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Augusco hammer Mfantsipim in Cape Coast derby



Mfantsipim School and St. Augustine’s College were in a grudge match as city-rivals in the Round of 16, Senior Sharks 7.
The contest was to decide who makes it to the next stage of Senior Sharks 7.

It was the third contest in the Round 16 series, and it brought fans of these two brilliant Cape Coast schools to their feet.
Understandably, this was more than just points and scores, but also the right to lord over the other for at least a year.

Mfantsipim’s path to the Round of 16 had seen them overcome Kumasi Academy at the Second Round stage.
St. Augustine’s College (Augusco) were second runner-up of Senior Sharks 6 and were thus competing in their first contest as a Super Ranked School.

The ‘Bakaano’ boys booked another Super Ranked School membership with a well curated victory over the ‘Kotokuraba’ boys.
Looking at Augusco’s enviable track record in the Senior Sharks, their win against ‘Kwabotwe’, as Mfantsipim is commonly called, was not unexpected.


The emphatic win against a well-decorated school like Mfantsipim, however, is what left mouths agape.

Right Corner Round
Mfantsipim picked the ballot to start this round and they improved upon their score in their last contest against Kumaca.
Mfantsipim had fifty (50) points, while Augusco bagged forty (40) points.

R Cubed Round
Augusco turned up and turned out as they raised the bar in this round with an outstanding display.
They were so good in both the Reading and Writing, as well as in the Arithmetic segment, to end the Round with sixty (60) points.
Mfantsipim’s total efforts resulted in five (5) points only.

STEM Round
It is always said that teams in Senior Sharks 7 stand to safeguard their success if they stay away from questions with thorny edges.
Not heeding this, Mfantsipim became the architects of their own downfall as they buzzed hurriedly, and missed almost all except one.
Mfantsipim were slapped with negative twenty-five (-25) points while Augusco were a bit luckier and stayed positive with ten (10) points.

One-on-one Round
Mfantsipim had waved bye-bye to Senior Sharks 7, as it was practically impossible to win this contest.
What was left to compete for was a piece of the G-Money largesse at stake.
Bryan and William were indicated as English experts and both missed the first question, but William brought ten (10) points home for Mfantsipim.

The duo of Alexander and Caleb were specialists in Math for St. Augustine’s College and Mfantsipim respectively.
Caleb put another correct score for ten (10) points in Mfantsipim’s name.
Science Specialists showed Samuel for St. Augustine’s and Kingsley for Mfantsipim School respectively.
Mfantsipim were with the momentum and Kingsley picked another answer correctly for ten (10) points.
In General Knowledge, Kwabena and Elliott shared the twenty (20) points in this round for Augusco and Mfantsipim respectively.
On that note, the round came to a close and scores showed forty (40) points for Mfantsipim and Augusco with ten (10) points.
Final Scores for this family feud brewed in Cape Coast said Mfantsipim had sixty (60) points and St. Augustine’s College, one hundred and twenty (120) points.
Augusco’s worst in Senior Sharks in the last three seasons is the semifinals, and with this performance, they can well be on their way to another semifinals and beyond.
Congratulations to them and better luck to Mfantsipim.

The Sharks Quiz is developed by the Academic Talent Development Program and produced by the Adesa Production Limited (APL).
Official media partner is TV3.
Sponsors: MTN, G-Money, Fidelity Bank, Academic City University College, Family Health Medical School, Ashesi University, and University of the Free State.

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