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People & Lifestyle

The Adisco Spirit Is Not Dead-A Case Study Of The Millennium Year Group



It is amazing how unforeseen or unplanned events can conspire to change one’s perceptions. Here is a confession; I was beginning to think that the younger generation of old boys didn’t really care much about Adisco and had to be dragged to the table. How wrong I was. Events over the last four days especially the launch of the Millennium Year Group’s Project for 2025 blew the cobwebs from in front of my eyes. Like Jimmy Cliff said in one if his timeless tunes, “I can see clearly now” (don’t try saying the word ‘clearly’ if you were born in the Ashanti Region!). How so?

Let’s start with a historical tour. When I entered Adisadel in September 1970, a long time ago, I became immediately aware of the contributions of old boys to the advancement of the school and its students. First, some of you may recall Wiseway Cleaners that did our laundry. Oh yes, we had our laundry done. In Aglionby House, pick up of used clothing etc was on Thursdays, and the neatly laundered abd folded items arrived back on Sundays. Unknown to us at the start, Adisco boys were paying a heavily subsidised fee for this service compared to all the other schools in Cape Coast. Why? The owner of Wiseway Cleaners was an OLD BOY. I believe he was I.B. Philips.

Some of you may also recall the food shortages of the mid-70’s when Mrs Lokko, Domestic Bursar, came under so much pressure to feed us. Who stepped into the breech? A group of old boys who supplied us with so much food. I remember we nearly rioted because we were consuming so much chicken!!!. Unbelievable. {It reminded me of a scene in the popular Osofo Dadzie series when a husband complained to the wife with the classic phrase “Aden, daa banku!”}. This was a noble gesture from this group of old boys who really were under no obligation to do anything of that nature. After all, they paid their school fees, studied, took their exams, and left the school on completion. They did it because of the proverbial Adisadel Spirit, this invisible force that takes residence in all students of Adisadel College from the first week, and impels them to add to the gains of their forebears to keep the Alma Mater as the first or with the first (Vel Primus Velcum Primis). In days gone by, the first week, known as Homos Week, was intense. We had classes to instil in us all things Adisco; the history, the triumphs, the school ode, the school Anthem, Adisco Makes A Wedding, When Abraham Went To X, names of all the areas of school, and most importantly, the fact that we were the best. It was “Adisco & the Other Schools”.

It did appear that in the last two decades or so, that spirit was waning in its influence on old boys hence my developing despondency. All changed on Saturday the 18th of December when the Millennium Year Group launched their fundraising effort for Speech Day 2025.

I was chairman for the function but that was by accident rather than by design. I was “sitting my somewhere” on Friday when the NEC President Dr Dan Owiredu got in touch and said he had a spare ticket for the event and was keen for me to attend. I had some ceremonial family commitments so initially declined. However, I subsequently managed to get an uncle to represent me at the family event. I arrived at the Coconut Groove Hotel, Accra with Dr Owiredu and Alex Wiredu, another 75er. I had hardly sat down when I was told the invited chairman could not make it and if I would mind stepping in to chair the function. Actually, I thought it was a joke being played on me by Dr Owiredu and Mr Richard Nii Amu Arthur, President of the 2G year group. It was not until we were invited to the high table that I realised this was no joke. Blastocyst! I was the Chairman for real.

Anyway, enough of that. As I sat through the various presentations from the Class President, Mr Richard Nii Amu Arthur, leaders of various committees, etc, it immediately hit me; the Adisadel Spirit Is Not Dead. No, it wasn’t. It was alive and kicking.
These guys left Adisco a quarter of a century after I left, and here they were with this expensive commitment to completely renovate and restructure the whole of Job 600 as great financial cost to themselves. I quietly asked myself why they were doing it. The answer was plainly obvious; these guys recognised that Adisadel made them, and they wanted to give something back. The Adisadel Spirit was clearly (that word again!) fully operational within this young bunch of old boys. Their enthusiasm was palpable and infectious. In fact, they were nearly like the 75 Year Group, very close.

