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Travel Tips from Ghanaian Emirates Cabin Crew Daniel Kumevor



Travel Tips from Ghanaian Emirates Cabin Crew Daniel Kumevor

Daniel Kumevor, a proud Ghanaian and Emirates cabin crew member with over a decade of experience, shares his top travel tips from packing smart to staying hydrated on long flights. Whether you are dreaming of a career in the skies or just looking for travel tips, these tips are sure to be helpful.

Packing Light and Smart

What are your top three hacks for packing light yet stylish clothing that can handle any weather?

  • Choose versatile clothing: Opt for items that can be worn in different ways, such as cardigans or stylish sarongs that can double as skirts or dresses.
  • Mix and match: Pack clothing that can easily be mixed and matched. Use accessories like stylish hats or belts to enhance your look.
  • Plan ahead: Base your wardrobe choices on the destination you’ll be visiting.

How do you create a travel wardrobe that’s both chic and practical for jet-setting around the world?

  • Keep the colours simple and create a wardrobe that can be mixed and matched for any weather situation.

Any unexpected items that you always pack that have turned out to be lifesavers?

  • A mini bag that wraps around the chest, which I purchased in Barcelona. It helps keep my belongings safe and organized.

Staying Hydrated and Energized

What are your go-to tips for staying hydrated on long flights?

  • Avoid salty foods and drink plenty of water and refreshing beverages during the flight to prevent dehydration.

How do you adjust your sleep schedule to beat jet lag and stay energized?

  • Go for walks in the sunlight to adjust your body clock and boost energy. Stay hydrated, eat nutritious food, and maintain a regular workout routine.

Any secret in-flight exercises or natural remedies to share?

  • Peppermint tea aids digestion and is caffeine-free.

What’s your favourite in-flight snack to stay energized?

  • A handful of roasted nuts keeps me energized for hours.

Ghanaian Hospitality in the Skies

How do you bring the famous Ghanaian warmth and hospitality to your passengers?

  • Offer a warm welcome with a genuine smile from boarding throughout the flight, along with genuine assistance.

Can you share an interesting time when you made someone’s flight extra special?

  • Taking care of an elderly lady on a flight from Dubai to Dar es Salaam who could not eat by herself due to health reasons. Her gratitude and blessings have stayed with me.

Mini Layover Adventures

How do you turn short layovers into exciting mini-adventures?

  • Plan and bond with colleagues to create memorable mini-adventures after landing.

What’s the coolest thing you have done during a layover?

  • I have visited iconic sites such as The Acropolis, The Colosseum, The Eiffel Tower, The Great Wall of China, and more.

What’s your funniest travel mishap during a layover?

  • Forgetting to pack winter clothes and sneakers for a layover in Zurich, I laughed at myself and just stayed at the hotel enjoyed their hospitality.

Budgeting Like a Pro

What are your top tips for managing money while living the fabulous cabin crew lifestyle?

  • A top tip is to budget a specific amount each month for savings and emergencies. Thankfully, Emirates provides accommodation, transportation, and layover expenses, allowing crew members to spend their money as preferred. 

Travel First Aid Must-Haves

What essential items are always in your travel first aid kit?

  • In my travel first aid kit, I always carry an inhaler for altitude changes and pain relief medications.

Have you ever had to use your first aid kit in an unexpected situation?

  • Yes, I had to use my first aid kit for medication during a case of food poisoning in Bali.

Long Flight Comforts

What are your must-have items to stay comfy on long flights?

  • My must-have items are noise-cancelling headphones and earplugs for a comfortable sleep/rest.

Any tips for staying fresh and rested during long-haul flights?

  • I recommend using a face spray with natural ingredients to hydrate the face and a hand lotion with relaxing oils.

Language Tools for World Travelers

Which language apps or tools are your favourites for connecting with locals in new countries?

  • My favourite language app is the “TRANSLATE” app on my company-provided iPad. I also like to research the destination’s language and attractions beforehand.

How do you handle communication barriers with passengers who speak different languages?

  • With over 140 nationalities in the cabin crew community, there is usually someone who speaks the language of the specific route and can assist with translation.

