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Kreek Africa – A Smart Way of Doing Business



The COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world, especially business community, a lot. With stay-at-home and social distancing protocols becoming the order of the day, employees and companies alike, all over the globe, are suffering the consequences. Business can no longer go on as usual, and for most, the slowdown has turned into something more worrying.


One of the biggest problems the pandemic has caused is employment insecurities. And while things are easing up, the conversation about the traditional work structure has been brought to question. Conversations are being started about how sustainable that structure is, especially during emergencies. During this pandemic, many businesses have broken down under the pressure to save cost and they have done this by laying off so many. This has increased the already large population of the unemployed in Africa, thereby leaving the economy even more vulnerable. Also, when it comes to productivity, some businesses have taken a hit and the time wasted to get things back in order has cost even more. This is why there is a need to find a more sustainable way of doing business, a smart way.

Self-employment is looking like the way forward for those who have lost their jobs and this is already an employment option for many Africans. Therefore, the number of people considering this option increases. While it is almost normal elsewhere in the world, with many platforms available for freelancers to put their skills and qualifications to use, Africa is still having difficulties in this area. Many African freelancers who don’t have any option than to use the Western platforms don’t get the same opportunities as their Western counterparts and are also more likely to experience discrimination. The pandemic, and all these other issues has brought to light the fact that when the whole world is facing the same problem, self-reliance becomes paramount. Therefore, an opportunity has opened up for Africa to create its own solutions and this makes platforms like very necessary.


Kreek Africa presents a platform for African businesses and Freelancers to connect and transact business. With a lot of employees being laid off, there are a lot of skills that more or less will be wasted without the right opportunity. Business are also short on staff, but still do not have enough resources to keep too many in-house employees. thereby creates the opportunity for these two parties to come together to collaborate. Hiring freelancers takes some of the cost of keeping employees in-house, especially when it comes to paying utilities etc. It is also relatively cheaper to get a freelancer complete a project. Freelancing also presents a flexible employment option, with regard to working hours and eliminates commuting which takes some time off work. Therefore, productivity does not have to be compromised on for all parties involved. Small and large businesses alike can benefit from this shift and individuals will can now have control over who to work for, and for how long.

With technology becoming more widespread on the continent, implementation of this smart way of doing businesses is not going to be much of a problem. A lot of Africans, especially the youth, which forms a large population, are already privy to how to use technological equipment. Internet connection is also quite widespread across the continent for shifting to remote work is not going to be much of a problem. But without initiatives like Kreek Africa, the resources and potential that Africa has to change situations into their favor might all go to waste. It is therefore a welcome solution to the employment issue in Africa, especially during times like these.


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Contact Person: Wilfred Attipoe (Brand Communication Manager)

Email: [email protected]

Contact number: +230-58690130









People & Lifestyle

Hugely popular JAMBO WWE celebrates 100th Episode!



SuperSport’s ground-breaking magazine show JAMBO WWE celebrates its 100th episode on Thursday, 20 June 2024. 

Launched on 28 July 2022, JAMBO WWE is an innovative weekly programme tailored to cater to the rapidly growing WWE fanbase in Africa. The 30-minute show airs every Thursday at 4pm and offers a unique, localized, and culturally relevant WWE experience. 

Since its launch, JAMBO WWE has seen a substantial increase in viewers. Its average linear viewership has increased by 40% compared to last year, according to internal analysis tools, making it a staple for WWE fans across Africa. The show is also one of the top-watched sports magazine programmes generating above-average viewership numbers. It’s not only in Africa that the show is making a stir – it’s also setting a new standard for WWE programming globally.

As the exclusive broadcast rights holder for WWE in Sub-Saharan Africa since 2017, through a direct partnership with WWE, SuperSport has established itself as the go-to platform for WWE RAW, WWE SmackDown, NXT, WWE WrestleMania, and all WWE Premium Live Events.


SuperSport CEO Rendani Ramovha added: “We’re extremely proud to see JAMBO WWE reach the 100th episode milestone. WWE has allowed us to entertain many different audiences and to reach a younger audience, while crossing boarders well into the rest of Africa, where WWE has proven extremely popular. The show has deeply resonated with fans and fostered a vibrant WWE community across the continent.


SuperSport’s 24-hour WWE channel on DStv 128/GOtv 168 is where viewers will find JAMBO WWE, as well as archive content, documentaries and bespoke WWE content.

“We’ve seen viewership continue to rise on our entire WWE offering, especially during this year’s WWE WrestleMania 40, which performed exceptionally well this year compared to 2022 and 2023. The comeback of old stars and firm favourites such as The Rock, Cody Rhodes, and Roman Reigns, also contributed to the increased interest.”  


