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7 Ways to Increase Twitter Auto-Retweets



Twitter is a dynamic and interactive social media platform with millions of users worldwide. One of the keys to success on this platform is ensuring your content reaches a wide audience. The “Twitter Auto-Retweet” feature can significantly help in spreading your posts to more people, thereby creating a broader network of engagement. This feature, when used effectively, can amplify your visibility and enhance your social media strategy. Let’s dive into seven strategies to maximize your auto-retweets on Twitter, ensuring your content gets the attention it deserves.

How to Increase Twitter Auto-Retweets

Increasing auto-retweets on Twitter is a multifaceted strategy that involves enhancing the visibility and engagement of your tweets. By implementing a series of targeted actions, you can significantly boost the likelihood of your content being auto-retweeted, thus reaching a broader audience. Let’s briefly overview the steps to achieve this, with a detailed exploration to follow:

  • Produce Regular Content: Maintaining consistency in your content creation keeps your audience engaged and attracts new followers who are likely to retweet your content.
  • Partner with Social Media Accounts: Collaborations with other accounts can help introduce your content to new audiences, thereby increasing the chances of auto-retweets.
  • Conduct Advertising Campaigns: Investing in Twitter ads can significantly amplify the reach of your tweets, making them more visible to potential retweeters.
  • Follow Trends: Making your content relevant to current trends increases its relevancy and shareability, encouraging more auto-retweets.
  • Use Hashtags: Strategic use of hashtags can make your tweets more discoverable to users interested in specific topics, thus leading to increased auto-retweets.
  • Participate in Different Challenges: Engaging in viral challenges can expose your content to viewers who are eager to share and participate, leading to more auto-retweets.
  • Try Organic Growth Services: Utilizing organic growth strategies can enhance your profile’s overall engagement, naturally resulting in an increase in auto-retweets.

By implementing these strategies, you’re well on your way to effectively increasing your Twitter auto-retweets, expanding your digital footprint, and enhancing your presence on social media.

Produce Regular Content


Creating regular content is a cornerstone strategy for boosting your Twitter Auto-Retweets. Here’s why it’s effective and how to do it right:

  • Consistency Attracts Engagement: Regular posting schedules keep your audience tuned in to your updates, making them more likely to engage with and retweet your content.
  • Content Variety: Mix up your content types (e.g., images, videos, polls) to keep your feed interesting and engaging. This variety can increase the chances of your tweets getting auto-retweeted as different users prefer different types of content.
  • Timeliness Matters: Posting when your audience is most active on Twitter maximizes your visibility. Tools like Twitter Analytics can help identify these peak times.
  • Quality Over Quantity: While regularity is crucial, the quality of your content should never be compromised. High-quality, valuable tweets are more likely to be auto-retweeted.
  • Use Relevant Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords and phrases related to your niche can make your tweets more searchable, thereby increasing the chance of auto-retweets.
  • Engage with Trends: Integrating trending topics into your content strategy can make your tweets more relatable and share-worthy, encouraging auto-retweets.

By focusing on these key aspects, your efforts in producing regular content can significantly contribute to increasing your Twitter Auto-Retweets, enhancing your social media presence and engagement levels.

Partner with Social Media Accounts

Collaborating with other social media accounts is an effective way to broaden the reach of your content and increase your Twitter Auto-Retweets. Here’s how to make the most out of these partnerships:

  • Identify Complementary Accounts: Look for accounts that share a similar audience but are not direct competitors. This can help ensure that the content is relevant and adds value to both parties’ followers.
  • Engage in Cross-Promotion: Agree on mutual content sharing strategies, such as retweeting each other’s posts or creating joint content. This exposes your tweets to a wider audience, increasing the likelihood of auto-retweets.
  • Leverage Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers can significantly boost your visibility. Their endorsement can lead to increased auto-retweets from their followers who trust their recommendations.
  • Participate in Twitter Chats: Join or co-host Twitter chats relevant to your industry. This is a great way to engage with other accounts, share insights, and get your tweets auto-retweeted by participants.
  • Create Co-Branded Content: Develop content that incorporates both brands. This not only enriches your content offering but also encourages both parties to share and auto-retweet the content to their respective audiences.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags: When collaborating, use hashtags that are popular within your shared audience. This increases the discoverability of your collaborative tweets, making them more likely to be auto-retweeted.
  • Measure and Analyze Results: After engaging in partnerships, analyze the performance of your collaborative efforts. Look at metrics like engagement rates and the increase in auto-retweets to understand what works best for future collaborations.

By strategically partnering with other social media accounts and implementing these practices, you can significantly enhance the reach and impact of your tweets, leading to more auto-retweets and engagement on Twitter.

