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Zipline and CorpsAfrica Partner to Address Critical Blood Supply Needs in Ghana



Zipline, the global leader in instant logistics, and CorpsAfrica, a global NGO that recruits and trains educated African youth as volunteers to live and work in rural, under-resourced communities, have joined forces to tackle the critical need for safe and adequate blood supplies in health facilities across Ghana. This partnership aims to increase blood supplies through a series of comprehensive initiatives, leveraging the strengths and reach of both organizations to save more lives.

Despite the importance of a reliable blood supply for effective healthcare delivery, recent data has revealed a troubling trend of low voluntary blood donations in Ghana. In 2021, only 26% of the 173,938 units of donated blood were collected from the general public (as opposed to family members and immediate friends of the recipients), and in 2022, this percentage slightly decreased to 25.3% of the 179,765 blood donations.

To combat this issue, Zipline, as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts, has been actively working over the past several years to increase the availability of blood at various hospitals in the countries where it operates. In 2023, for example, Zipline collaborated with the National Blood Bank in Ghana to organize 41 blood drives throughout Ghana, successfully collecting a total of 2,780 blood units. Similarly, Zipline’s work with the Rwandan blood system has translated to a 55% reduction in maternal mortality, according to a study by The Wharton School.

“We are committed to addressing the critical blood supply needs in Ghana. Our partnership with CorpsAfrica will significantly amplify our efforts, enabling us to reach more communities and save more lives,” said Miki Sofer, Senior VP of Partnerships at Zipline.

Zipline and CorpsAfrica will collaborate with the National Blood Service to coordinate monthly blood drives at different locations nationwide. This partnership aims to organize roughly 80 blood drives in 2024 – a substantial increase of more than 100% from what Zipline organized in 2023. The effort is expected to yield about 6,000 blood units. 


“CorpsAfrica is thrilled to collaborate with Zipline on this vital initiative,” says Liz Fanning, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of CorpsAfrica. “CorpsAfrica Volunteers across Ghana are eager to support these blood drives, enhancing sensitization campaigns, and mobilizing community support.”

The partnership looks forward to engaging community volunteers in various districts within the Zipline operational areas in Ghana (Omenako, Ashanti Mampong, Vobsi, Sefwi Wiawso, Anum and Kete Krachi) to actively participate in awareness campaigns aimed at promoting the importance of blood donation. Church groups, schools, and members of local communities are largely targeted to participate in this exercise. 

Beyond the blood drives, the partners will also conduct awareness programs and provide training to healthcare professionals on effectively utilizing different blood components, such as Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP), for specific medical situations. By enhancing the understanding and awareness of Zipline and CorpsAfrica’s capabilities, more health facilities can leverage the support offered in accessing essential blood products when needed.

“We encourage everyone within the region to be on the lookout for our publicity materials announcing dates and locations for the next blood drive. Together, let’s work to make blood available to save the lives of those who need it the most,’’ said Sofer.     



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DJ Liam and ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ star Abigail perform on Joy Prime’s 4KidzParadise



DJ Liam, born Prince Liam Lartey Sackitey, joined forces with Abigail, the reigning second runner-up of the 2024 edition of ‘Britain’s Got Talent,’ for an extended version of Joy Prime’s 4KidzParadise on the Father’s Day edition. Their exciting performances thrilled viewers, leaving a lasting impression. (more…)

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12 Assumptions Slowing Down Your Performance (And How EI Can Come To Your Rescue) II



Dr. Abiola Salami

Today, we are live in Mombasa, Kenya for Dr. Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp 2.0 where leaders are gathered to gain insights for driving transformational leadership with The Magic of Emotional Intelligence. 

Last week, we commenced a conversation on 12 Assumptions slowing down your performance and how emotional intelligence can come to your rescue. We looked at 4 of the 12 assumptions namely – Assumption #1 – More Meetings Are A Sign Of Productivity. Assumption #2 – Aptitude Is More Important Than Attitude. Assumption #3 – Everyone Understands A Brief and Assumption #4 – Training Should Be for Only Top Executives.