Travel-Friendly Beauty Secrets

Do you have any tips for hairstyles or skincare that survive even the longest journeys?

  • My tip is to hydrate your skin before the flight using Shea butter from Ghana.

Handling Travel Surprises

How do you stay calm and collected when travel plans change unexpectedly?

  • I stay calm and collected by remaining positive and open to new challenges, seeing every situation as an opportunity for growth.

Showcasing Diversity and Inclusivity

As a male cabin crew member, how do you bring your unique touch to the team?

  • I bring humour, elegance, gentleness, and assurance of safety and security both on the ground and in the skies.

How does Emirates support and encourage a diverse and inclusive team?

  • Emirates has over 22,000 cabin crew members who speak more than 70 languages, promoting diversity and inclusivity.

Can you share a moment when you felt proud to represent Ghana and showcase its culture on an international stage?

  • I felt proud to represent Ghana on the historic EK 787 flight on October 2, 2018, when Emirates’ A380 landed in Accra. I felt extremely proud of my heritage.

What advice would you give to other men considering a career as cabin crew?

  • Regardless of gender, being a cabin crew member in Emirates is an eye-opening career, and the iconic uniform will bring out elegance in you. 

What advice do you have for Ghanaians who are considering a career as cabin crew with Emirates? 

  • You have made a great decision by choosing this career path with one of the best airlines. “I can’t wait to meet you in the skies very soon,” says Daniel.

Are you ready to take flight? 

Explore the world, and showcase the Ghanaian spirit of hospitality like Daniel! Emirates Airlines is currently recruiting passionate and service-oriented individuals like YOU to join their cabin crew! Apply now at [Emirates Group Careers] (  and embark on an unforgettable career journey!

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TECNO Awards GHS 100,000 in Scholarships to University of Ghana Students



TECNO, a leading smartphone brand in Africa and a globally recognized brand with operations in over 70 countries across five continents,
has reaffirmed its commitment to empowering Africa’s youth through its TECNO
Future Star initiative, “Empower the Pioneer.” In a notable ceremony,
TECNO awarded GHS 100,000 in scholarships to 34 students from the University of
Ghana’s College of Humanities. This significant event, held under the auspices
of the Memorandum of Agreement between TECNO and the College of Humanities,
underscores TECNO’s dedication to supporting brilliant students facing
financial challenges, particularly those pursuing STEM subjects.

Mr. Ernest Sonkor, National Channel Manager of TECNO Mobile Ghana,
expressed his enthusiasm for the program: “We are incredibly proud to be
here today, presenting these scholarships to such deserving students. At TECNO,
we believe in the transformative power of education and its ability to unlock
the potential of Africa’s youth. Through the TECNO Future Star Initiative, we
aim to inspire and support young college students, ensuring they have the
resources needed to pursue their dreams and contribute to technological

Professor Daniel Frimpong Ofori, Provost of the College of
Humanities at the University of Ghana, commended TECNO for its invaluable
support: “This scholarship program is a significant step towards nurturing
the next generation of Ghanaian scholars and innovation pioneers. The College
of Humanities is proud to partner with TECNO in this endeavor, and we are
confident that these scholarships will have a lasting impact on the lives of
the recipients.”

Ntiamoah, a scholarship recipient, expressed her gratitude. “This
scholarship is incredibly meaningful to me,” she said. “It
significantly reduces my financial stress and encourages me to excel
academically. I am profoundly grateful to TECNO for their belief in us and
their investment in our future.”


By empowering these future pioneers, TECNO and the University of Ghana, college of
humanities are working together to create a brighter future for all.

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Teser Group Limited Company supplies a new bus to Mount Olives Baptist church 



Teser Group Limited Company, a Ghanaian-owned company operating globally in automobile and equipment sales and services  has presented  to Mount Olives Baptist Church, a state-of-the-art 30 seater bus during the church’s 30th Anniversary celebration.  (more…)

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The Risks of DIY Pest Management and the Reasons for Hiring a Professional



pest control

Many individuals get tempted to take on pest control tasks on their own in the present time where DIY approaches are greatly promoted by numerous online instructions and guidelines. Even though DIY pest management may appear like an easy and low-cost solution, it frequently results in more serious issues and possible risks. Long-term expenses and hygiene concerns can be avoided by being aware of the risks associated with do-it-yourself pest treatment and the reasons why contacting a professional is necessary.