JAMBO WWE’s diverse offering

JAMBO WWE distinguishes itself through its diverse and vibrant format.

African perspective: Hosts Lwazi Volsak, Rosa-Lena Mabunda Mondlane, Emelio Michaels, and Vasilis Argyrides offer insightful analysis and discussions from an African viewpoint.

Latest news and updates: In-depth coverage of RAW, SmackDown, NXT, and Premium Live Events, including exclusive interviews.


Cultural celebration: The show incorporates bold, African-inspired graphics, vibrant music, and segments highlighting the intersection of WWE and African culture.

Community and SuperSport initiatives: The show featured a women-only produced episode, in alignment and support of SuperSport’s Here For Her campaign showcasing our people-driven efforts.

Fan interaction: A big feature of the show is its ability to actively engage with fans through social media and on-air segments, fostering a sense of community among the African WWE Universe.

Celebrity guests: People love special guests. Quite often, the show has managed to display an array of stars from different sports, showing its crossover appeal. This includes WWE Superstars Bianca Belair, The Miz, Bobby Lashley and Charlotte Flair, as well as South African sports icons like Lucas Radebe and Bryan Habana. The crossover appeal of JAMBO WWE is immense, as seen with appearances by Ringo Madlingozi and Grammy Award Winner, Zakes Bantwini.


Widespread recognition 

JAMBO WWE has received positive coverage from various media outlets, including Fightful, which covered the launch of JAMBO WWE, highlighting its unique approach to WWE coverage in Africa and Wrestlinginc, another leading wrestling news source, amplifying its reach and impact. There’s also been considerable excitement and engagement across a variety of social media platforms, with the hashtag #SSWWE.

Catch JAMBO WWE and all the WWE action on DStv, GOtv. 

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The Power Of Creative Collisions. Why You Need More Chaos In Your Life



We’re drowning in information, yet starved for real connection. We attend the same conferences, scroll through the same feeds, and mostly find ourselves trapped in echo chambers of our own design. But what if there was a space where those walls crumbled, disciplines collided, and the only expectation was a shared hunger for something more?

What if the real breakthroughs, the ones that matter, only emerge from the beautiful chaos of colliding perspectives, disciplines, and ideas?

That’s the bet Crowdpen is making with “Creative Chaos.” This isn’t your typical networking event. It’s a bi-monthly collision of entrepreneurs, artists, techies, and changemakers—all hungry to build a better future, together.

Here, entrepreneurs, artists, techies, and changemakers converge, not to pitch or impress, but to tap into the power of unlikely collaborations. Because the challenges we face today – from climate change to social inequality to the future of work – demand fresh perspectives and radical collaboration.


There’s no set agenda, no pre-determined program, no designated speakers. Here, everyone is a speaker, everyone is a panelist, and every voice contributes to the collective brilliance.

No single industry, discipline, or individual holds all the answers. “Creative Chaos” recognizes this, providing a fertile ground for:

  • Spontaneous Brainstorming: Rapid-fire idea exchanges, interactive challenges, and playful exercises unlock new ways of thinking, pushing you beyond your usual creative limits.
  • Unlikely Collaborations: Forget networking within your bubble. Here, you’ll connect with people outside your usual circles, sparking unexpected partnerships and discovering that a tech founder, a filmmaker, and a social entrepreneur might just hold the key to your next breakthrough.
  • Actionable Inspiration: “Creative Chaos” is not about passive listening or predictable presentations. It’s about leaving with tangible takeaways, fresh perspectives, and the motivation to turn ideas into reality.

This is a call to action for anyone who feels stifled by the status quo, for those who crave a space where diverse minds come together to dream, to do, and to disrupt.

The most groundbreaking innovations often emerge not from solitary genius, but from the beautiful chaos of creative collisions.

Convinced to join us?


Learn more and register here or call 0546880898/ 0277667561 for more information

Date: Saturday 29th June, 2024

Time: 11am – 3pm

Venue: Jambo Spaces, Tse Addo

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Joselyn Dumas unveiled to elevate elegance with Caveman Watches



Month after making NFL giant, Jeremiah Owusu as brand ambassador, leading Ghanaian made luxury watch brand, Caveman Watches, has announced celebrated actress, entrepreneur and media personality, Joselyn Dumas as brand Ambassador. (more…)

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Academic City, United Way Ghana partner to advance renewable energy education



As part of efforts to foster a culture of sustainability among schoolchildren in Ghana, Academic City University College has partnered with United Way Ghana to launch “Green4Clean” project that aims to impart sustainable energy solutions, enhance energy conservation awareness, and develop practical skills that contribute to a greener future and sustainable Ghanaian communities.