Conduct Advertising Campaigns


Implementing advertising campaigns on Twitter can significantly enhance the visibility of your tweets and increase your Twitter Auto-Retweets. Here are key strategies for effective advertising:

  • Target Your Audience Precisely: Use Twitter’s advertising tools to target your ads based on users’ interests, behaviors, location, and more. This ensures that your content reaches the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and auto-retweets.
  • Utilize Promoted Tweets: These are regular tweets purchased by advertisers who want to reach a wider group of users or spark engagement from their existing followers. Because they appear in targeted users’ timelines, they’re more likely to be seen and auto-retweeted.
  • Leverage Twitter Ads for Visibility: Beyond promoted tweets, consider using Twitter’s various ad formats including video ads, carousel ads, and moment ads to capture attention and encourage auto-retweets.
  • Incorporate Engaging Visuals: Ads with compelling visuals tend to perform better in terms of engagement. High-quality images or videos can make your ad stand out and become more shareable.
  • Optimize Your Call to Action (CTA): A clear and compelling CTA in your ad can encourage users to engage with your content, including auto-retweeting. Whether it’s asking users to retweet, visit a website, or participate in a poll, make sure your CTA is direct and actionable.
  • Monitor and Adjust Your Campaigns: Use Twitter Analytics to track the performance of your ads. Look at metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and the number of auto-retweets. Use these insights to tweak your campaigns for better performance.
  • Capitalize on Trending Topics: If applicable, tie your ads into current trends or popular hashtags. This can increase the relevancy of your ads and encourage users to engage with and auto-retweet your content.

By carefully planning and executing your advertising campaigns on Twitter, you can significantly increase your tweet’s visibility, engagement, and the number of auto-retweets, ultimately expanding your reach on the platform.

Follow Trends

Staying on top of trends is crucial for maximizing engagement on Twitter, including leveraging auto-retweets. Here’s how to effectively follow and utilize trends:

  • Monitor Trending Hashtags: Keep an eye on the hashtags that are currently trending on Twitter. Incorporating these into your tweets can increase their visibility and the likelihood of being auto-retweeted by users interested in those topics.
  • Use Twitter Moments: Explore Twitter Moments to catch up with current news and events. Sharing or commenting on these can get your tweets in front of users who are following these stories, potentially increasing auto-retweets.
  • Engage with Trending Topics: Actively participate in conversations around trending topics relevant to your brand or personal interests. This not only shows that you are up-to-date but also increases the chances of your tweets being seen and auto-retweeted.
  • Create Content Around Trends: Develop tweets or content series that tie into ongoing trends. This strategy can attract more engagement and encourage users to auto-retweet your content if they find it relevant and timely.
  • Analyze Trend Performance: Use analytics tools to monitor how well your trend-based tweets perform. Look for patterns in engagement and auto-retweets to identify which types of trends resonate most with your audience.
  • Predict Upcoming Trends: By staying informed and analyzing social conversations, you might be able to predict upcoming trends before they take off. Posting early about these topics can position you as a thought leader and amplify your tweets through auto-retweets.
  • Leverage Trending Visuals and Memes: Visual content, especially memes that are on-trend, can significantly boost engagement. Such content is more likely to be shared and auto-retweeted, especially if it’s both entertaining and topical.

By strategically engaging with trends on Twitter, you can enhance your profile’s visibility, engage with a broader audience, and increase the number of auto-retweets your content receives. This not only boosts your social media presence but also helps in building a more engaged and active follower base.

Use Tags


Effectively using tags, including hashtags and mentions, can significantly enhance the visibility and engagement of your tweets, particularly when aiming to leverage auto-retweet strategies. Here’s how to make the most out of tags:

  • Incorporate Relevant Hashtags: Identify and use hashtags that are relevant to your tweet’s content. This increases the chances of your tweet being discovered by users interested in those topics, which can lead to more auto-retweets.
  • Research Trending Hashtags: Apart from using evergreen hashtags, also look for trending hashtags that align with your content. Tweets associated with trending topics are more likely to be seen and auto-retweeted by a larger audience.
  • Use Branded Hashtags: Create and promote a unique hashtag for your brand or campaign. This not only helps in tracking the conversation around your brand but also encourages users to include your tag in their tweets, increasing the potential for auto-retweets.
  • Mention Influential Accounts: When relevant, mention other Twitter users, especially those with a significant following or those who are influential in your industry. If they engage with your tweet, their followers might see it and auto-retweet, expanding your reach.
  • Limit the Number of Tags: While tags are essential, using too many in a single tweet can look spammy and reduce engagement. Stick to 1-3 relevant hashtags per tweet and mention only when it adds value to the content.
  • Analyze Tag Performance: Utilize Twitter Analytics to monitor how different tags perform in terms of engagement, reach, and auto-retweets. This will help you refine your tagging strategy over time.
  • Engage in Conversations: Participate in Twitter chats or discussions by using the designated hashtags. This not only shows your involvement in the community but also increases the visibility of your tweets to participants who might auto-retweet your contributions.

By strategically using tags in your tweets, you can significantly increase their visibility, engage with a broader audience, and enhance the likelihood of receiving auto-retweets. This approach is key to expanding your digital presence and influence on Twitter.