As I watched proceedings and quaffed my chilled beer, I could only say to myself that the NEC is sitting on a sleeping giant that is the old boys associations, and this giant needed to be woken up to carry our beloved school into the future.

The icing on the cake was a meeting with Rexford Otoo, an Aglionbyte of the 2G Year Group. I first encountered him in my role as the Chairman of the Aglionby House Rehabilitation Project (AHRP). He was leader for the 2G Aglionbytes. He asked questions about the approach we were taking, mentioning things like Bill of Quantities etc. What the hell was that? I nearly took his appendix out so he could not take chocolates for the rest of his life. I was a veteran of the previous Aglionby House rehabilitation and this whippersnapper was asking me about bills of quantitiesđŸ€Ł. But I saw a sharp mind. Once he came round, he chose a different tactic for his year group of Aglionbytes. He was going to get more if they donated collectively as a group rather than as individuals. Why? I was announcing all individual contributions. Some with less than the minimum amount being asked for might be reluctant to give and be announced so he asked his people to donate into one pot. This was presented as the 2000 year group of Aglionbytes contribution and it was big. This guy had mopped up all the offerings from the big hitters and the small hitters, and no individual was going to be announced. Very clever. So when he came and introduced himself to me, I was over the moon.

The Millennium Year Group had restored my faith in the potential generosity of old boys by the time I was leaving the function. My prayer to God is that you all keep the enthusiasm alive, deliver in 2025, and inspire others to follow your steps. The Adisco Spirit is not dead. And please heed the advice given by Dr Owiredu in his speech to you. You won’t go wrong if you do.


As if that was not enough, I listened to the leaders of the 97 Year Group as they gave a presentation on where they were with the Dining Hall Extension project at an NEC MeetingI was invited to on Monday afternoon. Once again, I saw a level of enthusiasm and commitment to the school that augurs well for the future. I cannot praise them enough.I found Ancestor (yes, that is his nane) of Santa 97 and his colleague a breath of fresh air. I hope to meet the 89 Year Group leaders, mates of the late Mr Atu Mould when they call on the NEC President. I’m inviting myself to hear what they have to say and be inspired.

Let’s not forget what the 94, 95, & 96 Year Groups have contributed to the infrastructural development of the school in the last three years

On a small negative note, I learned of a class with 400 old boys but with only 159 or so who regularly support class activities financially even though the non contributors have amongst them, many with the financial resources to contribute. I will say to all year group leaders with that level of disinterest in their grouo, not to give up. I heard recently that nobody boards a permanently stationary bus. Your apathetic mates may well jump on the bus when they see it moving. The giants amongst you must move the bus. A lot of organisations that have become successful did so on the shoulders and backs of giants initially.

So, I’m now convinced the Adisadel Spirit is not dead. The good old days can be emulated and bettered by the younger old boys. They have youth on their side, enthusiasm in their hearts, and are endowed with purposeful vision. They need the support of the older generation, and Adisadel will become great once more under the direction of the current NEC leadership.


Long live the Millennium Year Group. Well done, Class of 97.
You’ve restored my faith in the younger generation of old boys .
God bless us al.

By Dr Paul Mensah (Paulus) – 1975 year Group
Chairman-Elect, AOBA-UK


People & Lifestyle

Samsung begins pre-order deals for AI TVs in Ghana



Samsung has announced a new era of AI TVs with the launch of its Neo QLED 8K, Neo QLED 4K and OLED TVs at the Unbox & Discover event, with an amazing pre-order offer. Samsung, the Global Number 1 TV brand for 18 years, sets the benchmark for video innovation, with the ultimate embodiment of next-level AI TV technology and excellence designed to upscale every moment at home.

Imagine a world where your viewing experience is always extraordinary no matter the content! Thanks to the 2024 Samsung Neo QLED 8K AI TV powered by the NQ8 AI Gen2 Processor with built-in 8K AI Upscaling Pro Technology, the TV offers quantum leaps in performance by transforming any content into 8K resolution, even your old videos. You will see these videos transform into looking so clear and real, it is like bringing the past right into your living room with sizes ranging from 65 to 85 inches.