The Hidden Dangers of DIY Pest Control

Ineffective Solutions

Various DIY pest management techniques rely more on personal experience than on scientific studies. While prescribed or homemade remedies may offer short-term respite, they frequently fall short of addressing the main cause of the invasion. It is difficult to completely get rid of pests without the right information and equipment, which might result in recurrent issues.


Health Risks

Disregarding having sufficient training when handling pesticides might have serious health consequences. Toxic substances found in many insects and pesticides can be dangerous if swallowed, breathed, or come into touch with the skin. When these drugs are used improperly, they can cause breathing issues, poisoning, and other health problems. Specialists, on the other hand, have the necessary training to use such substances effectively in order to reduce the risk to people and pets.

Environmental Impact

Pesticide misuse can have an adverse effect on the environment. Pest control solution overuse or improper disposal can pollute water sources, the ground, and wildlife that are not targets, such as birds, beneficial insects, and aquatic life. Experts follow environmental protection rules and are armed with environmentally friendly pest management techniques.


Potential for Property Damage

Self-made pest control frequently results in accidental property harm. For instance, utilizing the incorrect kind of bait or trap may cause harm to flooring, walls, or electrical wires. Sometimes, attempting to shut entry sites without the necessary understanding might make the situation worse by keeping pests inside and doing more harm.

Misidentification of Pests

For successful management, you must determine the sort of insect you are dealing with. Improper treatments may be used as a result of misidentification, wasting resources and making the infestation worse. Experts possess the knowledge and experience necessary to correctly detect pests and carry out focused management strategies.


The Advantages of Choosing a Licensed Pest Control Company

Expertise in Data and Understanding 

Experienced pest control specialists have expertise in handling a variety of pests and have a lot of experience in this field. They receive training to comprehend the biological processes, behavior, and best practices for controlling pests. Their experience enables them to create all-inclusive pest control strategies customized to your particular situation.


Advanced Tools and Techniques

Experts possess complex instruments and methods that are beyond the reach of the typical householder. These consist of industrial-grade pesticides, which are more secure and more efficient than generic options, and specialized equipment for identifying and tracking pests. Making use of these resources guarantees a more comprehensive and long-lasting solution for your pest issues.

Safety Measures

Experienced pest control companies place a high premium on protecting your household, pets, and property. Specialists are taught how to apply and handle chemicals properly, use safety gear, and comply to risk-reduction measures. They can also offer guidance on keeping an area free of pests and preventing further infestations.



In the long term, employing an expert may prove to be more economical, even though it might appear like a costlier choice initially. DIY efforts frequently result in ongoing issues and repeated procedures, raising the entire expense. Experts ensure value for your money and provide you with peace of mind by offering assurances and warranties on their services.

Time Efficiency

Taking care of an infestation of pests can be a demanding and time-consuming task. Expert pest control companies can take care of the problem fast and effectively, freeing you up to concentrate on other essential responsibilities. Their methodical approach guarantees that the issue is resolved quickly and successfully.



Although it makes sense that DIY pest treatment would be appealing, the dangers and possible negative effects greatly exceed the advantages. There are several benefits to hiring an experienced pest control assistance, including as cost-effectiveness, modern equipment, safety precautions, and expert expertise. You can guarantee a long-lasting solution to your pest issues while safeguarding the environment, your health, and your property by hiring experts.

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Telecel Ghana Foundation Empowers Young Girls in Koforidua Through STEM Training



Telecel Ghana Foundation Empowers Young Girls in Koforidua Through STEM Training

Telecel Ghana Foundation has trained 60 young girls from multiple schools in Koforidua on foundational skills in coding, robotics, and programming as part of its Grow Girls in STEM initiative. The beneficiary pupils were from local schools including Riis Presbyterian School, Seventh Day Adventist School, Nana Kwaku Boateng M/A Basic, and Victory Land Academy, all within the Koforidua municipality.