Participate in Various Challenges

Engaging in different challenges on Twitter can significantly increase your visibility and engagement, especially when incorporating strategies like auto-retweets. Here’s how to make the most out of participating in challenges:

    • Identify Popular Challenges: Keep an eye out for challenges that are trending or going viral within your niche or across Twitter. These are great opportunities for engagement and visibility.
    • Create Original Content: For each challenge you participate in, create unique and captivating content that stands out. Originality encourages more shares and auto-retweets, as users are drawn to fresh perspectives.
    • Use Challenge Hashtags: Every challenge usually has one or more associated hashtags. Use these tags in your tweets to ensure they’re discoverable by others participating in or following the challenge.
    • Engage with Other Participants: Don’t just post your challenge content; engage with other users who are also participating. Like, comment, and retweet their posts to foster community and increase the likelihood of reciprocal engagement and auto-retweets.
    • Leverage Timing: Post your challenge entries at optimal times when your audience is most active. This increases initial engagement, which can snowball into more visibility and auto-retweets.
    • Monitor Your Performance: After participating in challenges, review your analytics to see which types of challenges and content strategies led to the most engagement and auto-retweets. Use this data to refine your approach for future challenges.
    • Incorporate Trending Topics: If possible, tie in trending topics with the challenge. This not only makes your content timely but also increases the chances of it being shared and auto-retweeted by users interested in those trends.

By actively participating in various Twitter challenges and strategically leveraging them, you can significantly enhance your profile’s engagement and visibility. This approach not only helps in building a more vibrant and interactive follower base but also positions your content to be auto-retweeted more frequently, amplifying your reach on the platform.

Try Organic Growth Services


Focusing on organic growth services can significantly enhance your Twitter strategy, particularly when integrating practices like auto-retweeting. Here’s how to make the most of these services:

  • Engage with Your Audience: Regular engagement with your followers through likes, comments, and personal retweets can foster a loyal community. This encourages more organic interactions and increases the likelihood of your content being auto-retweeted by followers.
  • Create High-Quality Content: The cornerstone of organic growth is valuable, high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Such content is more likely to be shared and auto-retweeted, amplifying your reach without the need for paid promotions.
  • Utilize Analytics: Use Twitter Analytics to gain insights into what content performs best with your audience. Understanding these metrics can help you tailor your content strategy to encourage more organic engagement and auto-retweets.
  • Consistent Posting Schedule: Maintain a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and informed. Tools like TweetDeck and Hootsuite can help manage and schedule your posts for optimal times, indirectly supporting auto-retweet activities by keeping your content in the forefront.
  • Leverage Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with influencers who have a strong following in your niche can boost your visibility and credibility. Their endorsement may lead to higher engagement rates and more auto-retweets from both their followers and yours.
  • Host Giveaways and Contests: These can quickly increase your visibility and engagement on Twitter. Encouraging participants to retweet as part of the contest can lead to a significant boost in auto-retweets and attract new followers.
  • Use Twitter Threads: Threads allow you to tell a story or share information in a series of connected tweets. This can engage your audience longer and encourage more shares and auto-retweets, as followers find value in the comprehensive storytelling.
  • Incorporate Visuals and Videos: Tweets with images, GIFs, or videos typically see higher engagement than those without. These types of content are more likely to catch the eye of your followers and be auto-retweeted.

By implementing these strategies and focusing on organic growth, you can improve your Twitter presence significantly. Organically grown accounts tend to have more engaged followers, which translates into higher rates of auto-retweets and overall better performance on the platform.

What Are the Best TikTok Service Sites?


When discussing the realm of enhancing your TikTok presence, InstaFollowers emerges as a noteworthy platform. It’s not just about buying followers; InstaFollowers offers a variety of services designed to organically grow your social media accounts. One such service that stands out, especially for those looking to boost their Twitter account alongside TikTok, is the “InstaFollowers Buy Twitter Auto-Retweets” feature. This service aims to amplify your reach on Twitter by automatically retweeting your tweets, thus increasing engagement and potentially attracting a larger audience to your content.


Why Should You Buy Organic Growth Services?

In the digital age, organic growth services have become a cornerstone for anyone looking to build a strong online presence, particularly on platforms like TikTok. Here’s why investing in these services can be beneficial:

  • Authentic Engagement: Organic growth services focus on attracting real users who are genuinely interested in your content, leading to more meaningful interactions and engagement.
  • Sustainable Growth: Unlike quick fixes, organic growth builds your follower base steadily over time, ensuring more sustainable and long-lasting results.
  • Improved Visibility: These services often include strategies that enhance your visibility on the platform, making it easier for potential followers to discover your content.
  • Higher Credibility: Accounts that grow organically tend to have higher credibility among users, as they’re seen as more authentic compared to those that rely solely on purchased followers or likes.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Over time, organic growth services can prove to be more cost-effective, as they build a solid foundation that supports ongoing engagement without the constant need for additional investment.

Investing in organic growth services, such as those offered by InstaFollowers, including the “Buy Twitter Auto-Retweet” option, can significantly enhance your social media strategy. These services not only help in building a more engaged and loyal following but also in establishing a more influential and credible online presence.