This week, we shall be looking at another 4 Assumptions as follows:

Assumption #5 – Underperformance Is Entirely An Employee’s Fault


Without absolving an employee from taking personal responsibility, it must be said that productivity is a function of multiple causalities. Whilst an employee’s talent and work ethic is on one side of the equation, the kind of work environment leaders and team members create is on the other side of the equation. The question is, to what respective degrees are the employee and the organization responsible for a low level of productivity? An audit of key performance indicators, resources available to support those targets and the climate created by both parties determines performance. Organizational awareness is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence where leaders are really committed to (i) discovering the kind of culture persists in the organization and (ii) developing a peak performance culture which demands high level performance from team members while also delivering a high level of service to these team members. 

Assumption #6 – Criticism Is a Sign Of Disloyalty

As much as team members should be aligned in their collective thinking, there should be room for different perspectives. Groupthink is one of the threats to productivity because everyone could be blinded by a seemingly great idea but it takes a divergent view sometimes to unlock super levels of productivity. Thus criticism may come from a place of concern, not that whoever propounded such is a dissent. It’s dangerous when everyone always agree on everything; boardrooms shouldn’t be diverse only in talent, gender and generation but also in thought-process. All feedback cannot be pretty; some can be harsh but it is better a team member calls something out, than for the market to call it out which may come with dire consequences. Conflict management is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence where leaders commit to resolving differences without being vindictive towards those with different viewpoints.

Assumption #7 – Every Employee Has to Work the Same Way


This assumption is founded on the myopic thinking where a leader assumes that every employee should adopt their workstyle. This is not about work ethic; this is about workstyle. Whilst everyone should adhere to organizational guidelines, there should still be room for personal creativity – else monotony will stifle productivity. The most important thing to a leader should be having team members deliver results with adherence to the general codes of conduct and meeting of key performance indicators. Policing employees on their methodologies (which doesn’t compromise quality or regulation) shouldn’t be discouraged. Inspirational leadership is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence which empower leaders with the competence to guide their team to bring out their best – this includes in this case, allowing them certain freedoms when working. 

Assumption #8 – Working Longer Means Working Better

Some leaders assume that keeping their employees for longer than working hours somehow leads to higher productivity when they might just be keeping up appearances. Owing to the power-dynamics in an employer-employee relationship, employees play along without necessarily churning out more work. When we leaders try to squeeze more from a fatigued team member, the law of diminishing returns sets in with the team members delivering poor quality work with longer time investment. Influence is one of the critical skills of emotional intelligence which equips the leader with the competence to engage team members to get work done not because they have to, but because they want to. When you gain buy-in even if on occasion there must be longer working hours, much can be achieved by consensus rather than coercion.

Growth Opportunities


To further position your leaders for peak performance, you can download a free copy of the latest edition of The Peak Performer Magazine You can also enrol your Mid-level  Leadership Team for the Made4More Accelerator Program and your Senior Leadership Team for the Dr. Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp 2024 We also have an upcoming training for leaders in public service 

About Dr. Abiola Salami

Dr. Abiola Salami is the Convener of Dr Abiola Salami International Leadership Bootcamp and The Peak PerformerTM. He is the Principal Performance Strategist at CHAMP – a full scale professional services firm trusted by high performing business leaders for providing Executive Coaching, Workforce Development & Advisory Services to improve performance. You can reach his team on [email protected] and connect with him @abiolachamp on all social media platforms.

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Ghanaian-French Musician Tee Kae Set to Shine at Ghanafest Concert, Paris Olympics and Paralympics



Rising Ghanaian-French musician Tee Kae is set to captivate audiences at the Ghanafest Concert, a highly anticipated event taking place on Saturday, August 3, 2024, as part of the Ghanafest Paris Olympics and Paralympics. With her unique sound and undeniable talent, Tee Kae promises to leave a lasting impression on attendees.

Discovering her passion for music at a young age through singing and leading her church music group, Tee Kae’s journey as an artist has been influenced by iconic musicians such as Alicia Keys and H.E.R. With a desire to create her own distinct sound, Tee Kae seamlessly blends elements of Afro-R&B/Soul, Indie vocals, and a touch of Trap with AltĂ© rhythms.

Having initially gained attention for her exceptional vocal abilities showcased in acoustic covers of popular songs, Tee Kae embarked on a transformative year of introspection and growth.

