspires many others. They need modern portable triple monitors to do the desired editing work efficiently and flexibly. Many travel experts find this gadget a game changer.

Besides, these compact and high-resolution monitors enable travel bloggers to multitask seamlessly. It covers everything from editing photos and videos to managing their social media and researching new destinations. Let’s discover how these innovative tools can elevate your travel blogging experience!

Travel Blogger’s Daily activities and responsibilities

Researching destinations


Undoubtedly, researching destinations is the most crucial daily activity for travel bloggers. It includes the effort to dive deep into the potential travel locations to uncover unique stories. The research process includes studying the local culture, history, and the exciting attractions in the new places to explore. With the help of a tool like a Mobile Pixels Trio portable triple monitor, it becomes easy to research the destinations effectively.


Writing and editing content

Travel bloggers’ next daily activity is writing and editing the content. It encompasses the creation of engaging, informative, creative, and visually appealing posts. A process to do great work involves drafting detailed travel guides, personal narratives, destination reviews, unique experiences, and more. Moreover, the bloggers carefully edit the work to ensure the content’s clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy.

Managing social media


Another primary daily task is managing a travel blogger’s social media. It usually includes sharing strategic content across various platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. This job comprises creating eye-catching posts that can engage the followers. It also adds the responsibility of responding to the comments and analyzing the engagement metrics to refine the approach. The bloggers also collaborate with other brands and influencers to participate in travel conversations.

Editing photos and videos

With writing and editing, another essential daily role that adds some fun with creative efforts is to edit the photos and videos. It helps travel bloggers transform their raw images and footage into captivating content. The work process includes picking the best shots, adjusting the light, color, and contrast, and adding creative touches. The helping hand in this work for the travel bloggers is a great photo and video editing software. It helps in creating compelling travel content.

How Portable Triple Monitor Benefits Travel Bloggers


As you have read about the daily roles of a travel blogger, you can understand that it is full of work that needs help from digital devices. With a portable triple monitor, all the above-mentioned daily tasks of a traveler can become seamless. The following are the significant benefits this device offers to travel bloggers:

Enhanced productivity

The first benefit of using a portable triple monitor is enhanced productivity. These monitors enable users to multitask to simultaneously manage research, writing, photo editing, and social media. This setup effectively streamlines the content creation process and reduces the time spent to switch between tasks.


Improved workflow


Travel bloggers can experience an improved workflow with the portable triple monitors. These devices facilitate the fast transition between tasks. Hence, travel bloggers can skip the applications. Therefore, travel bloggers can better organize and manage multiple projects with ample screen space.

Portability and convenience

Portability and convenience are the most crucial advantages of using portable triple monitors for travel bloggers. These monitors are lightweight and compact. It makes them easy to carry during short or long travel journeys. It will not add bulk to the luggage of the travel bloggers. This benefit maintains a productive workflow regardless of any location.

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The CEO of MTN Ghana, Stephen Blewett, led a group of MTN Ghana employee volunteers in a groundbreaking ceremony at Aburi Presbyterian Secondary Technical School to kick off the construction of a container-based e-library. This project is part of MTN’s 30 Days of Y’ello Care activities.

During this year’s 30 Days of Y’ello Care Campaign, MTN Ghana will set up two container-based e-learning libraries. These libraries will be equipped with computers, internet access, textbooks, storybooks, and additional reading materials to enhance the teaching and learning experience. The first library will be handed over to the school’s management by the end of the campaign. Additionally, another e-library will be constructed in Sunyani in the Bono region.

Speaking at the school’s assembly hall packed with an enthusiastic group of students, the CEO of MTN Ghana, Stephen Blewett, encouraged the students to take their studies seriously. He emphasized that they are the future leaders of Ghana and the world. Blewett stated that the next greatest scientist, president, and CEO could be among the students, but achieving these aspirations requires dedication, hard work, and passion. He assured the students that MTN is committed to supporting them in becoming future scientists, inventors, or leaders by providing computers and digital facilities to underscore the importance of technology in their lives. Stephen emphasized that technology is crucial for building a strong future.

The headmistress of the school, Mrs. Joyce Appiah, applauded MTN for selecting her school as one of the beneficiaries for the project. She pledged their support to MTN Ghana for the successful completion of the project.