How to Conduct a Twitter Auto-Retweet Analysis

Conducting a Twitter auto-retweet analysis can help you understand the effectiveness of your content strategy, identify your most engaging content, and discover how automatic retweeting is influencing your social media presence. Here’s a comprehensive guide to get you started:

  1. Define Your Objectives: Before diving into the analysis, clearly outline what you aim to achieve. Are you looking to increase engagement, boost your follower count, or enhance brand visibility? Your objectives will guide your analysis process.
  1. Gather Your Data: Collect data on tweets that have been auto-retweeted. This includes the tweet’s content, the number of retweets, likes, and replies it received, and any noticeable change in follower engagement or count following the retweets. Tools mentioned in sources like Circleboom’s blog and provide insights into how auto-retweets are performing.
  1. Analyze Engagement Patterns: Look for patterns in the data that might indicate why certain tweets were more successful. Consider factors like the time of posting, the use of hashtags, the type of content (e.g., text, images, videos), and the presence of specific keywords or phrases.
  1. Evaluate the Impact on Your Goals: Assess how the auto-retweets have affected your predefined objectives. For instance, if your goal was to increase engagement, determine if there was a significant uptick in likes, comments, and new followers as a result of the auto-retweets.
  1. Identify High-Performing Content: Pinpoint which types of content are being auto-retweeted the most and generating the highest engagement. This insight can inform your future content strategy, helping you produce more of what your audience enjoys.
  1. Monitor Changes Over Time: Social media trends and audience preferences can shift rapidly. Regularly conducting a Twitter auto-retweet analysis allows you to stay ahead of these changes and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  1. Leverage Analytical Tools: Utilize tools designed for Twitter analytics to streamline your analysis process. According to an article found on and information from, there are several tools available that can automate much of the data collection and analysis, saving you time and providing deeper insights.
  1. Apply Learnings to Optimize Strategy: Use the insights gained from your analysis to refine your Twitter strategy. This might involve tweaking your content calendar, experimenting with different posting times, or targeting new keywords and hashtags for auto-retweeting.

By conducting a thorough Twitter auto-retweet analysis, you can unlock valuable insights into your social media performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that propel your Twitter account to greater heights. Remember, the key to success lies in continuous testing, learning, and adapting to optimize your engagement and visibility on the platform.

What Will Increasing Twitter Auto-Retweet Bring to You?

Increasing the use of Twitter auto-retweet can have a significant impact on your social media strategy, offering a multitude of benefits that can enhance your online presence, engagement, and overall brand visibility. Here’s a closer look at what amplifying your Twitter auto-retweet efforts can bring to your social media game:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: One of the primary advantages of auto-retweets is their ability to significantly boost the visibility of your content. By automatically sharing tweets, you’re not only reaching your current followers but also potential new ones who may come across your retweeted content through their network. This increased exposure can lead to greater brand awareness and a wider audience reach.
  1. Consistent Engagement: Keeping your audience engaged can be a challenging task, especially with the vast amount of content available on Twitter. Auto-retweets can help maintain a consistent level of engagement by ensuring that your content is regularly shared, keeping it in the forefront of your audience’s mind and encouraging interactions even when you’re not actively posting.
  1. Streamlined Content Strategy: For businesses and influencers, curating and sharing relevant content is crucial for building a strong social media presence. Auto-retweeting can streamline this process by automatically sharing selected content, saving time and resources that can be allocated to other areas of your digital strategy.
  1. Increased Credibility and Trust: Sharing valuable and relevant content through auto-retweets can help establish your account as a credible source of information within your niche. This credibility can foster trust among your audience, which is essential for building lasting relationships and loyalty.
  1. Boost in Engagement Metrics: Auto-retweets can lead to an uptick in key engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares. This increased engagement not only improves the performance of your content within Twitter’s algorithm but also enhances your social proof, attracting more followers to your account.
  1. Opportunity for Viral Content: By increasing the chances of your content being seen and shared, auto-retweets can also increase the likelihood of your tweets going viral. Viral content can catapult your brand into the spotlight, bringing unparalleled levels of attention and growth.
  1. Feedback and Insights: More engagement means more feedback from your audience. This feedback can be invaluable in understanding what content resonates with your followers, allowing you to refine your strategy and create more targeted and effective content.
  1. Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional marketing efforts, auto-retweeting is a cost-effective way to promote your content, products, or services on Twitter. It leverages your existing content, maximizing its value and reach without additional advertising costs.

Incorporating a strategic approach to increasing Twitter auto-retweets can significantly contribute to achieving your social media objectives. By enhancing visibility, engagement, and credibility, auto-retweets serve as a powerful tool in the arsenal of any Twitter user looking to make an impact online.

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People & Lifestyle




As temperatures during the summer in mainland Europe continue to increase year on year, Virgin Limited Edition offers holidaymakers the opportunity to forgo the scorching heat of typical summer destinations and bask in the refreshing mountain air at Sir Richard Branson’s Verbier retreat The Lodge.

The luxurious mountain retreat opens its doors for hotel-style bookings from 14th June – 15thSeptember 2024, presenting the perfect summer getaway nestled amidst the majestic Swiss Alps and charming Alpine villages. Picture mornings filled with energising yoga sessions, afternoons exploring picturesque Verbier or cycling scenic mountain trails, and evenings spent soaking up breathtaking views from the hot tub with a glass of bubbly in hand.