Now, Tee Kae is ready to take the stage at the Ghanafest Concert in Paris, joining an impressive lineup of Ghanaian artists and cultural groups. She Will Share stage with Bessa Simon, Ras Kuuku, Kofi Kinaata, Sista Afia. Her performance promises to be a standout moment, as she showcases her unique sound and enthralling stage presence. From her sultry vocals to her captivating performances, Tee Kae is bound to leave the audience wanting more.


The Ghanafest Concert is organized by Showbiz Global Concepts in collaboration with the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), ensuring a high-quality event that celebrates Ghanaian culture and talent. Tee Kae’s participation in this prestigious concert solidifies her status as one of the most promising artists to emerge from the Ghanaian music scene.

As Tee Kae prepares to grace the stage at the Ghanafest Concert, fans, and music enthusiasts can look forward to experiencing her artistry and witnessing the evolution of her sound. With her unique blend of genres and heartfelt lyrics, Tee Kae is poised to make a lasting impact on the global music landscape.

Listen to her latest single “My Last” on all platforms here. Follow Tee Kae on Instagram | X

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints supports renovation of Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools



The Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools in Adabraka has been transformed following an extensive refurbishment project funded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in collaboration with the Ga Mantse Foundation. The renovated school was officially commissioned in a ceremony that marked the realization of a vision set forth by His Royal Majesty King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, the Ga Mantse and President of the Ga Traditional Council.

In his address at the commissioning ceremony, Elder S. Gifford Nielsen, Africa West Area President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, expressed his joy in seeing the project come to fruition. 

“We are honored to support this vital initiative that will impact the lives of many children in this community. Education is the cornerstone of a bright future, and we are committed to helping provide the resources needed for these children to succeed,” Elder Nielsen stated.

He added that successful completion of the Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools renovation is ample proof of the power of collaboration and the impact of community-driven initiatives.

Exteriors of the refurbished classroom blocks (1)

Exteriors of the refurbished classroom blocks

Elder Nielsen was confident that as the students and teachers of the school step into their new and improved environment, the foundation has been laid for a brighter educational future in Adabraka.

Greater Accra Regional Minister, Nii Kwartei Titus Glover representing President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, said it was a day of great delight seeing the advancement of education through enhanced infrastructure. “This is consistent with our agenda to make education accessible to all Ghanaians,” he noted. 

The project, which began on August 2, 2021, during the King’s 50th birthday, stemmed from his commitment to enhancing the educational infrastructure for the children in his community. Instead of a lavish birthday celebration, the King chose to spend the day with the students of the Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools. Shocked by the dilapidated state of the school, he pledged to renovate it to provide a conducive learning environment.

The journey to the renovation began with the formation of a committee led by Honorable Ekow Spio Garbrah – an alumnus of the school – who worked tirelessly alongside the Municipal Chief Executive of Korley Klottey, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Ga Mantse Foundation, and various other stakeholders. 

Their combined efforts led to the sod-cutting ceremony on May 10, 2023, and the commencement of construction shortly thereafter.


On her part, Member of Parliament for the Korle Klottey Constituency, Dr. Zanetor Rawlings, lauded the collaborative efforts that made the renovation possible. “This is the most dramatic transformation of any school I have personally witnessed. This project is a shining example of what can be achieved when communities and organisations come together with a shared vision. The refurbishment of this school will undoubtedly have a lasting positive impact on our children’s education and future prospects,” Dr. Rawlings remarked.

The newly refurbished school now boasts state-of-the-art facilities that will provide students with a better learning environment. Classrooms have been upgraded, new educational materials provided, and essential amenities installed to support the holistic development of the students.

Inside the newly built ICT centre for King Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of School at Adabraka (1)

Inside the newly built ICT centre for King Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of School at Adabraka

The Mantse Tackie Tawiah I Cluster of Schools now features a newly built library with over 2,000 books and a state-of-the-art ICT center with 40 fully installed computers. The project included the renovation of the 12-unit Mantse Tackie Tawiah block, the 6-unit Liberty Avenue block, the Mantse Tackie Tawiah KG block, and the Liberty Avenue ICT Laboratory and office. 

Additionally, a new astro turf football pitch with a 60-seater spectator stand, an 8-seater toilet facility with urinals and girls’ changing rooms, and a 100-seater canteen have been constructed. A 20-seater toilet facility was also renovated. The school’s perimeter was upgraded with a new fence wall, improved drainage, new pavements, landscaping, a new security post, and an upgraded entrance.