MTN employee volunteers will not only establish a container-based e-library but also create a smart farm equipped with smart devices and irrigated by a digital borehole. The volunteers will play a part in drilling the borehole as part of the ‘Quench and Connect’ initiative. Nationwide, the volunteers will also organize digital literacy workshops for students and teachers.

This year’s 30 Days of Y’ello Care theme is “Education for rural and remote communities”. In line with the theme, MTN Ghana employee volunteers will implement a specialized program called “Quench and Connect.” Volunteers will assist in drilling digital boreholes in schools experiencing water shortages, enabling students to concentrate on their studies.

MTN Y’ello Care is an annual employee volunteerism program across the MTN Group, allowing staff to participate in community development projects in countries where MTN operates. The initiative, which was started in 2007, has had a significant impact on millions of people and hundreds of communities across the continent. At the end of the program, the country with the most impactful projects wins a prize of $100,000 to be reinvested in community projects.

The 21 Days of Y’ello Care programme takes place in June every year. However, this year, to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of MTN’s operations, the 21 Days of Y’ello Care has been extended to 30 Days.



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King Promise Talks About Latest Single on Apple Music’s Africa Now Radio



King Promise Talks About Latest Single on Apple Music’s Africa Now Radio

This Week’s Episode Features a Conversation With King Promise, and the 5 Hottest Tracks of the Week! Tune in to Africa Now Radio with Nandi Madida this

Friday, June 14th at 9a Lagos/London / 10a Johannesburg/Paris / 1a LA / 4a NYC on Apple Music 1 [ and broadcast on  YFM Accra every Sunday at 2pm, YFM Kumasi on Saturdays at 3pm and YFM Takoradi on Saturdays at 6pm]

Cover Star Interview
Ghanaian Afrobeats star King Promise joins Nandi Madida via FaceTime on Apple Music 1 to talk about his latest single, “Continental (feat. Shallipopi).” He also discusses his new album, ‘True To Self,’ his creative process, and what he loves about contributing to culture.

The Big 5
Nandi Madida shares the 5 hottest new African tracks of the moment. This week’s selection includes new tracks from Oxlade, Ravanny & Harmonize, Stonebwoy, DJ Stokie & Sobzeen feat. Lington, and PHILA DLOZI.

Tune in and listen to the full episode this Friday, June 14th at 9a Lagos/London / 10a Johannesburg/Paris / 1a LA / 4a NYC on Apple Music 1 at [and broadcast on  YFM Accra every Sunday at 2pm, YFM Kumasi on Saturdays at 3pm and YFM Takoradi on Saturdays at 6pm].



King Promise Tells Apple Music About the Global Popularity of His Song, “Terminator” 

I love to contribute to my culture—the goal has always been global domination through our music as Africans. The fact now the world is catching on—even they are late but they are welcome to the party—I’m blessed, not just as a Ghanaian, but as an African in general. It’s so beautiful to see the world latching on to what we’re doing, love it and appreciate it.

When “Terminator” dropped, it was another level of what I’m doing, for me. It was such a blessing to have a record known all over the globe; it’s just so beautiful. After that it’s just been back-to-back with “Paris,”  “Perfect Combi,” “Favourite Story” and now finally the album, so I’ve been super proud of this whole movement right now.


King Promise Tells Apple Music How He Felt No Pressure To Deliver With His New Album, ’True To Self’ 

It’s always been [about] having fun for the music, becauseI feel like that’s when you make the magic. When you overcalculate it and you overthink it, you lose a spark, and this is something I learned from the OGs before I became established in the business. It’s good to be a perfectionist—I like my things perfect—but there’s also beautify in the flaws, so it’s always to a certain level.

There’s really no pressure—I never go to the studio like, “I need to make a hit today,” you know? I go to the studio making music that I love and giving it my very best, because obviously I believe I’m blessed with this talent and I really don’t need to overthink it, and that’s really how I always move in what I do. It’s never really pressure, it’s more like excitement… it pushes me to want to do more.

King Promise Tells Apple Music What Inspired the Title of His New Album, ’True To Self’ 


Life and growth [inspired this album title]. I just got to the point where I felt the most important thing and the best thing you can to do to yourself is really lean into your originality and what you represent, and where you belong. All those things are important in making you grow into a better person. I’ve always kept it 100 with my music. I don’t do music because of what’s popping, I make music that I love, and I’m actually true to myself.

