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UNIFEM Ghana Endorses “Sinking Sands”

In line with its Say NO! to Violence campaign championed by Hollwyood actress Nicole Kidman, UNIFEM Ghana has endorsed the groundbreaking international drama “Sinking Sands” as part of its media resource for the campaign.  As a resource, the film will be used by UNIIFEM in educating women on the issues of violence and ways to prevent it in […]



In line with its Say NO! to Violence campaign championed by Hollwyood actress Nicole Kidman, UNIFEM Ghana has endorsed the groundbreaking international drama “Sinking Sands” as part of its media resource for the campaign.  As a resource, the film will be used by UNIIFEM in educating women on the issues of violence and ways to prevent it in their homes and in their lives.

“We are so excited to have the endorsement of UNIFEM Ghana. The film seeks to empower women no matter their circumstance, and UNIFEM Ghana’s mission fits perfectly as we use art to give life lessons,” said an elated filmmaker Leila Djansi.

“Sinking Sands” is a feature length psychological drama that tells the story of a couple, in a loving marriage that turns into one of violence and abuse when Jimah becomes disfigured in a domestic accident. The project is intended to create awareness on the continuous existence of abuse among today’s households.  It is an effort to show a side of defense that is proactive.

The screen play was written and directed by Africa Movie Academy Award-nominated director Leila Djansi and playing the lead roles in the film are Ghanaian-born British actress Ama K. Abebrese and Haitian-born model and Hollywood actor Jimmy Jean-Louis.  The film was shot in Accra and Ho,Ghana.

“Because up to 70 percent of women experience physical or sexual violence from men in their lifetime, we are all stakeholders in making change. Working as a team, we are indeed improving the quality of life for every victim here in Ghana and all over globe,” said Mr. Ansre of UNIFEM Ghana in a speech announcing its endorsement.


“Thank you to Leila Djansi for bringing the issue of domestic violence to light through an artistic form such as film.  This is just the beginning of our relationship to combat this global pandemic.”

UNIFEM Ghana is the women’s fund at the United Nations Ghana, dedicated to advancing women’s rights and achieving gender equality. The organization works on the premise that it is the fundamental right of every woman to live a life free from discrimination and violence, and that gender equality is essential to achieving development and to building just societies.

Financed through The David Djansi Memorial Film Fund and its Australian associates, “Sinking Sands” is produced by Turning Point Pictures. The film successfully premiered on Nov. 13, in Accra Ghana, and is headed to the Domestic US and international market for distribution.

UNIFEM Ghana invites the general public to loan their clicks on and support the mission to say NO! to violence against women.

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