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Obama Wanted Me to Become a US Citizen, But I Declined – Blakk Rasta



Ghanaian media personality and musician, Abubakar Ahmed, known professionally as Blakk Rasta  has disclosed that he declined an offer of American citizenship from former US President, Barack Obama.


In an interview with Cape Coast-based Property FM, Blakk Rasta revealed that Obama extended the offer during his visit to Ghana. However, he firmly rejected the offer, emphasizing his commitment to serving his own country. 


Accepting American citizenship would have meant abandoning his responsibilities towards Ghana, which he was not willing to do. He expressed his belief that God had brought him to Ghana for a reason, and he felt compelled to contribute to the betterment of his country in his own small way. He firmly stated that he would not run away to America, as he believed that doing so would result in divine punishment. 

“When Obama came to Ghana he offered me the opportunity to become an American citizen, but I told him that when I accept to be an American citizen, God will punish me. Because God brought me to Ghana and I should do all that I can to fix this country in my small way so if i run to stay in America, God will whip me that day.

“I decided that no I won’t so if I have refused all these just to stay in the country I must talk and I have to talk or else there’s no need to stay in the country,” he stated

The ‘Gaafara’ composer also expressed his frustration with the politicians in Ghana, accusing them of using their positions for personal gain rather than serving the nation. He expressed his concern for the future of his children, as he did not want them to inherit a struggling economy. 


“Most of our problems are from the politicians because for them a call to service is a call to looting such that you’ve been called to help develop the country, but you are just stealing.

That is why I’m angry because I have young children, and when I watch them sleeping, it hurts me that they’ll grow and come and inherit this suck economy. Sick country and everyone is running away to travel abroad”.

Blakk Rasta’s decision to stay in Ghana and speak out against the issues plaguing the country stems from his deep love and dedication to his homeland.


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