Operated as an exclusive use chalet in the winter months, The Lodge opens its doors this summer to parties of all sizes, including couples, families, and solo travellers to experience the chalet, hotel style on an All-Inclusive basis, comprising of gourmet meals, as well as daily afternoon tea, premium drinks and champagne. Offering nine stunning bedrooms and suites, sleeping up to 18 adults, the Lodge will operate on an individual stay basis with the option to book exclusive use if the whole property is desired.

The Lodge serves as the perfect base for exploring the Swiss Alps by bike, with Verbier renowned for its prestigious cycling events and hundreds of kilometres of biking trails. Hikers will also find plenty to enjoy, from leisurely strolls to challenging 7-hour treks, and for those seeking new ventures, The Lodge offers opportunities to try authentic rock climbing and paragliding sessions. Following a day of exploring in the mountains, guests can kick back and relax in the indoor swimming pool, steam room and indoor and outdoor hot tubs. Children are also well catered for via a tailored ‘Lodge Rangers’ programme of fun and educational activities.


A group of people riding bikes on a mountainDescription automatically generatedCulinary delights await as The Lodge’s world-class chefs serve up delectable meals for guests. Passionate about sourcing food sustainably, the chefs prioritise local and seasonal ingredients, ensuring every dish is fresh and flavourful. In summer, guests can expect apricots, wild berries, herbs, and elderflower foraged from the gardens and surrounding mountains and cheese made by local cheesemaker Marc Dubosson.

Verbier offers a plethora of activities for all interests. Adventurous guests can take cable cars to the summit of Mont Fort, challenge their golf skills on many high-altitude courses, enjoy family horse treks, or simply stroll through charming streets filled with boutiques and designer shops. Music lovers can take advantage of the open-air concerts and music festivals that take place during the summer months, whilst equestrian fans can plan their trip around their favourite show jumpers.

Rates at The Lodge start from CHF 990 per room per night during the summer season based on two adults sharing and include all food and drink. For more information or to book, visit , email, or call +44 (0) 208 600 0430

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People & Lifestyle

Dubai to Host the Maiden Premier Energy Leadership Conference & Awards Middle East & Africa



Dubai is set to host the inaugural Premier Energy Leadership Conference & Awards 2024 – Middle East & Africa (PELADubai2024), an esteemed event celebrating outstanding achievements in the energy sector. This landmark event is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 17th – Friday, 18th October 2024, at the Al Khoory Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, under the theme: “Harnessing AI for a Sustainable Energy Future: Innovations, Impact, and Integration.”

The Premier Energy Leadership Awards is a high-impact, top-tier conference and awards ceremony developed by The Governance & Business Boardroom (a RADComm Group subsidiary), JEPMSS, and Energy Governance Middle East & Africa. This event is dedicated to recognizing individuals and organizations who are driving the future of the energy sector with exceptional vision, innovation, and commitment to sustainability. It aims to inspire others by showcasing the remarkable achievements of these leaders.


The Middle East and Africa (MEA) region holds a critical position in the global energy landscape, characterized by rich resources and strategic geopolitical significance. The region is undergoing a significant transformation with a focus on diversification, sustainability, and technological advancements. In this dynamic environment, the Premier Energy Leadership Awards aims to celebrate the strides made by industry leaders and ensure they remain at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.


The MEA region is experiencing a transformative shift in its energy sector, with a strong emphasis on adopting sustainable practices and innovative technologies. As the energy landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial to recognize and honor the leaders and organizations that are making significant contributions to this transformation. The Premier Energy Leadership Awards serves as a platform to highlight these contributions and inspire continued excellence and innovation in the energy sector.

We invite all stakeholders, industry leaders, and professionals to join us in Dubai for this prestigious event. The awards ceremony will provide a unique opportunity to network with peers, share insights, and celebrate the achievements of those who are driving positive change in the energy industry.

Participation & Speaking Opportunities:

We welcome industry leaders to participate and share their experiences and insights at the conference. Speaking slots are available, and we encourage interested parties to contact Richmond at +233247415140 via call or WhatsApp to express their interest.


About Us:

The Governance & Business Boardroom is a leading networking organization connecting corporate governance and business leaders worldwide. We provide a platform for senior executives, board members, and industry professionals to exchange ideas, share best practices, and foster valuable connections. Our mission is to promote thought leadership, excellence in governance, and sustainable business practices. We organize several notable events, including the Ghana National Governance & Business Leadership Conference & Awards and the Africa Public Sector Leadership & Innovation Conference & Awards. We are a member of RADComm Group. 

For further details and participation, please email us at [email protected] or [email protected]

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People & Lifestyle

Dr. Emmanuel Bortey Borketey’s Borehole Donation Brings Hope to Nabango- Alembila Community



Dr. Emmanuel Bortey Borketey, a distinguished businessman and philanthropist, has brought hope and relief to the residents of Mirig-Nabango in the Kasena Nankana West District of the Upper East Region with the donation of a much-needed borehole. (more…)

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People & Lifestyle

German officials decry racist attack on 8-year old Ghanaian girl and her father



German officials decry racist attack on 8-year old Ghanaian girl and her father

Police say a group of youths and teenagers injured an 8-year-old Ghanaian girl and her father in the town of Grevesmühlen in the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

German officials have condemned an attack that resulted in the injury of a Ghanaian girl and her father.