King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, whose vision and dedication drove the project, shared his aspirations for the future. “This renovation is just the beginning. I have many more dreams for the Ga State, and with the continued support of our development partners, we will achieve them. Every child deserves the opportunity to receive quality education and realize their full potential,” the King affirmed.

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How to Choose a Simple and Reliable Crypto Exchange in Nigeria



How to Choose a Simple and Reliable Crypto Exchange in Nigeria

The cryptocurrency market in Nigeria is rapidly expanding, with more individuals exploring digital assets as an investment opportunity. Whether you’re buying or selling Bitcoin in Nigeria, choosing the right platform is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key factors to consider when selecting a simple and reliable crypto exchange in Nigeria.

Evaluate Security Measures

Security should be your top priority when dealing with cryptocurrencies. A breach or hack can lead to the loss of your hard-earned funds, making it crucial to choose an exchange with robust security measures in place. Look for a secure crypto wallet in Nigeria that offers fast cryptocurrency transactions with low fees.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)


Ensure the exchange supports 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication), which adds an extra layer of security to your account. 2FA requires you to provide a secondary form of verification, such as a one-time code sent to your mobile device, in addition to your password. This step significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

Cold Storage

Prefer exchanges that store the majority of their assets in offline cold storage, which protects against hacks and cyber attacks. Cold storage refers to the practice of keeping cryptocurrencies on devices that are not connected to the internet, making them virtually immune to online threats.

Regulatory Compliance


Ensure the exchange complies with local and international regulations, such as those set by the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Regulatory compliance ensures that your funds are protected and that the exchange operates within the boundaries of the law.

Assess Supported Cryptocurrencies

The range of cryptocurrencies an exchange supports can influence your trading opportunities and portfolio diversification. Look for exchanges that list popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (check the Bitcoin price in USD), as well as altcoins like Tatcoin and Bcoin.

When investing or trading in digital currencies, finding a simple crypto exchange in Nigeria is crucial for a seamless experience. Opt for platforms that offer a wide selection of coins, including major ones like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as promising altcoins. This ensures that you have ample choices to diversify your portfolio and capitalize on various market opportunities.


Range of Assets: Look for exchanges offering a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, including major coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as popular altcoins. This allows you to diversify your portfolio and take advantage of different market opportunities.

New Listings: Opt for platforms that frequently add new and promising cryptocurrencies to their listings. This ensures you have access to emerging projects and can potentially capitalize on early investment opportunities.

Consider Fiat Deposit Methods

To start trading cryptocurrencies, you need to deposit funds into your exchange account. The availability and convenience of fiat deposit methods can significantly impact your overall experience. Look for options to convert NGN to USDT or USDT to USD.

  • Bank Transfers: Ensure the exchange supports bank transfers for easy funding of your account. This method is typically preferred by many users due to its reliability and familiarity.
  • Card Payments and Other Methods: The availability of debit/credit card payments and other local payment methods, such as Chipper Cash and Paga, can enhance convenience and accessibility, especially for those who may not have access to traditional banking services.

Review Customer Support Options

Even the best exchanges can experience issues, which is why reliable customer support is essential. Ensure the exchange you choose offers multiple channels for assistance and prompt response times, including 24/7 crypto support, Nigeria.

Availability: Check if the exchange offers 24/7 customer support to assist with urgent issues that may arise at any time. Cryptocurrency markets operate around the clock, and having access to support at all times can be crucial, especially during periods of high volatility or technical issues.

Channels: Prefer platforms that provide multiple support channels, such as live chat, email, and social media. This ensures you can reach out through your preferred method and receive timely assistance. Users may have different preferences for communication channels, and having multiple options can improve the overall customer experience.

Liquidity and Trading Volume


High liquidity and trading volume are crucial for efficient transactions and fair pricing. Liquidity and trading volume go hand-in-hand. A high trading volume often contributes to increased liquidity. When many users are actively buying and selling, there’s a constant flow of cryptocurrency in the market, making it easier for others to execute trades efficiently.

High Liquidity: Higher liquidity ensures smoother, faster transactions without significant price slippage. This means you can execute trades at the desired price without causing significant market movements. Liquidity is essential for efficient trading, as it allows you to enter and exit positions quickly without facing substantial price movements due to a lack of buyers or sellers.

