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#COVID19: NGO wage war on the stigmatization of children of persons with coronavirus in Ghana



A Ghanaian NGO, Emehill Transformation has launched a national campaign against the stigmatization of children of persons with the novel coronavirus in Ghana.

In a press release, the organization noted with great concern the high rates of abuse and stigma against children of coronavirus patients in the country as more people get tested and are being treated.

The statement read:


“It is rather sad that as the virus spreads, so is misinformation, a trend that is adding more to the burden of discrimination and stigma to families who have been affected by the virus.
In many instances, children are the worse affected by stigmatization as today, society has turned it back on the children who are most vulnerable and need the support of all.
Stigma and abuse of children of Covid-19 patients are in direct breach of the Sustainable Development Goals on child rights and protection, especially goal 16.2 which enjoins all member states to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence and torture against children.

Stigmatizing children for any reason is abuse and to some extent a form of psychological torture for children especially in times as crucial as these.

It is due to fears of stigmatization that many failed to own up to get tested or even opened up about their fever or signs of contracting the virus, unfortunately, survivors (including children) after defeating the disease also have to face stigmatization, a situation if not well managed could further derail the physical, emotional and psychological progress of the individual.”

The leadership of Emehill Transformation and URGE Women Foundation encouraged members of society to desist from stigmatizing children who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic directly or indirectly.

The organization called on all Ghanaians, Cooperate Institutions and government institutions to support the “Ending Stigmatization Against Children of Covid-19 Victims” campaign to eradicate all forms of abuse and stigma meted to children of Covid-19 victims. #ChildrenAreSurvivorsToo#EndStigmaAgainstChildrenofCovid19Victims


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