With a few things happening in my life at the point when I started working on the album, it just felt like [it was] the right title to call it, because I thought I’m gonna go back to the basics. I’m allowing myself to be vulnerable, allow myself to be a superstar, allow myself to be a fan, and allow myself to be an artist.

King Promise Tells Apple Music About His Song, “Continental (feat. Shallipopi)” 

It was one of the very last songs I made on the album. My friend GuiltyBeatz produced it. I hadn’t seen him in almost a year because he’s been travelling the world—I know he just finished an album with Tems—but finally he came bearing gifts, like “Bro, I have something for you. I was just waiting to see you, when I made this one I knew it was yours.” Then he plays the “Continental” beat and I’m like, “What the hell is this?” It was just a match made in heaven, It was so perfect. When I got through those first lines I was like yes, this is truly ‘True To Self,’  and I just took it from there.


Eventually I was talking to my manager and I said that Shallipopi will sound good and it will bring out another side of him. He heard it and was crazy about it, and I’m happy for what we’ve put together. He came to Ghana, we shot the video and everything’s beautiful… I can’t wait for everyone to hear it.

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Zipline and CorpsAfrica Partner to Address Critical Blood Supply Needs in Ghana



Zipline, the global leader in instant logistics, and CorpsAfrica, a global NGO that recruits and trains educated African youth as volunteers to live and work in rural, under-resourced communities, have joined forces to tackle the critical need for safe and adequate blood supplies in health facilities across Ghana. This partnership aims to increase blood supplies through a series of comprehensive initiatives, leveraging the strengths and reach of both organizations to save more lives.

Despite the importance of a reliable blood supply for effective healthcare delivery, recent data has revealed a troubling trend of low voluntary blood donations in Ghana. In 2021, only 26% of the 173,938 units of donated blood were collected from the general public (as opposed to family members and immediate friends of the recipients), and in 2022, this percentage slightly decreased to 25.3% of the 179,765 blood donations.

To combat this issue, Zipline, as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts, has been actively working over the past several years to increase the availability of blood at various hospitals in the countries where it operates. In 2023, for example, Zipline collaborated with the National Blood Bank in Ghana to organize 41 blood drives throughout Ghana, successfully collecting a total of 2,780 blood units. Similarly, Zipline’s work with the Rwandan blood system has translated to a 55% reduction in maternal mortality, according to a study by The Wharton School.

“We are committed to addressing the critical blood supply needs in Ghana. Our partnership with CorpsAfrica will significantly amplify our efforts, enabling us to reach more communities and save more lives,” said Miki Sofer, Senior VP of Partnerships at Zipline.

Zipline and CorpsAfrica will collaborate with the National Blood Service to coordinate monthly blood drives at different locations nationwide. This partnership aims to organize roughly 80 blood drives in 2024 – a substantial increase of more than 100% from what Zipline organized in 2023. The effort is expected to yield about 6,000 blood units. 


“CorpsAfrica is thrilled to collaborate with Zipline on this vital initiative,” says Liz Fanning, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of CorpsAfrica. “CorpsAfrica Volunteers across Ghana are eager to support these blood drives, enhancing sensitization campaigns, and mobilizing community support.”

The partnership looks forward to engaging community volunteers in various districts within the Zipline operational areas in Ghana (Omenako, Ashanti Mampong, Vobsi, Sefwi Wiawso, Anum and Kete Krachi) to actively participate in awareness campaigns aimed at promoting the importance of blood donation. Church groups, schools, and members of local communities are largely targeted to participate in this exercise. 

Beyond the blood drives, the partners will also conduct awareness programs and provide training to healthcare professionals on effectively utilizing different blood components, such as Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), for specific medical situations. By enhancing the understanding and awareness of Zipline and CorpsAfrica’s capabilities, more health facilities can leverage the support offered in accessing essential blood products when needed.

“We encourage everyone within the region to be on the lookout for our publicity materials announcing dates and locations for the next blood drive. Together, let’s work to make blood available to save the lives of those who need it the most,’’ said Sofer.     



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Pinky Pecks proclaims herself as the change in a male-dominated industry



In a recent interview on Anidaso TV, rising music sensation, Pinky Pecks made a controversial statement that has sent shockwaves through the industry. (more…)

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