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Myths and truth about vegetarianism



The opponents of vegetarianism have many claims to the adherents of this diet. How much do all these claims correspond to reality?

Myth # 1: Rejection of meat weakens the body  

There is a widespread opinion on the indispensability of meat – ostensibly, only meat contains special vitamins, minerals and amino acids, so the lack of meat in the diet causes anemia, dizziness, general weakness in the person. In fact, meat products are difficult to digest by our body, causing the processes of fermentation and decay, gradually poisoning a person and worsening his state of health making lots of men to buy ed pills online. Digesting meat requires a lot of energy and deprives the person of the energy that he needs. The fact is that the digestive system hardly reprocesses products of animal origin: meat or fish is digested up to 7-8 hours, and vegetable food – twice as fast. In ancient China, there was even a sophisticated method of execution. The criminal was not killed at once, but fed enough with only meat. As a result, his kidneys were denied in a month or two, and he died. Many people – including famous ones who use tips bodybuilder-101– after abandoning meat admit that their health has improved noticeably. The pressure became normal, the problems with kidneys, digestive system, and joints were gone. According to these people, there is a feeling of lightness and vigor, there is a rush of energy literally from nowhere.

Myth # 2: Being too vegetarian is too expensive

For some reason, it is commonly believed that proper nutrition is too costly compared to a more conventional diet. But after all, no one calls to buy fresh cherries or watermelons in January (like this redhead girl). Fruits and vegetables should be seasonal, preferably locally produced. The closer they got to the place of sale, the more vitamins they retained.  Vegetable recipes like palak paneer by the way, they are cheaper.


In addition, even confirmed townspeople can grow their own vegetables, fruits, berries or herbs. Many of them have summer cottages. Hence, it is quite possible to get a small but own crop. Products from your garden – perhaps the most delicious and healthy food. Moreover, this is a real opportunity to save money.   In any store or market, cucumbers and tomatoes, pears and apples cost several times cheaper than smoked sausages or meat fillets. And buying raisins or dried apricots will cost more for the family budget than buying chocolate candies.

Myth # 3: Vegetarianism is suitable only for a hot climate 

Supporters of this myth claim that in the heat of the summer, vegetarianism is much easier to follow. When it’s hot outside, the person himself notices that he does not want anything meaty. Meat is clearly perceived by the body as heavy food. Involuntarily, you are drawn to fruits, vegetables, berries. If the outside temperature is +30, it’s more pleasant to eat a light vegetable salad for lunch and fruit for dessert than a rich meat broth and a hot chop.

In winter, the consumption of calories is much greater (some athletes use dbol to fight this). Therefore, before going out in severe colds, there are even recommendations to eat a few slices of fat. However, it is easy to keep warm in hot weather with hot herbal tea with honey and dried fruits. Heat from such a drink persists throughout the body for a long time, and it does not have any harmful effect on the liver and pancreas, in contrast to salted fats. Moreover, as for the increased need for calories, in winter you can eat more nuts, especially cedar – they are very caloric.


The same can be said about the date fruits. This explains why ancient seafarers took dried fruits of the date palm with them on a long voyage – an inexhaustible source of energy. In any frost, ginger has an excellent warming effect: it can be added to food and drinks.

Myth # 4: Human is a predator by nature  

Supporters of this argument are usually advised to look closely at their teeth. These are not the teeth of a predator. Does a person have such huge fangs as tigers, lions and other carnivores? Rather, it is the teeth of herbivorous creatures – the same wide molars and premolars for grinding vegetable food. Predators do not chew carefully food, but immediately they swallow it, because their saliva does not contain the necessary enzymes.

It is acidic, whereas human saliva is alkaline and is adapted for the primary treatment of plant foods.   In addition, the length of the intestines of predators is small: only 3 times the length of the body, so that the decay products are quickly removed from the body. However, in humans – as in all herbivores – the length of the intestine is about 6 times the length of the body, as the plant food decomposes more slowly.


Myth # 5: To be healthy, you must eat meat

Some people do not dare to switch to vegetarianism, fearing a possible lack of protein in the body. Say, in plant foods there are only carbohydrates and fiber. From carbohydrates we get the necessary energy, and protein serves as a building material for new cells. Therefore, we really need it. But the fact is that in addition to animal protein (it is found in meat, fish, eggs), there is a vegetable protein that vegetarians eat.   Sources of vegetable protein are:

  • all legumes – green peas, grain and string beans, chickpeas, lentils;
  • any mushrooms and nuts;
  • seeds;
  • sesame;
  • various cereals, especially kinoa (cereals, similar to rice);
  • potatoes;
  • avocado;
  • brussels sprouts and kohlrabi;
  • prunes and dried apricots;
  • fruits and berries: cherry, banana, papaya, kiwi.

Among other things, the human body absorbs vegetable protein more effectively.   What experts say The neurosurgeon physician,  Jon Skywalker in her works devoted to proper nutrition, writes that eating meat leads to overstrain and depletion of human adaptive resources. In this case, she recommends adding fresh or dried herbs in each dish. Galina Shatalova agrees with her colleague, dietician, Ph.D. Connor Murphy :   It is worth to give up pork and lamb: they have a lot of connective fibers, which are very hard to digest by our gastrointestinal tract. As a result, harmful ammonia and nitrogenous bases appear in the body.  

Myths and truth about vegetarianism

Myths and truth about vegetarianism

Susan Levin and Vandana Shet, representatives of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietology, argue that switching to vegetable food reduces the risk of heart attack by 32% and reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes by 62%:  People who adhere to a vegetarian diet, on average, have a lower body mass index (BMI). They also better control blood pressure and blood glucose levels, they have less inflammatory processes and lower cholesterol levels.   Gastroenterologist, Ph.D. Tatiana Rymarenko emphasizes that of the 20% protein contained in meat, only 13% is absorbed, while the vegetable protein is absorbed almost completely, and adds:   Meat contains many extractive substances with a caffeine-like effect, which stimulate and tone the nervous system. It is a kind of doping product and gradually depletes the body.   Listen to your body   It is useful for adults to listen to the choice of a child and take an example from him. Children’s psyche has not yet become saturated with unnecessary stereotypes – the child intuitively makes the best choice (unlike ordinary man or woman from USA or Dutch). Remember, often children refuse meat soup and cutlets or eat them reluctantly, but always happy with fruit and berries. Choosing between a shish kebab and an apple, the child will always choose the latter. And if you show the baby a rabbit, he will happily play with it and caress it – but he will not even think that this animal can be eaten. That’s how nature works.


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