Police said that an 8-year-old Ghanaian girl and her 10-year-old sister were attacked by a group of around 20 teenagers and young adults late on Friday.

The 8-year-old girl and her father sustained mild injuries and were hospitalized.


The attack occurred in the town of Grevesmühlen in the northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Police said the attackers kicked the younger girl in the face, after which the girl’s parents intervened.

According to police reports, one of the suspected attackers continued to direct racist insults at the victims after officers arrived at the scene.

Police are investigating a breach of the peace, grievous bodily harm, incitement of hatred and verbal abuse.


Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on the platform X, formerly Twitter, that her thoughts and solidarity were with the children and their family.

“Calling children racist names and brutally attacking them is a sign of deep hatred and inconceivable inhumanity,” she said.

Grevesmühlen Mayor Lars Prahler told the German public radio station NDR 1 Radio MV that he was shocked at the incident.

“This racially motivated offense simply leaves me stunned. It shows bottomless hatred and uninhibited inhumanity and cannot be excused,” he said.


He added that the fact that some of the suspects are teenagers is no excuse for the behavior.

State Premier Manuela Schwesig condemned the attack in a post on X.

“The injured girl is 8 years old — as young as my daughter. We must not allow hatred and hate speech to poison our society and violence to threaten our children,” she declared.

Jana Michael, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Integration Commissioner, urged those in the group of youths to name the perpetrators.


“Every witness who remains silent is complicit and prevents the investigation of this disgusting violence against children,” she said.

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People & Lifestyle

Here are the 15 busiest airports in Africa



Edinburgh Airport

Air travel in Africa is poised to surpass pre-pandemic levels for the first time in 2024. From Cairo, home to Africa’s second-oldest airport, to Johannesburg, which uniquely offers direct flights to six continents, the continent’s aviation sector is on a robust recovery trajectory.

A report by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) highlights a significant 20.7% year-on-year increase in international passenger traffic for African airlines. This surge in capacity, up by 22.1% year-on-year, shows the growth within Africa’s aviation sector. This expansion mirrors a global trend, with total passenger traffic exceeding pre-pandemic levels by 5.7% in February 2024.

In this context, Nairametrics has compiled a list of the busiest airports in Africa based on flight traffic in  2024 daily.


This list highlights the busiest airports in Africa, measured by the number of scheduled daily departures, rather than the number of passengers. It includes only scheduled passenger flights and excludes freighters or chartered flights. This data is sourced from, a travel tool website that publishes airline routes and schedules worldwide.


15. Durban International

Durban International Airport in South Africa ranks as the third-largest airport in the country, with an average of 55 daily flights.

The busiest route is to Johannesburg (JNB), featuring an average of 204 weekly departures, accounting for over 55% of the airport’s total weekly flights.

Key international destinations include Dubai (DXB) and Harare (HRE), with the Durban to Dubai flight taking approximately 8 hours and 20 minutes.

Safair emerges as the leading airline at Durban International, with around 205 scheduled weekly departures, quadrupling the number of flights operated by the second-largest airline, CemAir.


14. Kotoka International Airport Accra

Kotoka International Airport (ACC), the largest airport in Ghana located in Accra, handles an average of 57 flights daily.

Operating from three terminals (Terminal 1, 2, and 3), the airport’s busiest route is to Kumasi (KMS), with an average of 88 weekly departures, representing 22% of the total weekly flights.

Major international destinations include Lagos (LOS) and Abidjan (ABJ). The longest flights from Kotoka are to New York (JFK), taking approximately 11 hours and 10 minutes, and to Dulles (IAD), with a flight time of 10 hours and 45 minutes.

Here, Africa World Airlines has the highest departures, with around 117 scheduled take-offs weekly. The second largest operator is Passion Air.


13. Zanzibar International Airport

Zanzibar International Airport, the second-largest airport in the United Republic of Tanzania, plays host to an average of 70 daily flights. With two terminals (Terminal 2 and Terminal 3), its busiest route is to Dar Es Salaam (DAR), with a 221 weekly departures, accounting for 42% of the airport’s total weekly flights.

Some of its most frequent international destinations include Nairobi (NBO) and Mombasa (MBA).

Auric Air dominates the departures from Zanzibar, with approximately 123 scheduled take-offs each week, followed by Precision Air.

12. Dar Es Salaam (DAR) – 75 flights every day

As the largest airport in the United Republic of Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam International Airport (DAR) accommodates an average of 75 flights daily. Operating from three terminals, the airport’s busiest route is to Zanzibar (ZNZ), with an average of 173 weekly departures, accounting for 33% of the total weekly flights.


Prominent international destinations from Dar Es Salaam include Nairobi (NBO) and Addis Ababa (ADD). The longest flights are to Guangzhou (CAN), taking around 11 hours, and to Amsterdam (AMS), with a flight time of 9 hours and 35 minutes.

Air Tanzania leads in departures from DAR, with approximately 148 scheduled take-offs each week, followed by Precision Air.