The partnership is set to implement a comprehensive educational initiative running from June 2024 to December 2025, commencing with a pilot programme at La Enobal Basic School and La Presbyterian Basic School. The design of this project aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals, such as quality education, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, and climate action.

The Project will be implemented under the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center of Academic City with engineering students providing mentoring for pupils of the basic schools to develop their own interventions and make them benefit their immediate community, themselves and their school. The interventions will also allow for the pupils to try out a lot of science projects including learning about robotics. The project is taking place under the Coalition for Climate Entrepreneurs Lab which is a U.S Department collaboration partnership at the Maker Space at the Center.

Ghana is actively striving to increase its adoption of renewable energy sources to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and promote sustainability. The current landscape underscores the urgent need to educate younger generations about renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency.


The implementation of the “Green4Clean” project is expected to support the government’s initiative on renewable energy by:

  • Increasing awareness and education about renewable energy by providing students with a comprehensive understanding of various renewable energy sources, including solar and wind energy, along with their scientific principles and practical applications.
  • Promoting awareness about environmental challenges and the importance of sustainable energy practices within schools and the broader community, while offering hands-on experience through workshops, projects, and field trips to engage students in renewable energy technologies.
  • Encouraging collaboration among students, teachers, and industry professionals to exchange ideas and expertise. Advocating for the integration of renewable energy topics into the educational curriculum in Ghana is a key aspect of the project, aiming to equip young learners with essential knowledge and skills for the future.
  • Introducing students to potential career paths in the renewable energy sector by inviting industry guest speakers and organising visits to renewable energy facilities.

Speaking at the Memorandum of Understanding signing, Ing. Dr. Lucy Agyepong remarked, “Academic City is excited about the partnership with United Way Ghana to launch the ‘Green4Clean’ project. For us, we see this initiative as not just an educational programme but a significant step towards fostering a culture of sustainability among young children. With this project, we are equipping the young ones with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to a sustainable future for Ghana.”

She expressed Academic City’s commitment to ensuring the success of the initiative, emphasising that it aligns with the university’s commitment to community development and innovative education.

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People & Lifestyle

Kobina Ansah – A Lonely Journey of Fighting Rape Through A Musical Play



The Ghanaian theatre industry is still a virgin industry and many practitioners are feeding it with content to keep the scene active. With National Theatre getting busy lately with varying stage plays, it goes without saying that this is an industry that has great prospects.
Plays come in various forms, one of such is a musical. Musical plays usually connote fun and excitement. They often evoke a sense of liveliness. Going to the theatre to see a musical means going to see something that one can always laugh about.
One theatre practitioner whose works are departing from the norm of musicals is Kobina Ansah. His works make one ask a lot of questions because they significantly deviate from what many expect of a musical.
The daring writer was the first to put up a stage play on LGBT in Ghana. His love for taking on hard subjects is unparalleled and his current play tells it all.
At first glance, the playwright looks like a calm gentleman. However, anyone who watches his plays will definitely conclude that he is not. He takes on uncomfortable themes many will shy away from. Little wonder he describes him as an “unconventional storyteller”.
He has a heart for women, and this is very evident in all his plays. In his new play, IN THE PANTS OF A WOMAN, Kobina Ansah takes on a taboo topic in our society ~ rape ~ through an original musical. Unlike many upbeat musicals, this one is a moving story with 16 original songs that leave a lot to ponder over.
“I want to leave a lasting impact with my works. This desire sends me on an errand of taking on stories that may sometimes appear uncomfortable,” he explains. “I love to dream without borders and that is what I do with my plays,” he adds.
IN THE PANTS OF A WOMAN sparks the conversation of rape and the approach of society to such. It goes hard on toxic narratives that have empowered abusers and, in turn, dispempowered the abused. It shows at National Theatre on July 20th.
Source: Scribe News
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People & Lifestyle

African Science Academy (ASA) students graduate and poised to impact the world with STEM



African Science Academy (ASA) has held its 7th graduation ceremony honouring young women equipped with the skills and knowledge in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) to drive innovation and development across Africa and beyond.

The ceremony showcased the resilience and dedication of these young women hailing from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Cameroon, Zambia and other African countries who, in the last ten months with resilience and determination have completed the globally recognised Cambridge International A-Levels in Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and Physics, all on full scholarships. The students also studied robotics and computer programming. During their speeches, the graduates articulated their readiness to apply their newly acquired skills and pledged to be good ambassadors of ASA.