Trading Volume: A high trading volume is indicative of a reliable and popular exchange. Higher trading volumes typically result in tighter bid-ask spreads, further contributing to better pricing and execution. Exchanges with high trading volumes tend to be more liquid and offer better prices, as there is a constant flow of buy and sell orders, leading to tighter bid-ask spreads and more efficient order execution.


When choosing a crypto exchange in Nigeria, consider factors like liquidity and trading volume to ensure a smoother and more efficient trading experience. Opting for an exchange with high liquidity and trading volume can ensure a smoother and more efficient trading experience.


User Experience and Interface

A user-friendly interface can greatly enhance your overall trading experience, especially if you’re a beginner.

User-Friendly Interface

Choose an exchange with an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface. This can streamline your trading activities and reduce the learning curve associated with using the platform. A well-designed user interface can make a significant difference in your trading experience, especially for beginners, as it can help you quickly understand and navigate the various features and functionalities of the exchange.


Mobile App Availability

Accessing the exchange through a mobile app is a significant advantage, allowing you to monitor and manage your trades on the go. With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a dedicated mobile app can provide you with the flexibility to trade or monitor your positions from anywhere, without being tied to a desktop computer.

KYC and Verification Process

Most reputable exchanges require users to complete a Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations.

  • Ease of Verification: Ensure the KYC process is straightforward and not overly cumbersome. A streamlined verification process allows you to start trading quickly without unnecessary delays.
  • Security of Personal Information: The exchange should have robust measures in place to protect user data during and after the verification process. This includes secure storage and encryption of sensitive information.

Advanced Trading Features

While not essential for beginners, advanced trading features can be a significant advantage for experienced traders.

Leverage Options

The availability of leverage and margin trading can allow traders to amplify their potential gains (and losses) by trading with borrowed funds. Leverage can be a powerful tool for experienced traders, allowing them to control larger positions with a smaller capital outlay, but it also carries significant risks, as losses can be magnified as well.

Additional Tools


Features such as staking, lending, and trading bots can provide additional income streams and automated trading capabilities, respectively. These advanced features can be attractive to traders looking to maximize their earnings or automate certain aspects of their trading strategies, but they may also come with additional risks and complexities that should be carefully considered.

Community and Reputation

The community and reputation of an exchange can offer valuable insights into its reliability and user satisfaction. Stay up-to-date with cryptocurrency news Nigeria and the cryptocurrency in Africa landscape.

User Reviews


Look at user reviews and community feedback to gauge the overall experience of using the exchange. Positive reviews can be a strong indicator of a trustworthy platform. User reviews and community feedback can provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of an exchange, as well as help you understand the experiences of other traders.

Longevity and Track Record

Prefer exchanges with a long-standing history of operations and a solid track record. Established platforms are often more reliable and have withstood the test of time. An exchange with a long and reputable track record is generally a safer choice, as it has proven its ability to navigate through various market conditions and regulatory changes over time.



1. What is the best way to buy cryptocurrencies in Nigeria?

The best way to buy cryptocurrencies in Nigeria is through a reputable and user-friendly crypto exchange that supports local payment methods, has tight security measures.

2. How can I store my cryptocurrencies safely?

It’s recommended to use a secure crypto wallet in Nigeria, to store your cryptocurrencies safely. This protects your funds from online threats and unauthorized access.


3. How do I choose the right cryptocurrencies to invest in?

Research the project thoroughly, understand the technology and use case, and consider factors like market capitalization, trading volume, and community support. Cryptocurrency guides in Nigeria can also provide valuable insights.


Choosing a simple and reliable crypto exchange in Nigeria requires careful consideration of several factors, including security, fees, supported cryptocurrencies, deposit methods, customer support, liquidity, user experience, verification process, advanced features, and community reputation. By considering these factors, you can ensure a secure and efficient trading environment.

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People & Lifestyle

5 ways Emirates Skywards has elevated the loyalty experience



Emirates Skywards continues to raise the bar in the loyalty industry with its pioneering initiatives and customer-centric strategy. Over the past year, the loyalty programme has rolled out new feature enhancements and expanded its brand portfolio to attract 33 million members worldwide.  