11. Marrakech Menara Airport

Marrakesh Menara Airport (RAK), the second-largest airport in Morocco with 79 daily flights on avergage it is a key aviation hub based in Marrakech.

The busiest route from this airport is to Paris Orly (ORY), with an average of 45 weekly flights, making up 8% of all departures.


Domestically, Casablanca (CMN) and Fes (FEZ) are the most popular destinations. The longest flights from Marrakesh are to New York (EWR), taking approximately 9 hours and 5 minutes, and to Montreal (YUL), with a flight time of 7 hours and 40 minutes.

Ryanair stands out as the largest airline at Marrakesh Menara, with about 181 scheduled take-offs each week, followed by easyJet.

10. Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport

Abuja Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (ABV), the second-largest airport in Nigeria, handles an average of 79 daily flights. Flights depart from one of its four terminals (Terminal B, C, D, and E).

The busiest route is to Lagos (LOS), with an average of 178 weekly departures, accounting for 32% of all weekly flights. Key international destinations include Accra (ACC) and Lome (LFW).


The longest flights from Abuja are to Doha (DOH), taking approximately 8 hours and 40 minutes, and to London (LHR), with a flight time of 6 hours and 35 minutes.

Air Peace leads in departures from Abuja, with around 149 scheduled take-offs weekly, followed by Cimber AS.

The airport accommodates larger aircraft such as the Boeing 777, Airbus A350, and Airbus A340, while the most frequently scheduled aircraft types are the Boeing 737 and Embraer ERJ14X/13X.

9. Tunis–Carthage International Airport (TUN)

Tunis–Carthage International Airport (TUN), the largest airport in Tunisia, handles an average of 83 flights daily. With 26 airlines operating, you can fly to 65 destinations in scheduled passenger traffic.


The busiest route is to Mitiga, Tripoli (MJI) in Libya, with an average of 52 weekly flights, comprising 9% of all weekly departures. Popular domestic destinations include Djerba (DJE) and Sfax (SFA).

Tunisair is the leading airline at Tunis–Carthage, with approximately 210 scheduled take-offs each week, followed by Nouvelair Tunisie.

The airport accommodates larger aircraft such as the Boeing 777, Airbus A350, and Airbus A330. The most frequently scheduled aircraft types are the Airbus A31X/32X and Boeing 737.

8. Houari Boumediene Airport Algier (ALG)

Houari Boumediene Airport (ALG), the largest airport in Algeria located in Algiers, handles approximately 100 flights daily. Departures occur from one of its four terminals (Terminal 3, D, I, and W). The most frequently traveled route is to Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) in France, with an average of 69 weekly flights, constituting 9% of all weekly departures. Domestically, popular destinations include Oran (ORN) and Constantine (CZL). The longest flights from Algiers are to Kuala Lumpur (KUL), taking around 13 hours and 10 minutes, and to Beijing (PEK), with a flight time of 11 hours and 45 minutes.


Air Algerie leads in departures from Houari Boumediene, with approximately 509 scheduled take-offs each week, significantly surpassing the second-largest airline, Air France. The airport accommodates larger aircraft such as the Boeing 777, Airbus A330, and Boeing 787 Dreamliner, while the most frequently scheduled aircraft types are the Boeing 737 and ATR 72/42.

7. Murtala Muhammed International Airport Lagos (LOS)

Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos, Nigeria, stands as the country’s largest airport, handling an average of 101 daily flights. Flights operate from its two terminals, Terminal D and Terminal I.

The busiest route is to Abuja (ABV), with an average of 178 weekly flights, comprising 25% of all weekly departures. Key international destinations from Lagos include Accra (ACC) and Doha (DOH). The longest flights include Lagos to Maasai Mara (ANA), a journey lasting approximately 23 hours.

Air Peace leads in departures from Murtala Muhammed Airport, with around 193 scheduled take-offs per week, followed by Cimber AS.


6. Cape Town International Airport (CPT)

Cape Town International Airport (CPT), the second largest airport in South Africa, operates an average of 103 flights daily.

The airport’s busiest route is to Johannesburg (JNB), with approximately 301 weekly flights, representing 41% of all weekly departures. Key international destinations from Cape Town include Windhoek (WDH) and Dubai (DXB).

The longest flights from Cape Town are to Atlanta (ATL), with a flight duration of approximately 15 hours and 55 minutes, and to Dulles (IAD), taking about 15 hours and 45 minutes.

Safair leads in departures from Cape Town International Airport, with around 268 scheduled take-offs per week, followed by Airlink (South Africa).


5. Mohammed V International Airport –Casablanca (CMN)

Mohammed V International Airport (CMN), the largest airport in Morocco located in Casablanca, operates with approximately 104 flights daily. Flights depart from its two terminals, Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.

The most frequented route is to Paris Orly (ORY) in France, with an average of 46 weekly flights, constituting 6% of all weekly departures. Popular domestic destinations include Marrakech (RAK) and Agadir (AGA). The longest flights from Casablanca are to Miami (MIA), taking around 8 hours and 45 minutes, and to Dulles (IAD) with a flight time of 8 hours.