The 2024 Neo QLED 4K AI TV comes with cutting-edge innovations and elevates the viewing experience with groundbreaking features powered by the NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor. Enhanced by Real Depth Enhancer Pro and Quantum Matrix Technology, the screen ensures impeccable contrast even in complex scenes. With the world’s first Pantone Validated display for color accuracy and Dolby Atmos for an immersive audio experience, Neo QLED 4K sets the bar. Neo QLED 4K will be available in sizes ranging from 55 to 85 inches.

Made for more than just watching, the 2024 Samsung OLED AI TV ensures peak performance for ultimate gaming experiences. Samsung is also introducing the world’s first glare-free OLED, eliminating unnecessary reflection while preserving deep blacks and clear images under any lighting condition. Powered by the same formidable NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor as the Neo QLED 4K lineup, Samsung’s OLED TVs boast features like the Real Depth Enhancer and OLED HDR Pro, bringing picture quality to new heights from 65 to 83 inches.



Pre-Order Offer

The 2024 AI TVs will be available for pre-order with exclusive premium freebies until 27th June 2024 in all Electroland Ghana Limited and CompuGhana Limited showrooms. Pre-order a Samsung AI TV now to receive a Soundbar, Freestyle Smart Projector, and Galaxy Fit3 with free delivery and installation.


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People & Lifestyle

Soulful Songstress Emeli SandĂ© Scores “Roots” for The Macallan’s Bicentennial Celebration



Internationally renowned singer-songwriter Emeli SandĂ© takes a surprising turn, crafting a stirring soundtrack titled “Roots” for the esteemed single malt Scotch whisky, The Macallan. This poignant composition marks a unique collaboration as The Macallan celebrates its momentous 200th anniversary.

SandĂ©, known for her soulful vocals and impactful lyrics, delivers a heartfelt ode to The Macallan’s enduring legacy. Her Scottish roots lend a special resonance to the project, mirroring The Macallan’s deep connection to the land and its unwavering commitment to exceptional craftsmanship.

Just as Ghanaians cherish the rich heritage of Highlife and Afrobeats passed down through generations, The Macallan honors its meticulous craftsmanship and centuries-old legacy with the collaboration.

“Roots” perfectly captures the essence of The Macallan’s enduring spirit. SandĂ©’s lyrics, “Time will bring its changes, but our roots they will remain,” resonate deeply, reflecting the brand’s commitment to tradition while embracing innovation.


According to Emeli SandĂ©, “Roots means legacy. You have your roots and they spread so far around the surrounding ground. You have your trunk and that’s your journey through life – the branches can go here, and there, but at the end of the day, everything is coming from the same point.”

The celebration extends beyond music. A captivating film by JĂ©rĂ©mie Rozan accompanies the soundtrack, taking viewers on a mesmerizing journey through The Macallan’s past, present, and future. The film showcases the enduring connection that binds generations who have stewarded this iconic brand.

This unexpected collaboration between Emeli Sandé and The Macallan promises a powerful exploration of heritage,artistry, and the pursuit of excellence.

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People & Lifestyle

Founding Partner and CEO of the Fearless Fund Arian Simone visits Ghana Presidency



In a delegation led by Pan African company Ifactorylive CCO Michael Djaba with Dora Whittley managing partner of Whittley Agency.

Arian Simone had discussions about Fearless Fund and Fearless fund foundation Africa.

Fearless fund have invested over 27 million US dollars in women of color businesses,Additionally, they have Invested over $850,000 USD in African-founded businesses and provided grants in CĂŽte d’Ivoire.

Follow for more information


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People & Lifestyle

Edward Asare Inducted into IPR Ghana and CIMG as Associate Member



Edward Asare, a seasoned digital marketer, media expert, and PR professional, has been inducted as an associate member of both the Institute of Public Relations Ghana (IPR Ghana) and the Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana (CIMG).

Edward Asare, who currently serves as Digital Marketer at UBA Ghana Ltd, has a passion for helping individuals, brands, and businesses communicate their value and build their online presence. With a background in social media community management and blogging, he has developed a unique approach that integrates marketing and communications to drive brand awareness, visibility, and engagement.