The training, organised in partnership with Asutem Robotics Academy at the Koforidua Regional Library, forms a key pillar of the Foundation’s Connected Learning programme, which provides robust Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and training for young girls across the country. By giving young girls STEM exposure through practical experience in artificial intelligence, data science, and robotics, the Foundation aims to inspire and equip them with the tools and skills they need to thrive in today’s digital world and bridge the existing gender gap in the field.

Through practical training and engaging experiences, the programme seeks to explain STEM careers, making them accessible and attractive to young girls. Guided by Asustem Robotics experts, the girls were introduced to core concepts of coding, robotics, and programming.  They had the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge in breakout teams.  This approach bolstered their creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. 

 “Despite the vast opportunities the digital era presents, there is still a significant gap in digital skills, especially for young girls in underserved communities.” said Rita Agyeiwaa Rockson, Head of Foundation, Sustainability, and External Communications at Telecel Ghana. “The Grow Girls in STEM initiative directly addresses this disparity by contributing to a supportive learning environment where girls can explore, innovate, and excel in STEM fields.”


Josephine is in her second year at Victoryland Academy. After receiving training in building auto robotics and using Scratch – a programming language used to create games and virtual experiences, Josephine believes it can help her simulate surgical operations as a surgeon in future. “We used Scratch to undertake ocean clean-up exercises virtually for environmental preservation. I can use Scratch to practise surgeries virtually till I become a professional surgeon. I would also like to teach my friends and classmates what I have learnt today.”

STEM Coordinator for New Juaben South Municipality, Louisa Amanor said the Grow Girls in STEM initiative will help the girls acquire new digital skills and reshape their perceptions of what they can achieve in future. “We need the girls to interact with more female STEM trainers and mentors to breakdown their misconceptions that this field is the preserve of men. The more they see and visualise careers in the field, it would be easier to focus and build careers in STEM.”

The Grow Girls in STEM training in Koforidua is a testament to the Telecel Ghana Foundation’s dedication to empowering young girls. The Foundation aims to empower and train young girls to explore and excel in STEM fields to compete in a world increasingly driven by technology and innovation. 

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People & Lifestyle

Mohammed Kudus, Dr. Prince Kofi Pambo inspires students at St. Nicholas Charity School in Tema



Football star Mohammed Kudus with Dr. Prince Kofi Pambo, the team doctor of the Black Stars recently visited the St. Nicholas Charity Preparatory School in Tema Newtown, delivering inspirational messages to the students about the importance of education and perseverance. 

Kudus, who was recently crowned Footballer of the Year at the Ghana Football Awards for the second consecutive time, chose the school for his first post-award engagement, highlighting his commitment to uplifting underprivileged communities.

St. Nicholas Charity Preparatory School, founded in 2012 by the St. Nicholas Charity Foundation, serves the Bankuman area, a community where many parents are fisherfolk and lack the means to support their children’s education. The school provides free education, uniforms, school supplies, and two meals a day to its 208 students, from Crèche to junior high school.

Mohammed Kudus, who also comes from a deprived community, shared his personal journey with the students, encouraging them to take their education seriously and dream big. “I understand the challenges you face because I faced them too. Education is your key to a better future. Stay focused and work hard, and you can achieve anything,” The “Starboy” told the students.

Mohammed Kudus, Dr. Prince Kofi Pambo inspires students at St. Nicholas Charity School in Tema

Mo Kudus at St. Nicholas Charity School

The visit, arranged by Dr. Prince Kofi Pambo, the team doctor of the Black Stars, included various activities such as basketball and football exhibitions. Kudus interacted with the children and delivered a short speech that resonated deeply with both students and staff. “Coming from a similar background, I know how important it is for these children to see that their dreams are achievable. Mohammed’s visit is a beacon of hope for them,” Dr. Pambo added. 