Recognised as one of the most valuable loyalty programmes in the world – here are five ways Emirates Skywards has elevated the loyalty experience. 

  1. Expanded money-can’t-buy experiences with Skywards Exclusives 

With Skywards Exclusives, members can spend or bid Miles on hospitality tickets and VIP experiences to some of the world’s most renowned sporting events, including US Open, Roland-Garros, AC Milan, Real Madrid, Arsenal, and Wimbledon, The Championships.

More recently, Emirates Skywards  expanded its lifestyle partnerships to offer  members a chance to experience the lush tea plantations in Sri Lanka with Dilmah Tea;  and a chance to discover the idyllic vineyards in Champagne with in France with LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton). 

Stay tuned for even more experiences in the pipeline! 

  1. More opportunities with Cash+Miles 

Members can see more of the world with Cash + Miles by instantly reducing the amount of cash needed to pay towards the cost of a flight ticket, on any fare, any day. By logging-in to before their search, members can also benefit from personalised rates and save up to 3 times more.* Look out for the special offer icon on selected flights!

A very popular offering, Cash+Miles has now expanded, enabling members to use Cash+Miles for ancillary products such as preferred seat selection, excess baggage allowance and lounge access in airports worldwide. 

  1. Download, link and earn with Skywards Everyday 

Skywards Everyday is an app that enables members to earn Skywards Miles all day, every day with over 300 partners across dining, high street and luxury shopping, entertainment, beauty and wellness, groceries, and services.

The loyalty programme re-launched the app last year with an enhanced seamless experience. Members simply need to link up to five Visa or Mastercard debit or credit cards in the app. Emirates Skywards credit card holders can multiply their miles by earning twice on the same transaction – making it much easier for members to earn Miles faster.

Visit Skywards Living to explore a world of rewards with more than 4,000 retail, lifestyle, and car rental partners; and access to around 2 million hotels via travel partners worldwide. 

  1. Get rewarded for online shopping with Skywards Miles Mall 

Emirates Skywards members can earn Skywards Miles by shopping with their favourite brands across the UAE, UK, USA, Australia and India. Members will be spoilt for choice with over 2800brands on Skywards Miles Mall  across various categories, including food, fashion, beauty, electronics, health, wellness, travel, leisure, entertainment and more.

The loyalty programme has recently introduced a new way to spend Miles on Gift Cards. Starting at only 2,000 Miles – members can simply log into with their Emirates Skywards membership details; select their preferred Gift Card value; and enjoy spending Miles with hundreds of brands. 

  1. Earning & Rewards with Airline Partners

In addition to Emirates and flydubai, Skywards members can enjoy offerings with over 15 airline partners, including United Airlines, Air Canada, Azul, Japan Airlines, Qantas and Condor.  Best of all, Economy Class Reward tickets across all partners have recently been reduced by 20%, with rewards now starting from just 8,000 Skywards Miles!*  Bookings can be done conveniently via or contact centres.

Onwards, Upwards, Skywards 

With over 33 million members worldwide, Emirates Skywards continues to be recognized for its innovative products and industry-leading initiatives. The loyalty programme has won more than 50 awards since its inception, and more recently, crowned as “Global Loyalty Programme of the Year Middle East” at the prestigious International Loyalty Awards 2024.

Emirates Skywards was also recognized as “Middle East’s Leading Airline Rewards Programme” at the World Travel Awards 2024; “World Leading Airline Reward Program” at the World Travel Awards 2023; “Best Earn & Redemption Capability” at the Frequent Traveller Awards 2023 and “Airline with the Best Frequent Flyer Programme” at the Business Traveller Awards 2024.

In the last year (March 2023 – March 2024) – 

  • 33.1 million members 
    • 370 new members enrol per hour.
    • 6 new members join the loyalty programme every minute.  
  • 80.1 billion Skywards Miles earned
    • More than 100,000 earned transactions made daily .
  • 1.3 million flight rewards processed
    • 1 in 8 flight tickets purchased by members utilising Skywards Miles.
  • 4.5 million Skywards Miles redeemed per hour.  
    • 115 Skywards Miles redeemed daily 
  • 190,000 co-brand cardholders across UAE, KSA, UAE, US and India 

For more information, visit

*Terms and conditions apply

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