His induction into IPR Ghana and CIMG proves his expertise and commitment to excellence in the field. As an associate member, Edward will contribute to the advancement of public relations and marketing practices in Ghana, sharing his knowledge and experience with peers and professionals.

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People & Lifestyle

Eye Care Tips for Different Age Groups



Eye Care

Maintaining good eye health is essential at every stage of life. From childhood to old age, our eyes require different types of care to ensure they function properly and stay healthy. Here are some essential eye care tips tailored to different age groups:

Infants and Toddlers (0-3 Years)

  1. Regular Check-ups: Schedule regular eye exams to detect any early signs of vision problems. The first comprehensive eye exam should be done at 6 months of age.
  2. Monitor Development: Keep an eye on developmental milestones related to vision, such as tracking moving objects and recognizing familiar faces.
  3. Protect from UV Rays: Use hats and shades for babies to protect their sensitive eyes from harmful UV rays when outdoors.

Children (4-12 Years)

  1. Annual Eye Exams: Ensure children have annual eye exams to monitor their vision as they grow. Early detection of issues like myopia (nearsightedness) is crucial.
  2. Screen Time Management: Limit screen time and encourage regular breaks to reduce eye strain. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.
  3. Protective Eyewear: Encourage the use of protective eyewear during sports and recreational activities to prevent eye injuries. 


Teenagers (13-19 Years)

  1. Balanced Diet: Promote a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids to support overall eye health.
  2. Avoid Smoking: Educate teenagers about the risks of smoking, which can lead to serious eye conditions like macular degeneration and cataracts.
  3. Contact Lens Hygiene: Teach proper contact lens care to prevent infections. Ensure they follow the prescribed wearing and cleaning schedule.


Contact Lens Hygiene           


Adults (20-39 Years)

  1. Routine Eye Exams: Schedule comprehensive eye exams every two years to check for vision changes and early signs of eye diseases.
  2. Computer Vision Syndrome: For those who spend long hours on computers, use ergonomic setups, take regular breaks, and consider blue light filtering glasses.
  3. Sunglasses: Wear sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays to protect eyes from sun damage, which can contribute to cataracts and other eye conditions.


Middle Age (40-59 Years)

  1. Presbyopia Awareness: Be aware of presbyopia, a natural age-related condition that affects near vision. Consider reading glasses or multifocal lenses if needed.
  2. Monitor Health Conditions: Manage chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension, which can affect eye health. Regular eye exams can help detect related complications early.
  3. Protect from Blue Light: Use blue light filtering glasses and reduce screen time to minimize the risk of digital eye strain and potential retinal damage.


Seniors (60+ Years)

  1. Frequent Eye Exams: Increase the frequency of eye exams to at least once a year to monitor for age-related eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
  2. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Continue to eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support eye health.
  3. Fall Prevention: Ensure living spaces are well-lit and free of hazards to prevent falls that could lead to eye injuries.

General Eye Care Tips for All Ages

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain good eye moisture and overall health.
  • Avoid Rubbing Eyes: Rubbing can introduce germs and cause irritation or infection.
  • Practice Good Hygiene: Always wash hands before touching your eyes, especially when inserting or removing contact lenses.
  • Regular Breaks: Follow the 20-20-20 rule to prevent eye strain from prolonged screen use.


Eye care is a lifelong commitment that changes with each stage of life. By following age-appropriate eye care tips and scheduling regular eye exams, you can help ensure that your eyes stay healthy and your vision remains clear. Prioritizing eye health is essential for maintaining overall well-being and enjoying a high quality of life.

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People & Lifestyle

Ada Senior High Tech Students Receive 600 Math Sets from UK-Based Philanthropist Stacey Rosa



In a commendable act of generosity and commitment to education, Stacey Rosa, a renowned Ghanaian philanthropist based in the UK, has donated over 600 math sets to the students of Ada Senior High Technical School. This significant contribution is aimed at enhancing the learning experience and academic performance of the students, particularly in mathematics. (more…)

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