Royal Air Maroc is quite popular for its departures from Mohammed V Airport, with approximately 559 scheduled take-offs each week, significantly surpassing the second largest airline, Air Arabia Maroc.

4. Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Nairobi (NBO)

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO), the largest airport in Kenya situated in Nairobi, records approximately 123 flights daily.


Flights operate from its five terminals (Terminal 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, and 2). The most frequented route is to Mombasa, with an average of 147 weekly flights, accounting for 17% of all weekly departures. Key international destinations from Nairobi include Kigali  and Entebbe .

The longest flights from Jomo Kenyatta International are to New York (JFK), with a flight duration of approximately 15 hours, and to Changsha (CSX), taking about 11 hours and 15 minutes.

Kenya Airways accounts for around 405 scheduled take-offs per week, followed by Jambojet Limited.

3. Addis Ababa Bole International Airport (ADD)

Addis Ababa Bole International Airport (ADD), the largest airport in Ethiopia, operates with a remarkable 194 flights daily. Flights depart from its two terminals, Terminal 1 and Terminal 2. T


he most frequently traveled route is to Bahar Dar (BJR), with an average of 106 weekly flights, representing 7% of all weekly departures.

Key international destinations from Addis Ababa include Dubai (DXB) and Rome (FCO). The longest flights from Bole International Airport are to Sao Paulo (GRU), taking approximately 12 hours and 30 minutes, and to Shanghai (PVG), with a flight time of 11 hours and 45 minutes.

Ethiopian Airlines has the most departure from Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, with around 1,364 scheduled take-offs per week, significantly surpassing the second largest airline, Kenya Airways.

2. Cairo International Airport (CAI)

In second place for busiest airport in Africa is Cairo International Airport (CAI), the largest airport in Egypt with a record of 243 flights daily.


Flights depart from one of its four terminals (Terminal 1, 2, 3, and S). The most frequently travelled route is to Jeddah (JED) in Saudi Arabia, with an average of 211 weekly flights, comprising 12% of all weekly departures. Popular domestic destinations include Hurghada (HRG) and Sharm el Sheikh (SSH).

EgyptAir leads in departures from Cairo International Airport, with around 734 scheduled take-offs per week, significantly surpassing the second-largest airline, Air Cairo.

1. Johannesburg International Airport (JNB)

Johannesburg International Airport (JNB) stands as the busiest airport in Africa, handling an average of 251 flights daily.

As the largest airport in South Africa, it operates flights from its two terminals, Terminal A and Terminal B. The most frequented route is to Cape Town (CPT), with an average of 300 weekly flights, accounting for 17% of all weekly departures.


Key international destinations from Johannesburg include Harare (HRE) and Lusaka (LUN).

Airlink (South Africa)has the highest departure rates from Johannesburg International, with around 657 scheduled take-offs per week, followed by Safair.

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Kira Forex: The Ghanaian woman setting the pace in the Forex Trading business



The advent of new media and digital money-making platforms has provided a plethora of opportunities for people to earn money and transform their life stories through legitimately acquired wealth and affluence.

One such life-changing and lucrative opportunity presented by new media is the forex trading business, which has surged in the past decade, leading to the creation of millions of new millionaires and billionaires worldwide.

Forex Trading is essentially the art of studying the global currency market and leveraging information about currency rates to buy and exchange currencies on a forex marketing platform.

The popularity of Forex Trading has soared in the country over the past half-decade, with several Ghanaians studying currency trends and making significant financial gains from it. However, only one name stands out in the business.


Amid the growing interest in the Forex Trading business in the country, only one name has emerged as the pioneer and pacesetter: Lamidi Sikira, better known by her brand name, “Kira Forex.”

Just as Yaa Asantewaa is synonymous with feminine bravery in Ghana, Kira Forex has become the prime face of Ghanaian and African excellence in the forex trading business.

With over ten years of experience, Kira Forex has rightfully earned the reputation of a forex trading luminary, with several awards in Ghana and across the continent validating her position as one of Africa’s leading forex traders.

Her success in the field is so profound that she revealed in 2023 that she turned down a $20,000-a-month job to continue leading the pack in the forex trading industry.


A trait of Kira Forex that endears her to many Ghanaians is her selflessness and willingness to guide others, particularly Ghanaian women, out of poverty. Having established herself in the field, Kira Forex founded the Kira Forex Academy with the goal of enlightening Ghanaians, especially women, about the forex trading industry, enabling them to earn money from the comfort of their homes.

A staunch advocate for the independence and growth of women, Kira Forex believes that financial freedom is the most crucial condition for independence and is thus leading many Ghanaian women on the path to financial freedom and wealth.

She also established the Kira Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organization committed to enlightening, enriching, and empowering individuals in Ghana and across Africa. Through this foundation, she actively supports programs and social causes aimed at improving the lives of youths and the elderly, exemplifying her commitment to serving humanity.

Her outstanding work as a Forex Trader and philanthropist has earned her several awards, including Most Influential Trader and Best Forex Trader in Singapore, Outstanding Service Award in Nigeria, Africa’s Under 40 CEOs Award in Uganda, and Best Female Forex Trader of the Year in South Africa, among others.

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