Ivan Quashigah, a renowned Ghanaian filmmaker and the founder and CEO of Farmhouse Productions, serves as a trustee of St. Nicholas Charity Preparatory School. He expressed his gratitude for Kudus’ visit. “Having someone of Kudus’ stature take the time to visit and inspire our students is incredibly special. It shows them that they are not forgotten and that their dreams are valid,” Quashigah said.

Since its inception, St. Nicholas has maintained a 100 percent pass rate in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), with graduates continuing their education at Keta Secondary School through the free Senior High School (SHS) programme. 

The school’s success is a testament to the power of education in breaking the cycle of poverty. The operational costs of the school are covered through donations from individuals and organizations. The initial funding came from a 100,000 US Dollars grant from the Maria Tsakos Foundation, based in Greece.

The foundation, associated with Tsakos Shipping, identified the educational needs in the community during their business operations in Ghana. The Greek Orthodox Church construction project in Tema was the catalyst for the school’s establishment. Observing numerous school-aged children idle and not attending school, the foundation took the initiative to gather these children and provide them with education, starting under a simple shed with one teacher. 


Over the years, the school has grown, offering education up to the junior high school level. Mr. Quashigah emphasised the importance of community support in the school’s success. “Our mission is to provide these children with the education they deserve, regardless of their financial background. We rely on the benevolence of individuals and organizations to keep the school running, and we are grateful for every bit of support,” he said. 

The school not only focuses on academic excellence but also on the holistic development of the children, incorporating sports and extracurricular activities into their curriculum. This approach ensures that students receive a well-rounded education, equipping them with essential life skills.

The school’s success stories are numerous, with students excelling in various fields. The first and second batches of graduates have all benefited from the free SHS programme and are making strides in their academic pursuits. Some are studying science, others are pursuing general arts, and all of them are on a path to a brighter future.

“As the children of St. Nicholas Charity Preparatory School continue their educational journey, they do so with the knowledge that they have the support and encouragement of role models like Mohammed Kudus and the trustees who are dedicated to their success. The visit by Kudus not only inspired the students but also brought attention to the incredible work being done at St. Nicholas, highlighting the importance of supporting such initiatives,” Mr. Quashigah added.


In a community where financial constraints often hinder educational opportunities, St. Nicholas Charity Preparatory School stands as a beacon of hope, proving that with the right support and determination, every child can achieve their dreams.

Noteworthy is the contributions of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs championed by Honourable Minister Nikos Dendias. The Ministry has donated funds for classrooms and the construction of a basketball pitch which is named after Greek basketball player Giannis Antetokounmpo and many other interventions. Tsakos Hellas, beyond its initial donations, has continued to support the school in many ways.

The Mytilineous Metka Group has continued to be one of the biggest supporters of the school. The company built a modern canteen which includes a kitchen and restrooms. The company has also helped to complete a number of classrooms and recently provided a brand new bus for the transportation of students to and from the school. 

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People & Lifestyle

Are You A Content Pirate?



Imagine a world where you can no longer watch addictive local series like Inspector Bediako, Madam, Eno, homegrown movies such as Queen of Akra, or your favourite sports event like the FIFA World cup or Euros. This could be a reality if copyright is not protected.

While streaming a series from a dodgy site may seem harmless, content piracy cripples Africa’s creative industries.

Piracy occurs when an individual, who is not the copyright holder, copies content and resells it for a significantly lower price than the copyright holder charges. Many perpetrators of piracy do not realise the impact it can have…

It starts when producers have less money to invest in new projects, technology, and talent. Investors lose faith in Africa’s creative industry as their rights aren’t protected, and then the quality and variety of content dwindles.


Soon, local productions are replaced with mainstream, one-size-fits-all material, which means there’s less and less work for local content creators – along with less investment in local economies and livelihoods.  If you’re unsure that the content you’re consuming comes from a legit source, follow this decision tree:


Piracy might seem like a victimless act, but it impacts Africa’s entire entertainment industry, from studios to individual creators. By choosing legal options, you’re supporting the local movies, shows, and music you love – and ultimately helping to protect Africa’s creative industry!

To learn more or find a safe, reliable source of local content, visit:

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