In 2016, the Chair of African Gifted Foundation, Dr. Tom Ilube, founded ASA, an all-girls STEM-focused academy for gifted African girls from low-income backgrounds. The Founder of ASA, Dr. Tom Ilube, in his welcome address, emphasised the global impact of investing in African youth, expressing confidence in the graduates’ capacity to drive change. 

He said: “Do you know that it has been predicted that by 2050, Africa’s population will be 2.5 billion people, it will be a quarter of the world’s entire population. So whatever happens in Africa, impacts the entire world. If you have an impact here, it impacts the whole world.” Dr. Tom also emphasised that graduates of the African Science Academy will be creators of global technological trends and not predictors.


In her opening remarks to the graduation of the Class of 2024, the Headteacher of ASA, Gifty Ghansah, praised the graduates for their tenacity and highlighted the comprehensive skill set they developed over the 10-month journey. She urged them to challenge the status quo and strive for excellence, asserting, “You have the power to make a significant impact.”

“The journey through this program has not just equipped you with technical knowledge and skills, but also, it has forced resilience, creativity, and a problem-solving mindset. These attributes are not only the foundation of your future careers but also crucial in addressing the global challenges we face today,” she noted. Touching on the uniqueness of the 2024 cohort, Ms. Ghansah highlighted perseverance, eagerness to learn and excel, and the can-do spirit, adding that the collective support among themselves “will remain a very beautiful memory with me.”

The British High Commissioner to Ghana, her Excellency Harriet Thompson, highlighted her admiration for ASA’s students, noting their abilities as sources of optimism and hope for the future. “Every time I come here (ASA), I am inspired by you students. You are doing amazing things. I always leave ASA feeling optimistic. No matter what challenges have been on my mind through my day job or when I watch the news, I always leave ASA thinking it is okay. The world is in good hands because of ASA,” she remarked.

In his remarks, the Regional Director (Middle East and Africa) at Apple Inc., David Chisholm, shared insights from his career, urging the graduates to find joy in their work, build positive relationships, and maintain a balanced life. Additionally, he praised their sincerity and urgency in contributing to their community while reminding them of the significant responsibilities laid on them by their families, community and girls who will follow them through ASA.


Among the other dignitaries who graced the ceremony with their presence were the trustees of the African Gifted Foundation (AGF), the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Business and Financial Times (B&FT), Representatives from UN and UNFPA, Technip FMC, University of Warwick, Aya Data, alumnae of ASA, parents, among others.

Head and Deputy School Prefects, Emmaculate Wey Amu Adiba and Bernice Blanney Tetteh, expressed gratitude to Dr. IIube for the opportunity given them as well as Ms. Ghansah together with the ASA staff for their unwavering support. 

“We are who we are today because of our founder Dr. Tom Ilube, who made it possible for this prestigious institution and hence these butterflies of change to come into existence. We owe our growth and membership as a part of this community to our dear headteacher Ms. Gifty Ghansah. We also thank every member of staff for all their advice,” she said. Highlighting the challenges, they prefects mentioned adapting to the new curriculum at ASA as one of them, which they eventually overcame with the support of their able teachers and fellow sisters.

As part of the ceremony, students received several awards with Precious Agyei from Ghana, receiving Best Student in A-Level Further Maths and Overall Best Student in Academics.

Categories Awardee
1 Best Student in A-level Maths Belise Hirwa Umurerwa
2 Best Student in A-level Further Maths Precious Agyei
3 Best Student in A-level Physics Nicole Mutesi  & Mirabel Ukazu
4 Overall Best Student in Academics Precious Agyei
5 Outstanding Development Award Mary Amissah
6 All round Student Award Belise Hirwa Umurerwa
Non –Academic Awards
7 Most disciplined student Bernice Blanney Tetteh
8 ASA Resilience Award Sylvia Akanpawine & Mavis Marfo
9 ASA Ambassador Bernice Blanney Tetteh
10 Exceptional Dedication award Belise Hirwa Umurerwa & Mariama Ayaaba Alhassan
11 ASA Excellence Award Emmaculate Wey Amu Adiba
12 ASA Award for Integrity Bernice Blanney Tetteh
13 ASA Ambition award Jane Seyram Ocloo
14 ASA Caring Community Award Belise Hirwa Umurerwa
15 ASA Empowerment Award Precious Agyei
16 ASA Innovation Award Nuna  Aseye  Afi  Nyamekor,  Mirabel  Ukazu  &
Zakia Mahamudu Sisse
17 ASA Creativity Award Neolla Theodette Uwabeza & June Njiru
18 ASA Diversity Award Chinelo Adaugo Nnamdi-Kanu


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